Beyond Self: Beyond Destiny Part I Transcripts with course


Transcripts for MARK’s Beyond Destiny Part 1: Beyond Self.

This product is only for those who have purchased the Beyond Destiny Part I: Beyond Self full course.

Transcripts are provided in a PDF format

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The 10th Dimension

Beyond Destiny Part I: Beyond Self


The theme for MARK's newest series Beyond Destiny is breaking out from human-based limitation, living from the infinite nature of our Spirit. This course repatterns a ‘seed’ within us that has been genetically modified to trap us into the comfort of limitation and prevent us from easily grasping the impossible. MARK’s goal is to have this genetically-modified gene reconfigured back into your DNA as Spirit intended, and that this ‘upgrade’ can it be expanded to the collective.

Learn more about MARK or listen to a sample of a MARK class.


Art Credit: The Birth of Adam by Herb Wiedergut at

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