August Consciousness Update – “Sirius Lion’s Gate Vortex”

2024 August Consciousness Update
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“The Heat is On: A Clash Between Comfort and Destiny”

Welcome. I'm Grandmother Jonette, and this is the August Consciousness Update: the Sirius Lion’s Gate Vortex and the 8/8/8!


First, why do I call myself a ‘Grandmother’? I had always been interested in Native heritage, and my first spirit guides were native American: Red Feather and White Eagle.  I’ve had strong visions/experiences of White Buffalo Calf Woman.  During Covid, a Native woman— who holds the title of ‘Grandmother,’ contacted me and said she had read my books and had been watching me for years. She asked some questions, testing my clairvoyance, and then invited me to be part of her Medicine Hoop of Life and to be initiated as a ‘Grandmother’ in the Native tradition. It's a wonderful honor and a privilege to serve Mother Earth with her and the other Grandmothers.

Sirius and ‘Dog Days of Summer

In August we’re in the ‘dog days of summer.’ How did it get the name ‘dog days of summer?’  Because Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, known at the ‘dog star’ because it’s in Canis Major, is now the closest to Earth. It’s visible in the sign of Leo-- so that's why we call this time ‘The Lion's Gate.’ Sirius has always been important. Its rising in late July, early August has been celebrated by the Incas, the Mayans, the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians. It’s in the sign of Leo, the lion. It's about power and manifestation.

8/8/8 Lion’s Gate

Now we associate the Lion’s Gate with August 8, or 8/8. It’s a time of acceleration, when the path is open to our star, our destiny, our potentiality. It's a time to really receive acceleration, receive the heat and be open to change. This year the 8/8 Lionsgate is actually 8/8/8, because 2024 is also an 8 year! It's as if everything's closer: more light codes, higher frequencies, more change happening.

The Heat is On!

This is why I say ‘the heat is on!’ There's such an acceleration of consciousness, of light, of

energy in our world! This brings a clash between comfort, and destiny. And often our destiny is unknown.

A Clash Between Comfort and Destiny

We’re now at a nexus point where we're comfortable in what we know, yet we're being pulled toward an unknown destiny. This is the ‘heat’ from accelerating consciousness. When you have heat, there are three things that can happen:

  1. Fire: The most intense heat is fire. Fire is the biggest opportunity for transformation. The questions to ask yourself are: What do I want to purge? What do I want to throw into the fire? What do I want to be done with, and transformed into something else? In other words, the big question for you is: What do I want to burn away in the world, and from myself?
  2. Melting: The second opportunity during this current heat of acceleration is melting. It's not as intense as burning, because at least the substance remains the same; but it is reshaped. Imagine a candle melting so the wax can be formed into anything; the shape depends on the mold you choose. So, the next questions to ask yourself are: What in my life needs to have a different form? What molds am I putting in place? Do I really want those same molds for the next 5, 10, 20 years? Be conscious of the melting of the old and your decisions as to what form you want your life, and our world to take?
  3. Harden: The third part of the ‘heat is on,’ after burning and melting-- is hardening. Like a clay pot that is set out in the heat to harden it. What do you want to strengthen and harden? What forms do you want to maintain?

In this time of accelerating transformation of the Lion’s Gate: What do you want to purge? What do you want to keep… but perhaps in a new form? What do you want to harden and make stronger? What do you want the form of your life to be as you move forward? Ask these questions also at a cultural and societal level, not just for yourself.

Be intentional. Be conscious.

Be really conscious about your actions, your decisions, what you're thinking about, what you're watching on social media. The big question is: Comfort or destiny? Perhaps your destiny is calling you out of that comfortable armchair into something that's truly unknown and truly transformational?

An Acceleration of Consciousness

As I work with my guide MARK in our ongoing Monday classes, I’ve seen that for decades we've been expanding our awareness up to the highest realms of spirit, to the Light, and to mastery. But still, we remained here, only opening and visiting these spaces.

