
Your soul is your connection to the richness and power of Universal Source. When body and soul are misaligned you can’t be the divine human you are meant to be.

Click here to watch an interview with Jonette Crowley while she talks about Soul Body Fusion: The Missing Link.

Many of us are at odds with ourselves, stumbling along without the full power and presence of our spirit. Life’s traumas, abuses and disappointments can cause the energetic frequencies of soul and body to be out of sync.  Soul Body Fusion® is a simple, safe, and quick process you can do on yourself and others that re-aligns the body at a cellular level with the highest possible light it can hold. The changes are permanent and never-ending. Imagine how it will feel to fully embody your powerful spirit . . . the missing piece for health and well-being.

When her schedule allows, Jonette will conduct private Soul Body Fusion® sessions over the phone,                                          Please click here for more details.

Birthed from the highest of ancient wisdom, energies of your own awakening move more fully into your body. Learn to use this on yourself and others for healing, grounding, deep well-being, and accelerated spiritual growth.

New times create and demand new tools; approaches that make instant physical shifts and aren’t dependent on cultural or spiritual practices or beliefs. This is Soul Body Fusion. The only hard part is that it is so simple as to be almost unbelievable.

Do you feel that your soul and your body aren’t in sync?   Do you sometimes feel un-grounded or like you don’t belong? Do you know that you should have more energy and vitality but can’t get there? Imagine how it will feel to have the light of your spirit fully and permanently joined in your body, as they are meant to be.

Soul Body Fusion is a radically simple tool for health, wholeness, and accelerated spiritual growth. It makes us more of who we are. You might say it is where all the human effort gives way, creating a space for our own divinity.  The process was given to me as a gift, so I would share it as quickly and gracefully as possible.

By fully harmonizing with your higher aspects – which I call soul- you are opening the door for the limited, three dimensional you to experience greater realities beyond time and space.  Events are brought about that may look quite miraculous to the small self.  When your soul and body are operating as a unified whole, there is no lack.  Your own soul may be the missing piece in your potential,  Access your own talents is what makes the Soul Body Fusion process so powerful with sometimes spectacular results.

Some Results and Testimonials:

– The most graceful, easy, beautiful way to enlightenment—my soul is home and the struggle is over. I’m ecstatic!

– It is the first time in my life I have felt real happiness.

– I was diagnosed with type-two diabetes and took medication three times a day. After the first Fusion I scaled back on my drugs. I believe SBF has fixed my body so it produces insulin normally again. I was just at the doctor’s, and he confirmed I no longer have diabetes! I cannot find another explanation for this except Soul Body Fusion®.

– I was depressed, jealous, angry, and isolated. I didn’t trust myself or anyone else. In the Fusion session I got my soul grounded and all the energy changed! I had a 180-degree shift immediately! Even my boyfriend changed. He didn’t know what happened. It is now easy for me to control myself and focus again. I finally broke out of the box and am free to be the real Jenny!

– The SBF has opened new doors for me . . . doors I never even knew existed. For the first time ever I experience myself as pure innocence; every deed is purely driven by love!! Laughter has been my companion as I realized that I am what I have spent a lifetime trying to be. The Soul Body Fusion technology has allowed me to see that I already am heaven (my soul) on earth (my body). My self-image has shifted from weak human to amazingly empowered divine messenger . . . just an astounding experience!

– Sometimes I don’t see the world through my own eyes but more out of a pair of eyes in my forehead, or even above my head. I don’t want to have this feeling of light in the upper part of my body, while the lower part feels dark and dead. I need my heavenly spirit to come down in my legs and feet and continue down into the earth, creating a strong safety line to pull me down as a counterweight to the strong power that seems to be pulling me up toward heaven. After the Soul Body Fusion class, I feel stronger. I am no longer fragile—not so afraid of the world and my gifts as before. The best part of all is—my heart doesn’t hurt anymore!

– It was absolutely beautiful and amazing! I’ve been doing a lot of work on my own consciousness, and I now realize—and it seems so obvious—that I was not living my divinity from inside my own physical body! In the first phase, I had the sensation and awareness of energy moving, melding, and merging into my body. In the second phase, there was this divine light coming through. I feel more centered now, whereas before I didn’t want to be inside my own body, thinking that to experience divinity as a human my mind needed to be in the higher realms. Thank you!

– Since my last Soul Body Fusion there has been this rock of Gibraltar energy within me—soul—immovable, immutable, unassailable. And it just sits there, vibrating powerfully. I can no longer do things the way I used to. This vibrating truth resonates such powerful clarity that I am unable to do anything that doesn’t match this frequency. Parts of me feel I “should” do things; however, there is no way I can. Truth just sits there, showing me that the only reason I’m doing it is out of responsibility and fear. No chocolate either! Bummer— doesn’t match the new resonance. This clarity isn’t being forced on me

—it is just powerfully there, way beyond words. It is powerful, unavoidable knowing.

– The Soul Body Fusion process has changed my life. After the third Fusion I noticed a significant change in my awareness. I felt my body responding and supporting my intuitive soul nature. It felt different to be able to feel, hear, and experience the harmony. There is an added clarity to my path; having the body and soul work together to guide me is so powerful. It adds confidence to each step.

* Examples of healing are individuals’ reported experiences only. Center for Creative Consciousness and Jonette Crowley make no medical or curative claims for Soul Body Fusion®.

To experience this exquisite process, please read the book – Soul Body Fusion:  The Missing Piece in our Potential, or join us for an Introductory Evening, or a Soul Body Fusion Workshop.  You may even want to become a teacher and Soul Body Fusion Practitioner by attending a Teachers Certification Course!  Click here for details.


 Soul Body Fusion® – Solar Grail Jewelry

Jonette has designed beautiful jewelry that embodies the grace and power of Soul Body Fusion.   For details and to purchase Click Here.

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#3 of the Transcendence Trilogy 

A Hawaiian Intiation with the Fire Goddess Pele
Friday, June 21
12pm MDT/20 CEST

#3 Solstice Icon Trancendence Trilogy

Fire Goddess Pele

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