Audio Files Downloading Instructions

Download Instructions to your computer

We provide our audio files in a MP3 format the most widely used audio format.

Before you begin downloading the Media Files to your computer we advise you to disable any firewalls that you have running. This has been the number 1 problem with our customers in receiving the entire downloaded audio file(s).

Exact downloading procedures depend on your computer type (ie MAC or PC) and your default media player but the concept should be the same.

Click on the button or link to bring up your audio

(screenshot from a MAC using Chrome)

Left-click on 3 dots on the right side to bring up the automatic download button.


Right-click on 3 dots to bring up an expanded menu. This allows you to choose where you want it saved on your computer and what you would like it named. You will need to remember the directory where you saved these downloads so that you can access them.


Download Instructions to your iPhone

Due to Apple restrictions, you might not be able to download the Audio files directly to a mobile device. However, newer iPhones have that ability. Please refer to the instructions below.
For older devices, the alternative is to download a file to some cloud service (like Dropbox, Google, iCloud..).

Download MP3 to iPhone

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