Relativity Part III Audio Download


More than ever before the future is unwritten. You are not who you thought you were. With MARK’s help we continue to span dimensions, holding levels of empowerment that are unprecedented. The change is that you know yourself as a holographic portal that is no longer time/space based. You are are free. This download expires 60 days after purchase and can be download 10 times in that time period.

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The 10th Dimension — Relativity Part III: Changing Your Context to Reality

Awareness has no subject or object

More than ever before the future is unwritten. You are not who you thought you were. With MARK’s help we continue to span dimensions, holding levels of empowerment that are unprecedented. The change is that you know yourself as a holographic portal that is no longer time/space based. You are are free.

The 10th dimension is growth beyond structures. There are no hiding places. If you can imagine how much comes out when there’s no place to hide. We expect that breakthroughs will show themselves in your world. What you learn will move out into the unified field so that others can begin to move beyond what has been possible, even beyond what can be fathomed. This experiment is to encompass consciousness that’s not limited by itself. Humans have never done this before.  Read more by clicking here...

Join Mark as your cosmic travel guide, training you to understand and experience Quantum Consciousness at a level that is both deeply personal and profound.  These on-going channeled classes are truly on the cutting edge of consciousness. Mark teaches by taking you to extraordinary states of grounded expansion, then explaining where you’ve been. Most journeys are beyond words, re-wiring you to be aware of vast dimensions outside of the ordinary. Feel free to join in, even if you have not listened before. Let your intuition be your guide. If you wish to listen to a sample of Mark’s work Click here.  You are changed. Not taught.

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