February Consciousness Update – “Surrender Up— Shed your limitations”

2025 February Consciousness Update
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I’m Grandmother Jonette Crowley with our February Update.
There are five main points to understand to make the most of all the opportunities this month.

1. Chinese Year of the Snake

First, this is the Chinese Year of the Wood Snake. The Snake is the second most powerful animal in the Chinese zodiac after the Dragon. The snake is about transformation, releasing, shedding its skin. The snake is also known to bring good fortune, prosperity, growth, strength, and power…for this whole year. It’s a very transformational time, with lots of changes; some that we like and some that we don't. It's especially important to be present with yourself. Because a snake doesn't have arms to do anything, its power is in its presence.

Be mindful this month about shedding the old, releasing, and transforming. I suggest that you write down five things you're going to release. Release old ways of thinking, some habits, some stuff in your closet. In a few days, write down five more things that you want to let go. It is a year for releasing, but if you're not conscious about it, it won't happen.

Years ago, I was doing a lot of spiritual work, and a great deal of old baggage was falling away from me. One day some big energy seemed to fall out from my aura. I was just beginning to channel White Eagle, so I couldn't wait to ask him “What did I just release?” And he said: “Jonette, when you release something, move away, so you don't step in it again.”

I realized I wanted to analyze everything. In essence looking in the toilet to see what was there, instead of just flushing it down. So, please remember White Eagle's words.

2. Surrender Up

The second important thing about February is to “surrender up.” Imagine there is a jet stream of higher consciousness moving faster than ever before. But we can’t reach it until we lighten ourselves up enough to lift into this jet stream. Then we can take advantage of the changes, the propulsion, and the forward momentum of this greater consciousness stream that we've been born for. Releasing our unneeded baggage lightens us up so we can move into this energetic jet stream.

In my personal sessions with clients, I’m helping people let go of the old, not solve everything… the problems are still the problems, but they can now lift beyond their issues. This consciousness jet stream of awakening is what we came here for. This is the time when dreams happen.

Remember that your ego wants to keep you safe, and it has different rules than the spiritual rules you find at the higher levels. Kindly move your ego aside and keep surrendering up. You're not necessarily surrendering to an outside higher power; you're surrendering to your own and our collective higher power.

The other day in my weekly MARK channeled class, someone asked: “What’s the best thing we can be doing now?” His answer: “Keep your meditations open.” He suggested to meditate without trying to find answers, or to do anything with your meditation. Just be open for it. This will help release the old and lift you into new consciousness. Surrendering up is a key to ascension, which is the name of the course we're working on.

3. The Records are Changing

Native people have always talked about keeping the ancient records. They believe that two animals are the record keepers for Mother Earth. On land the record keepers are the moose. And in the water the record keepers are the whales. Just a few weeks ago, I happened to look out the window of my ski cabin in Colorado and saw a huge bull moose munching on the bushes very close to me. The next week, my boyfriend Mark and I were whale watching in Baha Mexico. We were watching the whales on the left of our boat, when suddenly a whale surprised us by surfacing just next to the boat on the right side! It was such a coincidence to see both a moose and a whale in the same week, that I knew it was a message.

I called Grandmother SaSa, who is my Native teacher, and I asked her: “What does this mean? She said it's a warning to pay attention, to be alert. There are BIG changes happening now.

Pay attention. What signals are you getting in your life? What's changing? What haven’t you been seeing? The old records are imprinted in our DNA. They hold karma. They hold the memories of disasters.

These old imprints or records are being reformatted or melted down. We don't want to be tied to those old records anymore. You might find during this period that you’re not grounded. Or you may feel disassociated.

We’re consciously allowing the old to melt down. We are the creators of a new crystallization-- new possibilities for Earth. As you become more of your divine self, you bring more divinity to Earth.

4. Valentine’s Day

It’s Valentine’s Day this month, so make sure your heart is open! In fact, our Monthly Meditation series this year is: Star Traveler, and for February I channeled a journey to the star: Sirius. (You can find these meditations on my website.) We activated our heart as a star and then connected it to Sirius.
Our heart became a higher dimensional wormhole to the stars, especially to Sirius. It is a magical journey!

Please let Valentine's Day be more than flowers and candy. Let it be a heart activation to make your personal heart into cosmic star portals of love.

5. Great Planetary Alignment, February 28

The last week in February is a rare Great Planetary Alignment, in which seven planets are aligned in an arc that we can see just after sunset. Five are visible, and two must be seen with a telescope.

I will be channeling an Activation for Alignment on that day, part of a ‘Trilogy’ of three alignments over the next few months. So please participate in our February 28 Activation event. (It will soon be available for purchase on our website.)

In summary: Surrender up, be in your heart, pay attention and know that the snake is here for this whole year to bring prosperity, good fortune, growth, and transformation!

Thank you for being part of the conscious community in which we all are doing our things to be happy and to make this world a better place.

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