Kelly, a gorgeous 30-year-old mother, is a natural medium. She is also my only niece. Yes, clairvoyance does run in the family. Her neighbors, a young couple with a seven-month-old son have a ghost problem. Austin, the home’s original owner, died years ago in a boating accident, but his spirit hangs around his old house making his presence known from time to time. Kelly has seen the ghost and had communicated to him about leaving, which he was unwilling to do.
We were invited over to see what we could do together. It was fun to do a joint visit with Kelly as we each got different parts of the story. We were able to convince Austin’s spirit  to give up his anger and disappointment and to move on, reminding him that he could be a better protector from the other side.
Kelly happened to look out the window, explaining, “This has nothing to do with your ghost, but that big tree in the front yard does not want to be cut down.”  Evidently the tree was rotting at the bottom and hadn’t flowered for years. The couple were indeed ready to have the tree removed. They trusted Kelly’s intuition, agreeing to let the tree stand. I also felt that the tree would respond now that the ghost was gone, explaining, “The tree will blossom purple now.”
Next I focused on the health of mother and baby. The mom has been experiencing severe vertigo, tiredness and cloudy thinking since the late stages of her pregnancy. No medical explanation could be found. The baby suffered from low weight gain. My intuition was that the child really didn’t want to be born and was using up his mother’s life-force in order to remain alive. For his sake and his mother’s, he now needed to clearly decide to stay and to let his mother be his mom only, not his energetic crutch. We did a small ceremony and ‘baby blessing,’ asking him to release his dependence on his mother’s energy and her to release his unhealthy attachment to her. I did Soul Body Fusion on the mother and infant to help them be strong in themselves. The child responded with a smile and the mother with relief. Kelly and I left a happy baby, a relieved mother and father, and a ghost-free house.
The next morning, as if to thank us, the reprieved jacaranda tree that hadn’t blossomed in years --a species that flowers in the spring -- produced a single bunch of lavender blossoms! They hung proudly from the branch just outside the front door, six months before springtime!
PS. Nearly 3 weeks later, Kelly reports that the mother, who was unable to work because of her vertigo, “is a different person. She was the best I’ve seen her in over a year, so something must be working!”
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