Dancing Through Dimensions An Explorer's Guide to the Quantum Universe

FREE Video Series

Jonette and her spirit guide 'MARK' provide an energetic roadmap for exploring higher states of consciousness, allowing you to actually experience multi-dimensionality!

A Dance That Will Change Your World and Your Life -- Forever!

Dancing Through Dimensions Exploring the first 10 Dimensions

Grandmother Jonette

An Explorer's Guide to the Quantum Universe

This 5-hour Video Course is a summary of my nearly 3 decades of exploration research into the worlds beyond the physical realm.  In 1989, MARK, a cosmic spirit, came through me with a mission to help guide the evolution of mankind by bridging the gap between dimensions unknown.  This course is foundational to understanding our multi-dimensional universe!

This FREE 6-part Course Includes:

Explanation—You’ll understand how the first 10 dimensions (1) fit together, giving you a map of the higher worlds. Jonette explains how you can recognize and sense each dimension.

Experience— Jonette channels MARK to bring you experiences of the higher planes. You’ll feel God Consciousness, being holographic, the zero point and quantum void. You’ll know what it is like to expand into quantum potential, tasting multiple simultaneous dimensions. Finally, you’ll experience the complex oneness of the 10th dimension— Relativity.

Updating Your Consciousness— Your reality is a reflection of the state of your consciousness. Every time you experience these higher dimensions clearly and concisely, the very structure of your consciousness evolves. You expand your ability, giving birth to your multi-dimensionality and all the miracles the Universe now has to offer you!

Summary of the 12 Dimensions of Consciousness

This is an experiential map of dimensions, a road map for exploring higher states of consciousness. It does not follow a scientist’s understanding of dimensions. All dimensions exist simultaneously and are infinitely related.

We have divided them into slices that can be learned and experienced. Each dimension includes the attributes of all lower dimensions.

1st - 3rd Dimensions:  Physical Existence; Time & Space

4th Dimension:  Waves, Energy and Light

5th Dimension:  Geometry, Symbols and Codes

6th Dimension: Magnetic Consciousness; Power vs Force

7th Dimension:  Holographic Consciousness

8th Dimension: Quantum or God Consciousness

9th Dimension:  Multiple Simultaneous Realities

10th Dimension:  Relativity; Universal Connectivity

See the Dancing through Dimensions Video Series

11th Dimension: Shamballa Consciousness

12th Dimension:  Transcendence

See the Bridge to the 12th Dimension Video & Uncharted Realms Course

Dancing Through Dimensions Exploring the first 10 Dimensions

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Video #1

Introduction Exploring Our MultiDimensional Nature

An introduction to Jonette's 30+ years of experiential research into the higher dimensions of consciousness and where we are now in the spiritual evolution of humankind.

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Video #2

Understanding the Road Map The first 5 Dimensions

The first five dimensions involve the time/space of our physical existence. In the 3rd Dimension, Jonette leads us through a Soul Body Fusion® transmission, to ground us and allow us to experience the physicality much more fully.

In the 4th Dimension, we experience MARK's Atomic Accelerator, a meditation to create harmony in order to accelerate our personal vibrations.

In the 5th Dimension, we receive an activation of sacred geometry and codes— all rapidly lifting us to a much higher level of being!

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Video #3

6th and 7th Dimensions Magnetic and Holographic Consciousness

In the 6th Dimension, we move beyond doing into being, feeling the power of magnetism, rather than using force.

The 7th Dimension or Holographic Consciousness takes us into non-local awareness, breaking us permanently out of the limitation of a singular perspective.

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Video #4

8th and 9th Dimensions Quantum Consciousness and Simultaneous Realities

In the 8th Dimension, we take our awareness beyond space and time, experiencing the quantum void or still-point.

In the 9th Dimension, we experience a space of infinite possibilities. Here we are truly multidimensional beings, accessing any timeline, any knowledge, and manifesting any potential.

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Video #5

10th Dimension Universal Connectivity and Relativity

In the 10th Dimension, we begin to fully realize the interconnectedness of everything through all time. We expand to experience ‘the space between’, where the relationships, not the objects, become fundamental. This worldview propels us out of everything we have ever known. It is the next step in being a multidimensional human.

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Video #6

Wrap Up Audience Interaction

Learn how the studio audience experienced these higher dimensions and compare their reactions to what you got. Begin to feel into how this will impact your life.

11th & 12th Dimensions Continuing the Journey to Enlightenment

Learn more

In the 11th Dimension, we enter the realm of indivisibility and wholeness where we and the Masters intersect. The space is akin to the higher dimensional fields you can experience at power places where the veils are thin. We move beyond form into our etheric self, where no burdens can be carried from the past.  Our consciousness is given a template for being embodied yet having access to the great mysteries. Our awareness expanded far beyond our previous limitations.

After Dancing through Dimension, we spent 3 years exploring the 11th Dimension in four 8-part courses: Shamballa Consciousness; Essence of Shamballa, Alchemy, and Multi-Dimensional Healing.

Click here to learn more and watch the 1st Class for free or Purchase the individual courses. 

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Bridge to the 12th Dimension Preparing for Transcendence

Jonette gives her insights into the 12th Dimension called Transcendence, the last cycle before a massive rebirth! She shares the importance now of doing your own 21-day Soul Body Fusion® Challenge to prepare your body to hold the highest frequencies possible. Includes a powerful MARK channeled energy transmission, "The Physicalization of Spirit"

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Being universal is moving from knowing to being knowing. This interconnection, this universality is intertwined with you. You will never lose it. You experience the presence of greater consciousness in your life. When your presence changes, your perspective changes, and that changes your life.


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