Body: Healing Part 2 Course

From: $240.00

The body is no longer limited by cause and effect!

8-week MARK course recorded on Zoom Nov 2022 – Jan 2023.

Audio & Video recordings for download.

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Multidimensional Healing- Part 2 Healing the Body

Shamballa the 11th Dimension

Recorded Nov 2022 - Jan 2023

This course will lift you into a state of consciousness where healing, wholeness, and wellness are much more accessible to you!

Healing the Body About Part 2

Our journey with MARK is an exploration in ascendancy; always taking us to unexpected perspectives of being healed and whole.  "Healing the Body" takes its cues from the quantum field of human consciousness and from your personal quantum field, operating beyond time/space.

Right now, your body is a teaching instrument, to tell you the effect of some of the causes that you have implanted in it.  Much of what has become conflicted and permanent in your body is from the mind, but as your consciousness expands it moves your body into a space where it can respond more to the creative mind, and therefore to miracles. The body is no longer limited by cause and effect!

We will also work with embodying your body not just with consciousness, but into the field of Earth and Nature, the field of the world without human thinking. You have been disconnected. Your body has been disconnected from the natural cycles in so many ways, and a great deal of healing will take place as you bring back the natural flow of the body into the greater consciousness and to the greater nature.

"Awareness expands Empowerment... Empowerment expands Self... Self allows healing...

Healing the Mind About Part 1

Mind is first because it gives birth to how we experience our lives on Earth. MARK helps you heal your personal thoughts and heal the underlying patterns and programs that emerge from the matrix. We use our multidimensional consciousness to reach and heal what we have never before been able to access. The result is the experience of our personal and collective mind that is finally congruent with creation.

MARK's multi-dimensional healing opens the solidified energies that we think of as "truth" and gives you back the frequency, flow and fluidity of the universe.

"There are no immutable truths in this cosmic mind; you are open to creation from spaces unknown to you before."

Multidimensional Healing About the Series

This is the time for a radical change; time to heal the separation reality embedded in mass consciousness. Our broken, crazy world needs us to remember that this is not who we really are!

“Our goal is to help you heal your body; to heal your karma; to heal the broken connections between you and your divinity. It is more than healing what is wrong with you, but healing the broken connections, the wrong stories, the old patterns that have kept you imprisoned in a false matrix. We work specifically with your body systems to move you to a higher level of harmony with the divine impulses that are already whole.”  - MARK

Jonette channels MARK to bring our focus back to healing our singular self from the vantage point of our quantum wholeness. Our human foundation is filled with toxicity, patterns, and programs from a matrix that doesn’t support the magnificence of unfettered creation. He’ll work with us at the personal and subconscious level to align our human hardware and software with the vast consciousness that we know is our destiny.

“The field of human awakening is so strong that it now supports multidimensional healing of Mind, Body, and Spirit that was never possible before.”

About MARK

Jonette has channeled MARK as her cosmic guide since 1989 to embody our divinity.

The weekly classes are always excitingly exploratory; stretching you, and taking you into unimaginable dimensions of you. You need no experience. The energetic field we create together lifts you beyond your limitations. You change in the moment. So jump right in!

We have many free MARK meditations on our website for you to feel into what we are doing.

Important Information regarding your purchase

Download links expire in 365 days. You are responsible for downloading the media to your personal computer. As a courtesy, we provide the ability to stream; however, the links are subject to the stated expiration date, at which time they will no longer be valid.

These recordings are the intellectual property of Jonette Crowley and the Center for Creative Consciousness. Recordings may not be reproduced, shared, or uploaded to other online environments without explicit written consent.

By purchasing this product, you agree to the above conditions.


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