Are you ready to take your life to the next level?

Call to Mastery Mentoring Program is an online, 6-month intensive, spiritual mentoring program limited to 12 dedicated students.

March 9 -August 10, 2025

“You won’t imagine where you can get! It’s real! It’s life-changing! I’ve grown into me! I’ve learned so much! The life I’ve always dreamed about has now started!“
- Sandra, Austria

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Call to Mastery 6-Month Masters Program

Limited to 12 Students
Program Cost: $4400 (in 3 installments)

Grandmother Jonette has created a profoundly transformative mentoring platform for deep, accelerated growth for 12 dedicated students. If this is you and you are ready to find out everything you are meant to move beyond, and all you are meant to embrace, then join us on March 9, 2025 for a 6-month intensive Master Mentoring challenge.

A Note from Jonette

"We have now completed 6 cycles of our “Call to Mastery” program. It is an honor to midwife such deep awakenings. There is an intimacy and trust born in the group that is truly life-changing. Each person’s growth illuminates the path for the others. I never imagined the immensity of breakthroughs that people can experience by working together intensely over only 6 months. My own growth, because of this program has even astonished me!

Please don’t ignore the Call to Mastery that is reverberating through the dimensions. MARK sees that our individual evolution will become an energetic hub to drive forward the growth of countless others.

As a Kumara, a Grandmother and a White Buffalo Woman I will push you and know that you will push me. 😉

Together we’ll support each other to go beyond what any of us knows, and most probably beyond what we can imagine for ourselves. I am fully committed to supporting you on your sacred path. Please check with your higher self to see if this is right for you now. Let’s do this!"

What Participants Are Saying

"The biggest gift of the Master’s class is that I’m aware of the undercurrent of peace in my life."
- Leike, NL

“I will not hide anymore! I will be ME. I AM ME!“
- Tina, Denmark

“I am becoming more and more of myself. More of me is in me now. I can face anything!“
- Hesther, Netherlands

“I’m on the edge of Creation..a whole new place…quiet, soft ecstasy, pure bliss!"
- Janet, UK

“I’m so glad I found you and took this course! You put it all together for me. I now understand healing and it’s all because of you and our wonderful group!“
- Sonaell, USA

“I intuitively knew that I had to join the Masters Program. The ongoing journey is truly magic! It's deep, high, amazing, intense, and it opens doors within me. I’m still in the full process of upgrades and magic. There is so much more peace, harmony, leadership, mastery, focus, clarity now in my life than ever before!”
- Martina, Panama

A Call to Mastery is reverberating through the dimensions... Are you ready to answer it?

Only 12 students will be selected as we work with the White Medicine Wheel and the powerful sacred geometry of two 6-pointed stars.

  • Do you already live your life in trust and have heard the call to a higher level of spiritual being?
  • Do you wish to be all you can be in the year of 2025 and beyond?
  • Are you committed to actualizing your highest potential in this life?
  • Are you ready to look deeply into yourself, take action and make changes?
  • Do you embrace the miraculous transformational power of Spirit?
  • Do you know yourself as a Way-shower, a Light-leader, even if it is quietly?
  • Are ready to be on purpose, standing in your power and truth?
  • Are you already happy and balanced yet wanting to take everything to a higher level?

Program Includes

  • 6 Personal Mentoring Sessions
    • 6 monthly scheduled Mentoring Sessions with Jonette.
    • 1 session includes a meditation channeled & recorded specifically for you.
    • Includes recording and AI-generated, unedited transcriptions.
    • Access to Jonette as needed.
    • A discounted Soul regression session with Laura Weaver.
  • 2 full-day Sunday Zoom gatherings for our group of 12.
  • 4 half-day Zoom gatherings for our group of 12 (Saturday or Sunday).
  • Activations and initiations will be part of our one-on-one sessions, and our group gatherings.
  • Weekly ‘star-group’ Mastermind meetings of 6 (without Jonette).
  • Triad meetings with 2 partners as needed.
  • Homework that includes meditation, Soul Body Fusion®, journaling and special assignments.
  • A dedicated WhatsApp group to share breakthroughs, insights, and get support.
  • Personal access to Jonette through her direct email and WhatsApp app.

