Grace Series

Grace is the Operating System of the higher dimensions.
It is the flow and footprint of divinity. — MARK

The Grace Series

Grace is the quality of living that's independent of all that has gone before. It is both a state of being and an instrument of change - it is the 'operating system' of the higher dimensions. We've mostly been creating from a sub-grace universe, where Grace is seen as a gift, rather than a given. In this series, MARK will help us experience Grace as both a force and the format for creation.

Flowing into Grace:
Part 2

This course opens you to the full gracefulness of the Universe, bringing more power and magic into your life. MARK’s meditations restructure you to be part of the ever-expanding flow of Grace, beyond  the veils of karma.

You step out of limitation and into Grace’s timelines, understanding what it really means to 'be in the flow'.

8 Monday Zoom Classes: Jun 3–Aug 12, 2024
Watch the first class for Free!

Path of Transcendency:
Part 1

Path of Transcendency is a fast track to understanding Grace, the 'operating system' of the higher dimensions.

MARK teaches us to anchor the frequencies of Grace allowing us to merge our Soul Self and Body and Our World with the Universe, bringing profound changes in our everyday life and creating a cascade of transformative effects throughout the dimensions.

8 classes recorded Mar-May 2024
Watch the first class for Free!


It has taken 34 years of channeling MARK to move through the first 11 dimensions of human consciousness. We are now entering the final level that can be understood from an individual’s perspective...


The last dimension before Enlightenment

The 12th Dimension opens us up to nonlinear growth. Taking us beyond the boundary of space/time and the limitations of our old human perspective.

This begins a massive re-creation on Earth

Personally, you step into synchronicity, extraordinary clarity, insights, and knowing.

You trust that your steps are guided.

The Veils are lifted.

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