Transmissions & Interviews

Soul Body Fusion® is a simple technique you can learn to do on yourself and others that aligns you powerfully and permanently with your full potential.

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All of us are misaligned to some degree between mind/body/spirit. This robs us from accessing all our natural powers and keeps us from experiencing our divine flow. We wonder why we are not healthy, happy, abundant... we try to treat the symptoms but the cause is that we haven't fully embodied our potential, our wholeness… our Soul.

This is the missing first step! When we do this, the results are immediate and permanent; and they keep building on themselves!

Experience a Soul Body Fusion® Transmission with Jonette

Receive a powerful 10-minute transmission from Soul Body Fusion® creator Jonette Crowley. We suggest you watch it a week after your original Fusion, and then again 3 weeks after your initial Fusion. This creates a 21-day process where your soul or higher frequencies integrate more fully into your physical body. Of course, you can do it more often if you would like!


A Special Song Celebrating Soul Body Fusion® Soul Body Fusion Prayer by Seelenlicht Sonnenklang

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