There is no syllabus since the process and the outcomes are unscripted. However, activations and initiations will be part of our one-on-one meetings and our group gatherings.

Program Details


The program cost is $4400, payable in 3 installments:

  • $1000 non-refundable deposit due upon registration, to hold your place.
  • $1200 is due Saturday, February 15, 2025.
  • $2200 is due by Thursday, May 15, 2025.

The program is based on the sacred geometry of 12, so we will require 12 committed people. Therefore, once you begin it is not possible to drop out. Because of the level at which we will be working, there will be no scholarships available for this program.


We will take the first 12 people who submit their deposit. If all spots fill up, we will offer a waitlist.

We are looking for already self-actualized people who are seeking even more from their spiritual lives.

If you have questions about the program that are not answered on the webpage, please email Jonette directly at

Let's join together on the wings of transcendence.

2025 Schedule:


Personal Sessions - March 5 and 6
Group Meeting - Sunday, March 9 - Full-day Zoom Meeting


Personal Sessions - April 10 and 11
Group Meeting - Sunday, April 13 - Half-day Zoom Meeting


Personal Sessions - May 14 and 16
Group Meeting - Sunday, May 18 - Half-day Zoom Meeting

Personal Mentoring Sessions: Monthly 50-minute sessions are offered between 9am-3pm MT or 17- 23h CET*. Jonette can be flexible on dates, if needed. You’ll receive a link to schedule times for your monthly Personal Sessions and for your personal meditation recording.
*March times may differ based on local time changes.


Personal Sessions - June 3 and 4
Group Meeting - Saturday, June 14 - Half-day Zoom Meeting


Personal Sessions - July 9 and 10
Group Meeting - Sunday, July 13 - Half-day Zoom Meeting


Personal Sessions - August 6 and 7
Group Meeting - Sunday, August 10 - Full-day Zoom Meeting

Group Meetings: Saturdays or Sundays on Zoom. The first and last meetings are full-day Meetings (7am-2pm MT / 14-22h CET). All others are half-day meetings (9am-1pm MDT / 17-21h CET*)
*March times may differ based on local time changes.

"Masters do not do what has come before. Masters do what is undone." - White Eagle

More testimonials from Past Masters

“The intensity of this course has brought about permanent change in me! I have grown spiritually, but most important my daily presence has shifted. I feel much more love and flow in my life now.”
- Anne, Denmark

“Another mind blowing session with you! Your incredible knowledge, clarity, wisdom and spirit are such a great help in my process. Big transformations and opening up to the parts of me that I’ve kept down. It’s fantastic! Thank you SO much!”
- Birgitte, Denmark

“I’ve had tremendous breakthroughs and now have a totally new perspective; I appreciate everything that life offers! This program has been a life changing experience. The unconditional support from the group helped me overcome my fears and truly connect. I finally managed to become me!”
- Nedelina, Netherlands

“I now have an expanded openness and willingness. It loosened the lid on my jar so I can question perceptions to allow my inner and outer worlds to reorganize.”
- Tracey, US

“I have changed as a person. What you've done with me is amazing! I’ve worked with many different people but only with you I have an extraordinary flow and good energies and I am stronger.”
- Marlena, Poland

“Jonette has helped me remove the distortions of fear and self-doubt. I am now operating beyond polarity and am mastering my ability to create by aligning my intentions with my beliefs in a powerful way. The game board has flipped, and I am so excited to be entering a new round of undistorted creation!”
- Dani, US

“More of everything! Stopped blaming others, greater connection to nature, feeling of being guided in everything, not reacting, moments of grace.”
- Beth, Sweden

“I am so full of gratitude for this journey of mastery and initiation. I have known Jonette for 30 years. Her commitment to the Light, her integrity, and absolute resolve to lift the veils and manifest Light in the world has only grown stronger and clearer. Our one-on-one sessions have all been awesome—deep, penetrating and profound in ways that are beyond words. I watched my fellow masters transforming and blossoming. I feel the mastery viscerally…a beautiful clear resonance reverberating in my body. Embodied mastery! So grateful!”
- Nitzan, Israel


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