Discovery: Shamballa I Transcripts


Transcripts for 8-class course in pdf format.

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Shamballa Consciousness - Part I DISCOVERY

Discovering the 11th Dimension

8 Class Series Aug-Oct 2020

The 11th Dimension has been unattainable before this time, but now the Earth is on a different trajectory. Not only a New Earth, but a New Universe.” MARK

Shamballa Consciousness is our awakening into the 11th dimension. We move to a place of ascended materiality so that we can bring higher gifts, greater wisdom, and more into this physical dimension. We experience states of consciousness that uplift our life and enable us to exit out of horizontal karma.

About the Course

Shamballa Consciousness The 11th Dimension

Shamballa Consciousness, unattainable and even unimaginable until now, is the reconnection of our physical world to a higher realm that once was connected to Earth, but has since been moved into the etheric plane. MARK has been working for over 30 years to bring us through the Gates of Shamballa, the next breakthrough for human consciousness. The 11th dimension can’t be experienced as a subset. It is infinity without barriers. What is shifting now is that your self is being uploaded into the cosmos in its entirety.

Discovery Part I

Discover the energies and group consciousness pathways that get us to the ‘base camp’ of the 11th Dimension. We will move, as part of an expedition, from this reality into Shamballa Consciousness. There, you can expect an opening of higher dimensions into your world. Your inner guidance will be stronger and will seem like it’s coming internally from you. Your inner knowing will come more deeply, bringing you vibrant peacefulness that encompasses everything you were trying to fix.

There is a serenity in Shamballa that has been inaccessible to humanity for many millennia. MARK helps us seed the serenity of Shamballa back into human consciousness and human physicality as it was meant to be.

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