Friday, July 31st, a Tele-Seminar

Blue moon“Behold, I am Ashtatara, a keeper of the Golden Codes, bringing with you a remembrance from your future when the gods and goddesses know themselves – as you. You are awakening at more amazing levels than could ever have been predicted. Mother Earth is awakening and supports the God and Goddess in each of you. There are incipient codes in your DNA that are waiting to be claimed. But you must hold yourselves as worthy!”  
Ashtatara, Goddess of Atlantis, channeled by Jonette, June 2015 

So much has happened energetically for all of us over the past few months, so many opportunities for growth are rapidly opening up—that it is time for a massive upgrade. Jonette will be using this powerful day to transmit the energies, codes and activations that can be embodied by us as a collective group of Light-holders.

Join Jonette for a special Tele-seminar on the July 31st full moon. On this special day Jonette will transmit the Codes of Life, and the Activation of Deborah bringing whatever activations need to come through to each of us.  Click here for details.

The Codes of Life (Channeled from MARK)

“The Codes of Life are golden fire symbols….The treasure is the golden Codes of Life accessed through this stargate. (In Jerusalem). These Golden Codes impart much power. The power must be claimed again by humans and taken out of the hands of greed. This is done by pure hearts, powerfully standing together. It is a clearing in all dimensions and times that impact human welfare…The geometric overlay is a universal template of energy—continual energy source. The group is supported. The time is now! Compassion and that which is righteous replaces the false stories.”

The Activation of Deborah, Tiberious, Israel by Jarla Ahlers

HANDS IN THE AIR blueAt a historical synagogue important to followers of the Kabbalah in Tsfat, Israel, Jonette was invited to sit in the Chair of Elijah and speak to the group. Next to it was a small crib for infant boys to be placed in prior to their ceremonial circumcision. (Elijah is the prophet who was taken to heaven by a whirlwind.)  After a moment of sitting in the chair Jonette unexpectedly moved into a high spiritual ‘trance’ space. At one point, she was visibly moved and tears streamed down her face. As she rose, she said she would share the information later.  She was quite shaken and required assistance to return to the bus.  As we walked, she heard a loud voice in her head, urgently saying ‘Deborah, Deborah’ many times. On the bus ride to Tiberius, she asked Sarah, our Israeli travel guide, ‘Who is Deborah?’  Sarah explained that Deborah was a prophetess written about in the book of Judges in the Old Testament, a powerful presence.  At that, Jonette burst into tears. After dinner an initiation ceremony was planned at our hotel on the Sea of Galilee.

Deborah, channeled by Jonette

“The codes you wear are Cosmic Codes, connecting you to a greater highway of Truth.  You are initiated as cosmic citizens, walking a golden spiral from this Earth to other realms.  The other realms are aware of you.  You will be receiving new teachers.  The aliveness of humanity comes through these codes.  Humanity has been walking dead.  The reawakening must happen first in your heart and in the way you live your life.  

Golden mandula“You are asked to be of extraordinary service.  You are asked to step outside the realms of that which is ordinary.  If you do not step, you will not keep being asked.  The Golden Ring moves on to someone who will step boldly.  This is a time for change.  It is a time for action.  It is a time to step into a higher flow.  It is only the first few steps that are needed.  The flow will carry you beyond that.  DO NOT look over your shoulder for yesterday’s answers.  Do not look side to side for other people’s permission.  Follow your nose, your inspiration vibrates in you, creating pathways of support, pathways of miraculous opening.  Do not require reason for confirmation. Get confirmation in that which is miraculous and sometimes move without confirmation.  

“The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Flow. One cannot hold on and flow.  These days have been planned at a higher level —for you to witness, to release, to clear, to accept, to behold, to BE.  In your being you carry a rod of lightning.  Speak that which vibrates to a Golden Heart, and you will be led true.  Heaven is here; it arrived when you were busy.  Notice it now.  Notice it in the clarity of your gaze, as you walk through nature’s fields.  Notice it in the beauty of your friends and notice it in the mirror.  Notice it. Holy.  Holy.  Holy.  Shalom.  We are complete.“ 

Location:  On your phone or computer (via Skype credits)
Date: July 31st, Friday
Time: 12:00PM (noon) MDT to 1:30PM, 20:00 CEST to 21:30
Price:  $44.  Once you sign up, you will get the call in information.  It will be a phone call.  You can call from a landline or Skype.  The recording will be available for a week.   Click here to sign up.

Presented by Jonette Crowley and the Center for Creative Consciousness

(CopyRight 2015

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