Danish nurse and Soul Body Fusion® practitioner volunteers at an Ebola clinic.

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Guest Blog by Tine Dideriksen

(The blog is taken from emails from Tine to Jonette)

The last week has been somewhat different from the week before. Perhaps it has simply been a week where my soul—me—has been doing divine work, with a different focus. Last week, I did a lot of Soul Body Fusion® (SBF) at the Ebola Treatment Center (ETC) and the patients. This week, I had a vision of my purpose here. And it was different than what I thought up until now. When I left Denmark I was sure my primary purpose here was to be a nurse doing SBF wherever possible.

During a meditation I was told, that I am the spiritual leader of this mission. That message made my ego go crazy. Telling me how stupid it is, that I have no leading skills, that I am too young and must have heard it wrong. I felt stupid and was not ready to listen. How could I be the leader of something so important?! I kept thinking, that you, Jonette, have been doing this for so long, you can lead and I thought I was sent here to do SBF with you as the lead. Never the less, signs kept coming my way. People coming to me for advice and situations that called for spiritual guidance. I was very reluctant and in doubt.

Something changed for me last night. I was on the night shift, (12 hour shift) with a female colleague, whom I have had some difficulties with. Actually I was fearing that shift, because of her behavior earlier. She is on my team, and during last week, she had been arguing with all team members, making herself someone nobody wanted to come near.

For some time my ego was in charge, telling me, that she was not worth talking to and that I of course was right all the time. At one point I felt so out of tune with myself, that I decided to take a closer look at the situation. One morning I was guided to “Speak from my heart, and allow myself to say the truth I felt. To open myself up to hearing and feeling truth. And to let myself feel a deep connection to another person.” And I saw an image of her. After a small discussion with myself, I decided to listen and give it a go.

TineAt the Ebola Treatment Center I raised my energy while focusing on her. I did Soul Body Fusion® on her, without asking, and all of the sudden angels appeared around her. They were trying to get her attention, whispering to her. She was not able to hear. I could see her — her divinity— and she was so beautiful. Before knowing what I was doing, I went to her and asked her to step out with me. Words started to come out of my mouth, words coming from the divine. I told her what I saw and asked her to allow herself to listen. To remember her divinity. To raise her energy and her soul started talking to me. Telling me to tell her that the reason she does not feel at home on earth, is because she is an earth angel, remembering what it is like “in heaven.” When I said that, she just looked at me and in her eyes I saw that she was remembering. Her Soul asked me to do SBF with her setting the intention. We did that during our night shift. She was crying but this time it was happy tears.  Now we understand each other and she said thank you many times.

After this experience, my ego was still telling me how wrong I am and that I should stop this right now. Whenever I feel doubt, I ask for guidance. However I am not sure I have been paying attention. Then yesterday another colleague came to me. I was sitting alone. She sat down and I just smiled. She started talking and crying about her day. The same thing happened again. I started giving advice coming from the divine. This time I managed to ask for guidance to help her. However it was not really necessary, because it just started. We spoke for a long time. I mostly listened and gave the advice I was told to. I did SBF on her, again just with my intention. This morning she came to me telling me, that she was so happy about it, and that she now knows what to do.

Jonette, I just stood there, and I have no idea what is going on. I feel confused and scared. It is like there are two sides. The divine telling me to speak my truth, not being afraid to offer to do Soul Body Fusion. And the other, telling me I am stupid and that everyone will laugh at me, thinking I am crazy. I even feel afraid to tell you all this, because who am I to say, that I should lead anything?

At the ETC one of the children I have been doing SBF on is now well and discharged.  We see so much sadness. We have an 11 year old boy, who was admitted with his family. He has seen his mother, father, brothers and sister die. He just lies in his bed, looking. He refuses any help. The doctors argue about how to treat him. To let him die or to force him to eat and take medication. Last night I stood by his bed doing Soul Body Fusion®. Telling him whatever he was guided to, was right for him. That he was not alone. That they were waiting for him, if his time had come. Everyone expects him to die. The doctors who want to treat him, do it because they cannot handle doing nothing. However he clings on to life. Angels are around him all of the time. I just stand beside and know the divine will help him. His soul has a master-plan, and I just pray, that the SBF will help them to be in tune.

I do not feel sad when they die. I know they are not alone, and I pray for them all to find peace and I can see that the SBF makes their passing peaceful and beautiful. Dying is just another wonderful journey. Not one to fear, but one to greet with love. Many of my colleagues cry when our patients die, because they think the dying ones are alone. I try to comfort them.

In an earlier mail, I told you that I just feel more in tune with my soul here. I believe that is true. And I think that is why I have found the courage to send you this email. Perhaps I can also find the courage to listen to my soul and let go of doubt?!

(CopyRight 2015 www.JonetteCrowley.com)


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