What I'm seeing now, especially in the last 12 months, is that high consciousness / spirit is moving into our bodies. So first we went up, and now that those spaces are coming down into us. We're called to integrate a higher level of consciousness, spirit, and acceleration in our bodies than we could ever hold before. Even our Earth was not prepared to hold these before. What this creates are geopolitical, weather, Earth changes, wars, and economic uncertainty. All of this is due to acceleration of consciousness overall. It is the acceleration we asked for. These higher energies we’ve been harnessing are now stirring up everything and disrupting our comfort. Yet our spiritual destiny is accelerating. You're now much more of a two-way channel between spirit and matter. This is the time you've been waiting for. You ARE who you've been waiting for. It's a massive transformation!

GRACE is Your Birthright!

MARK has been channeling the energies of GRACE. We used to think of Grace as something that opens from the heavens, or that we might feel on our first communion, or in a holy moment. But grace is a birthright. It's a state of consciousness that transforms matter. We are changing our matter to hold greater flows of grace. MARK’s channeled teachings for the last eight months have been bringing us back to GRACE.

New MARK Zoom Course: GRACE: the Medium for Creation

We’re starting a new MARK class in the GRACE series on Monday August 26.  We’re becoming bigger now, so there's more room in us to be filled with grace.

Deep Healing Trilogy of Activations

These three channeled Activations, which are based on the Fall’s major lunar portals, begin on the full moon of August 19. I was talking to a Native Elder at a special gathering in Wyoming, and I asked him about their connection to Sirius? He said their creation stories include Sirius and the Pleiades, and that the full moon in August is a major opening for them. So we begin our deep healing in these energies.

Your Soul’s Library: Journey to the Akashic Records, Monthly Meditation

Our August Monthly Meditation is now available as a single, or as part of an annual subscription. It's a magical journey to the Great Library of your Akashic Records. You receive the learnings, the codes and symbols from your past incarnations, and then travel to the unknown to play with the blank pages which have not yet been created. It's only $25 a month to get a new, powerful meditation.

8/8/8 Brain Balancing Exercise

Since we’re in the period 8/8/8…triple infinity symbols, I’m going to close with a simple but POWERFUL brain expansion and balancing exercise. My guides taught it to me years ago after I had blown my brain open from doing weeks of high energy initiations on hundreds of workshop participants. My brain felt like when a cartoon character puts its finger in an electric socket and can't get it out. I was afraid that I would be mentally damaged forever. I asked my guides, what can I do?

They showed me this simple visualization exercise, that I share with you now…and you don’t need to be going crazy to use it. Visualize it whenever you need a mind or mood adjustment. Simply sit or lie still as long as you need and imagine an infinity symbol centered in your pineal gland.  Keep tracing the loops with your imagination back and forth from left brain to right brain. Try to do it by moving your awareness and not your eyes.  Keep drawing this infinity symbol again and again. You’ll feel the calmness and balance returning. This exercise can calm and rewire your brain when you’re stressed, emotionally damaged, or times when you've just grown too quickly. It harmonizes you to the higher patterns of your brain and allows more access to your brain capacity and higher consciousness. It doesn't matter which way you start, just that it is centered in the middle of your head, your pineal gland. Sometimes the movement isn't fluid. It may slow down or feel choppy. Just follow it how it is, rather than making it be your speed or your smoothness.

Let it quiet your mind. It's a great exercise when you can't get your brain to shut down. It integrates left and right brain and opens your pineal gland, which is your connection to the higher dimensions.  The Infinity symbols you imagine can get as big as they need to be. As you trace them again and again with your awareness you open to infinity and lift to a higher level of your destiny…and you can keep your comfort too.

Thank YOU!

Thank you, Dear Ones, for being part of our expanding world consciousness! Please SHARE this if it's helpful to you and visit me at Until next month, blessings.

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