“In your multidimensionality you are awakened. You are Mastery. You are the current of the unfolding of goodness and evolution. You’re not separate from it or lost from it. You are all of that which you yearn for and more. More because ‘you’ are not the ‘you’ you thought you were. You’re so beautiful! ”  Channeled from MARK (9th Dimension Part II)

SnowyTulipsThe ineffable energies of Spring push through even the coldest, darkest of winters. What was hard and frozen in our world gives way to the tenderest but insistent green shoots of new life.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been given glimpses of the New Earth. It is a bright, clear, joyful, loving version of our world—coexisting here but at a slightly different frequency, a higher dimension. I felt such deep joy that I asked the guides: "How long is this pleasant hiatus? When will the other shoe drop? What 'bad' should I be preparing for?"

The answer: "You are 'way- showers.’ Why would you lead the way back to a world of struggle?" The unasked, question was: "Are you ready for perpetual happiness and joy?"

I couldn't readily respond "Yes, I'm ready." But the question jolted me into looking at the belief that life is a series of lessons to be learned, obstacles to be overcome. Please consider that joy and unity could be the new paradigm for our lives. Does it mean difficult things won't happen to and around us? Yes and no. Life will still throw us upsetting or unexpected events, but 'difficulty' lies in our interpretation of the event. Can we flow through it in a more lubricated, unattached way? Not becoming a victim or drama queen? That is the option for us as way-showers. This is where we begin to break from the heaviness of collective consciousness… find each other… and blaze a new trail.

“Lessons can be a reason for being here if you need a reason, and the lessons will keep coming. They’re part of duality. The reason you have experiences is not necessarily to give you a lesson, but because creation creates and creation creates all experiences without judgment. Your decisions focus your attention on a reality based upon what you think.”  MARK

To assist us MARK is channeling a new course: The New World, based on the 9th-D principles of multiple realities. This week he gave us a simple exercise to do for six minutes each day for a week. Sit with clear focus and intent to radiate your  unique signature frequency and love throughout all dimensions, through all times, throughout the Universe. Take note of how your field changes, how the experience changes you. (Note: if you fall asleep, start the six minutes again.)  Click here for more information about the NEWEST ‘Mark’ channelled course, The 9th Dimension Part 3: The New World.

(CopyRight 2015 www.JonetteCrowley.com)

9th Dimension Part 3 CD Cover‘Mark’ is a cosmic being channeled by Jonette since 1989. His goal is to lift humanity above the structures of our 3-D consciousness. “Your reality is a reflection of your level of consciousness.” He leads weekly recorded courses introducing us experientially to the higher dimensions of awakening. This is exploration at the very edges of human spiritual awareness. There is nothing like these on-going courses for expansion and transformation. To get a taste of ‘Mark’ for free, go to our ‘Listening and Viewing Room.’ Click here to order current or past Mark courses as audio links, CD’s, or simply get the transcripts.

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Soul Alignment Trilogy #1

Attune to the powerful spiritual gateway of rare 7-planet alignment and experience the beneficial powers of all the planets.

#1 Gifts from the Stars

"Gifts from the Stars"

Friday, February 28 on Zoom

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