Treasures From Beyond Part II Audio Download


We continue the deepening integration of how our multi-dimensional self can enrich our lives and build our New World. Among our explorations we will find the ‘quantum nodes’– entrance points to meet and work with the Quantum Children who are now being born. MARK will guide us to use the 9th dimension to tap into a deep reservoir of cosmic calm, important in these times of crisis in the world.

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The 9th Dimension of Multiple Realities

Treasures From Beyond Part II: Being Your Quantum Self

We promote disorientation because your past orientation is built on limitation. You must be disoriented in order to be re-oriented to the greater reality that is dawning around and within you.”  Mark

The Treasures From Beyond Part II: Being Your Quantum Self – This continues the deepening integration of how our multi-dimensional self can enrich our lives and build our New World. Among our explorations we will find the ‘quantum nodes’– entrance points to meet and work with the Quantum Children who are now being born. MARK will guide us to use the 9th dimension to tap into a deep reservoir of cosmic calm, important in these times of crisis in the world.

The 9th Dimension leads us to experience the interconnectedness between multiple realities through all time and space. Move from the zero point of Quantum consciousness to a new world of manifestation — spontaneously opening the doors to what was impossible before. By being aware and interconnected, a piece of your awareness exists everywhere. That awareness becomes a beacon to find anything, to know anything, to be unlimited. It is this that allows seers to go the the Akashic records or prophets to see the future. Your greater mind becomes recalibrated. You pull in aspects of your Higher Self to organize this awareness into something that has been invisible to you until now. This dimension is truly the next step in Universal Beingness. You are moving from the perspective of having awareness to one of awareness having you. You experience the aliveness and intelligence embedded in the Universe…embedded in you. This is a major shift in your personal and planetary consciousness!

Join Mark as your cosmic travel guide, training you to understand and experience Quantum Consciousness at a level that is both deeply personal and profound.  These on-going channeled classes are truly on the cutting edge of consciousness. Mark teaches by taking you to extraordinary states of grounded expansion, then explaining where you’ve been. Most journeys are beyond words, re-wiring you to be aware of vast dimensions outside of the ordinary. Feel free to join in, even if you have not listened before. Let your intuition be your guide. If you wish to listen to a sample of Mark’s work Click here.

You are changed. Not taught.

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Soul Alignment Trilogy #1

Attune to the powerful spiritual gateway of rare 7-planet alignment and experience the beneficial powers of all the planets.

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"Gifts from the Stars"

Friday, February 28 on Zoom

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