July Consciousness Update – “Experiencing Our Collective Adolescence”

2024 July Consciousness Update

Hear me present the full July Update on my YouTube channel, and subscribe there to get notified of monthly updates and more.

“Stand not on the shoulders of the past, but in the flux and fluidity of the future.”

Welcome. I'm Grandmother Jonette. What's going on now, is not just for this month. It's all of us together experiencing our collective adolescence. This is a helpful metaphor for understanding the angst we have, the surges of power, the uncertainty… and the clarity we are getting.

You Are Waking Up

You are waking up, feeling new power, urges to be more independent, to do things differently than has been done before. The light that's coming in can be likened to the hormones that came through your body during puberty. Much like when we were in high school, we experience the pull of wanting to be a child, wanting to be safe, wanting it to all go away. But on the other side, we have the push to see what we can create and how can we break out of the old boundaries.

You personally may be through the worst part of this ‘adolescence,’ but the population in general is in the throes of this very testing time. They're still stuck in the uncertainty, the anger, trying to find out who they are, trying to find their new path forward. We are all here, wanting to move from the old, but there aren’t new patterns or pathways yet established.

I'd like to read something that I channeled recently in Hawaii. I was with a group on the solstice at the active volcano-- Kilauea.  The channeling was from a higher part of all of us that I call the place of creation:

“Stand not on the shoulders of the past, but in the flux and fluidity of the future, where we turn away from what has been created so far, including from our ancestors. We bless them and we cease carrying them with us. Throw your past into the volcano. Throw away the collective past. We cannot fly standing on the shoulders of others.”

This is really what adolescence is about.

Release Judgment

We are growing.  There are growing pains. Mistakes are part of it. One thing to remember at this time is to set aside your self-judgment. Because in adolescence, the main way we grow into wisdom is by making mistakes. So please be tolerant of others. Be tolerant of yourself. Let go of your judgments. Mistakes are part of this experiment of creation. We're moving from innocence to awakening. Innocence was lovely. It was pure, but we could hide there. There's no more hiding.

The ‘Dragons’ are Waking Up

A metaphor I'm using, especially from our journey in Hawaii, is that the ‘dragons,’ the earth energies, the ley lines have been sleeping in one pattern, and now they're waking up and stretching and saying ‘it's a new day,’ moving to an entirely new pattern of energy. Everything in and on the Earth is moving around… you, society, Mother Earth, consciousness.

There's a great moving and shifting right now, which, of course, is unsettling. You may be frantically looking for stable ground… and it's not here yet.

  • Learn to be stable in shifting tides, and you'll be happier.
  • Learn to be less judgmental about how you're doing and how everyone else is doing, and you'll be happier.

Some gurus talk about this period of ‘supramental descent,’ where this higher energy or light is descending and shaking everything up.  We're in the beginning of a massive awakening and opening.

We are the Way-showers

…and that's the hardest place to be.  We are here at this supramental descent of light, and at what follows it: the ‘supramental catastrophe.’ It's not one catastrophe, but it's much that is unsettled: wars, Earth changes. That's part of why we signed up to be here now.  Since July 3rd, the star Sirius is just  over the horizon. You can't see it yet, but the energies of Sirius, which is a sister star to us, is fully present. There's so much potential now.


This month the United States celebrated Independence Day. That's what adolescence is about: Independence. But let us remember that it's interdependence that is the maturing phase of independence. So let us reawaken to our interdependence with all. It does help when we're not judging everything that's part of the All.

Speaking of interdependence, I just attended a Native American elder’s gathering in a sacred place in Wyoming: ‘Devil’s Tower.’ The indigenous leaders talked about their ancestors and their creation stories. One elder said their creation story goes back 300,000 years that they remember being on the planet. They talked about our interdependence with other beings. They remember that they came from the stars and they sometimes interact with E.T.’s. They talked about ‘Bigfoot’ as interdimensional beings who protect them. They mentioned the ‘little people.’ These native people are much more open to this interdependence that we've shut down.

Our invitation now is to open back up into what is so.

The Opportunities Now

The opportunities now:

  • Be really conscious of your childhood patterns and protections; and see how you can move out of them.
  • Try new things. Try a new you… whatever that means to you.

In high school, you felt safe in adolescence because you found your ‘gang,’ your people. Now is the time to expand your circle of people like you.  This is the support you need to move fully into your interdependent, opened self.

  • What have you hidden away? What doors have you closed?
  • Can you open those doors again? Can you open the portals and gates to find what your hidden treasures are?
  • Can you not be apologetic for your gifts? Your uniqueness? Can you really try things, even if you're not good at first?

We’re all in this collective adolescence, so be understanding of others, and be kind.

Not About Belief Systems

This growth is not about your belief systems. Your belief systems came from your parents and their ancestors. We are not that. We are our spirit. As you grow you help others grow. As you stand in your spiritual power, it helps others to let go of their belief systems. It is our belief systems that hold our fears.

As we get more light, the buried fears come up, and so do the really buried protection mechanisms. So be kind to yourself as you dig deeper and make changes.

Full Moon Grandmother

July 3rd was my 70th birthday. In meditation that morning I heard: “You're now a ‘Full Moon Grandmother.’” I asked my inner voice, “What does that mean?”

The answer: “It means you're allowed to shine brightly all the time. You no longer have to go through the phases of darkness.”  I share this with you, in case you are ready to shine your light brightly and no longer need the phases of darkness.

Solstice Initiation with Pele, Fire Goddess

On June 21st I recorded our final initiation in our 2024  ‘Trilogy of Initiation. It was recorded on the full moon from Hawaii the day after our group did a dawn ceremony at the crater of the active volcano: Kilauea. We were asking to move through the portals of Time to reconnect the Earth with the Great Light. As we stood there and the sun came up through the mountain mist, we looked to the west and there was a white rainbow! It was an extraordinary happening!

When you watch/listen to this initiation, it carries the energies of everything I’ve ever done, basically the culmination of my life's work. When I listened again to this meditation, it was the highest and best place I've ever been, I've ever seen, I've ever transmitted! Of course it has to be that way, doesn't it? Because we are in the uncreated and everything we do now is our highest and best.

I invite you, if you haven't yet taken part in this Initiation, to do it now! It only gets stronger. You may want to do the first 2 Initiations in the Trilogy of Initiations first, because then you will have the strongest foundation. It really gives you a new you. It gives you a powerful light body that is here and present now.


GRACE course from MARK

For those of you who are interested in following my Monday MARK Zoom channelings, we are continuing with our GRACE series:  GRACE part 2: Opening into the Flows of Grace. Grace is what our new world is about. Our new world doesn't function on beliefs and ideas. It functions on Grace. I invite you to join us, you can jump right in with this class, even if you’ve never followed MARK’s channelings before.


Thank you for your part as we move through our collective adolescence into our spiritual adulthood on this beautiful Blue Planet!

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