Neutrality: Space Between Part I Course


Feel yourself released from duality, neutralized from the polarity that has defined the world.  We think of neutral as between two opposing sides. but neutrality is a whole different plane of existence, the realm of the Space Between.  

Course includes Attendance in Denver or Zoom Video Live-stream, on-demand playback of live-stream and edited audio downloads. You can add-on transcripts for only $25

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The Space Between - Part I Neutrality

Exploring the 10th Dimension

MARK's Trilogy for 2020 will be called – The Space Between

It will be the last trilogy in the 10th Dimension, we are fairly certain that at the end of this trilogy that you will be ready to graduate to something that’s totally different than you have been able to hold so far.

Part 1 will be ‘Neutrality’ – the aim is to neutralize you from all the polarity that has defined you and your world.  You often think as neutral as in between two sides but we wish to show you that neutrality is a whole different plane. It is the realm of the space between.  It is not simply the place between two poles.

Our intention for the learning in the next trilogy is for you to have stronger existence stronger beingness in the space between.  You have been going to the space between, you have increased your awareness of the space between but you have yet to increase your beingness in the space between.

The astrological setup of the first half of this year is about power.  Power is often seen as the opposite of neutrality. Neutrality often feels like a void. We wish you to experience the power of being neutral. We wish you to hold this beingness powerfully throughout the machinations of your planet and your fellow humans.

We see you ready to encompass a level of wellbeing and intrinsic peacefulness that has until now been unreachable by you. You sometimes feel peaceful, you sometimes feel happy but in neutrality, we will help you explore being peace.  And therefore, being peach for the world.

We know you are ready and we are exuberantly pleased to be your guide.

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