“2015 is the time for the Crucible of the Middle East to become the Grail.”  

JonetteYou were all part of our journey in May to Israel and Jordan. Are you feeling some tectonic personal shifts? We are all becoming stronger channels for immense light— living pillars of Light. We are beginning to hold forgotten keys and complex codes of higher dimensional frequencies. They restructure our DNA, reprogram the Earth’s crystalline grid and help bring deep peace to ourselves and humanity.

Whenever you feel expanded or in need of expansion do a small ceremony or meditation acknowledging the Earth, the sun, the cosmos and your personal interconnection to all. In your meditation envision a golden spiral staircase going up and one going down…as if our DNA is becoming golden. This begins to access doorways to a frequency field that some have called the New Earth. Ask to connect to your star roots and stellar Families of Light. Then ask to connect to the inner Earth beings, the Nature kingdoms and the guardians of Earth’s power places. Feel yourself stable and grounded. 

Continue this by spending 5-minutes a day radiating your divine essence into all dimensions and all times. (Do this simply by intention and visualization.) I’ve been doing this 5-minute connection daily for months and now I’m hooked. It has been part of the fastest period of personal and spiritual growth that I’ve ever experienced!

Israel 18 sunsetSeveral months ago I ‘saw’ what I thought was one of the 12 Sun Discs of Lemuria under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Later I channeled: 
“What you saw was the birth of the original Sun Disc. It is from the beginning of time on Earth and holds an imprint of spectacular mastery—the vibration so high that it has been fought over. No one or no religion has been able to hold the vibrations.  Your group is to access some of these vibrations, the outer layer of codes, that are ready to be released now. Some of the primary energies from the stars first came to the area around Israel, Jordan and Iraq. Those original templates have been misused, mis-coded and misguided. These areas hold much potential for peace on the planet, yet they hold so much dysfunction. It appears that darkness has won, but IT NEVER HAS. Below all the manipulation is the purity that was meant to be the footprint of the gods.”

This time is about alchemy. It is about the grail and very much about the goddess—not a singular goddess but the whole energy of goddess-hood and god-hood. The 12 Sun Discs, which are mirrored in our 12-chakra system — are exploding into the Great 13th — the 12 that become the One.

Our journey this spring to Israel was the completion of a triangle of awakening journeys— the first two to Crete and Turkey— that created a vortex of upliftment. The essence of the Mystery Schools is hidden in the energies and encoding of the eastern Mediterranean area. Our journey was about awakening treasures of knowledge and the energetic potentials of these mysteries.

JC with Dr. Shraga
Dr. Shraga activating Jonette as a “pillar of light” Notice HIS light!

Before arriving in Israel I had an unusual channeling session in which neither Mark nor White Eagle came through. The beings identified themselves as coming from the White Brotherhood, thereby letting me know that it was the highest wisdom of light and love. At the end of the session they called themselves ‘The Speakers.’ (An internet search revealed that they are ‘The Speakers of the Sirian High Council.’) They talked about the Annunaki stargate in Jerusalem and about the golden Codes of Life accessible there. (Read the channeling in my blog ‘Israel Sacred Journey: Annunaki, Stone Circle, and Codes of Life’) 

We did receive these golden codes in a most synchronistic encounter with a Jerusalem scholar— Dr. Shimon Shagra, who works with the Kabbala and activates the healing Codes of the Temple.

I’ve never seen so much power in one human being. Jonette is giving so much light to the world now.   Dr. Shimon Shagra, Israel

So that you can share in our experience and get ‘upgraded’ at every level you can purchase the audio of our special Blue Moon initiation and Activation Transmission tele-seminar. On this special day I transmitted the codes and initiations that I have been receiving— especially in Israel.  Click here for more information.

(CopyRight 2015 www.JonetteCrowley.com)

Jonette is a spiritual adventurer, and modern-day shaman who leads spiritual tours to power places around the globe. She is a gifted channel, oracle, and author of the internationally best-selling books “The Eagle and the Condor” and “Soul Body Fusion®.” She is founder of the Soul Body Fusion® method for healing and beyond. With her guide “Mark” she teaches people to reach multi-dimensional and quantum states of consciousness.  www.JonetteCrowley.com, www.SoulBodyFusion.com  

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Soul Alignment Trilogy #1

Attune to the powerful spiritual gateway of rare 7-planet alignment and experience the beneficial powers of all the planets.

#1 Gifts from the Stars

"Gifts from the Stars"

Friday, February 28 on Zoom

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