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MARK Class

MARK Class 26 – Nicole

"SO much happened in the last MARK course! I can now grasp more the sense of all-ness, oneness, none-ness. I love to continue this exploration, even though I don't understand the meaning of what will happen. I feel more free and at peace and I stay more neutral in most situations-- this gives me so much more joy! Thanks you!" - Nicole, Netherlands

MARK Class 24 – Claudia

"Fields are opening up that encompass my whole consciousness and being. I am everywhere as a super-observer, in the middle of it all. I love to allow it. Thank you!!!" - Claudia, Austria 

MARK Class 24 – Unknown

"I want you to know how valuable the journeys with you and MARK into these magical dimensions are. Even if it is so difficult to describe, the changes on all levels can be felt and experienced."

MARK Class 23 – Inger

"I feel like I’m diving into the unknown and the unknowable." - Inger, DK

MARK Class 22 – Jeannette

"Something new exploded in my entire system. It was incredibly different!" - Jeannette, Netherlands

MARK Class 21 – Berit

"I am not the old me anymore. The Grace series has changed me to become a cosmic being as a human being, and this makes everything change, being different, magic, magnificent, Joyous beyond saying and peaceful. Of course this changes how people see me, some do not want to be with me anymore, others experience great support in many ways from me. Thank you SO much, my dearest Jonette." - Berit, Sweden

MARK Class 20 – Andra

"I have just listened to Mark's meditation.
It was huge and very intense. I don't think I've ever experienced anything like it. I am still confused, shaken up, but also hopeful & happy. Thank you very, very much!" - Andra, Switzerland

MARK Class 19 – Kari

"Amazing - thanks!!! Every course brings in new deep insights, closer to why I am here😊
I don’t know where I would have been without these courses! THANKS!!!!" - Kari, Norway

MARK Class 18 – Sonja

"I have always felt the meditations are changing me in a profound way, even if I don't always feel much during the meditation itself. But since I follow the Mark classes, I feel changes are happening even more quickly in my life:
Two major changes happened: I feel I'm in a flow and I have a newfound trust in life, after living for years letting fears rule my decisions and life choices.  Now I feel carried by life and trust that everything works out for the best for me; even in situations that at first might seem negative.

My financial situation has improved greatly; Sometimes in the form of unexpected money, sometimes I receive gifts. I manifest with greater ease. Bigger manifestation: After my divorce, I was very worried about how I would manage financially. But everything worked out so much better than I could ever have expected; first a better position at work, which allowed me to fulfill a dream - buying a small apartment, just for me and my kids my manager contacted me to say he needed a PA in his new role, and he offered me the position. The job comes with a bigger salary and better benefits, and I got it with 0 effort!
These are just a few examples of concrete changes in my life. I also have moments when feel happy for no reason, and my intuition is much stronger than before." - Sonja, Belgium

MARK Class 17 – Sonja

"I do MARK classes regularly and see big changes. I’m evolving quickly. I’m often happy for no reason; things flow easily to me now. I started the MARK classes because it felt right for me and now all of it falls easily into place for me." - Sonja, Belgium

MARK Class 16 – Erik

"The MARK group is amazing! It is changing me a lot. So much deep knowledge that helps me in my normal life in ways I even don't understand. But there's a deep sense that's so right and good for myself and the greater good. It also often directly vitalizes me." - Erik, Netherlands

MARK Class 15 – Kris

"On the advice of another participant, I started this with fairly high expectations because his enthusiasm was very high after following this 4-day course. Yes, these are long and intense days. Yes, you encounter your deepest self. Yes, there are many triggers and annoyances. But was it all worth it...definitely! The "life-enriching lessons" I learned here were such an eye opener... the togetherness of strange people who merge into 1 great source of energy and love was overwhelming." - Kris, Belgium

MARK Class 14 – Wendy

"The MARK class brings me so much knowledge about where we are today and healing for each other but also for the world. The words of Mark and the White Eagle give me comfort and strength." - Wendy, The Netherlands

MARK Class 13 – Henriette

"The Mark meditations help a lot, and I love listening to them, and doing a lot of repeating them! It is such a blessing in my life!" - Henriette, The Netherlands

MARK Class 12 – Berit

"I am aware of the changes in me after the class. It seems as if being a victim in any situation just does not work. These spaces/frequencies of consciousness refuse to go with old structures. I sometimes worry, but I trust that “aligning with the universe in total trust” to the new reality,” as Mark said and he will show me how I flow on into the next moment of creation. That is transforming me!!! Thank you!!!!" - Berit, Finland

MARK Class 11 – Birgit

"I can really feel in every little cell and atom that we are so much more than a small human, that my humanness is this beautiful vessel for my true essence and that this is no longer just a concept in the head. These are really changes, because I have no longer any attachments to any of these disturbing emotions or feelings or aspects that can make life really difficult.  The emotions simply vanished - just like that. I LOVE that!" - Birgit, Denmark

MARK Classes 10 – Mike

"The information 'MARK' gives me massively expands my awareness and my consciousness. He teaches to the highest possibility, not the lowest common denominator." - Mike, USA

MARK classes 8 – Mike

"I must say that Monday’s class may have been the most vital class I’ve yet taken. Perhaps the best way to explain it would be to say that I was able to somehow feel my body more than I’ve been aware of it before. But things are shifting. I feel ok and that’s pretty damn good for me. Since Monday I feel this okayness installing and I like it. " - Mike, France

MARK classes 7 – Lene

"The MARK class "education" is worth so much to me, opening my heart, allowing me to acknowledge my soul origin." - Lene, Denmark

MARK classes 6

"The meditation on Monday was an answer to my prayers—an aura of calmness…It has made such a HUGE change for me!" - Evianne, Sweden

MARK classes 5

"Wonderful Class today ‼️

I have been "working full time" with last Class8 for three weeks, and I felt SO ready‼️

.. for those next "doors"

I feel that I just stepped through, and already feel "established" in that new space… and it changes everything ❤️

After a great class I often feel happy, lucky and bit euphoric.

After this class I feel first and foremost Peaceful, Calm, strong and very ..eh.. collected.. and then this calmer than usual happiness and luckiness etc.. 😊 I sense lots and lots of knowingness… even if I am not mentally conscious of much (yet)

Thank You for being alive and making all these wonders possible ‼️" - St. Ole Johan

MARK classes 4

"Yesterday did listen to class 7.

Someone asked about Pain.

Longer time ago I realized that Pain  is just Pain....a sensual experience.....sometimes very senual😉

When I tell myself the Story " poor me.....that will for sure Last long......it will be difficult" then I suffer.

Pain + a Story = suffering. For ME😉😊

Suffering is a old Story. To suffer ....to get to " heaven"......to suffer to learn a lesson......

And Pain is not always a dis-ease. It could be a ajustment for body because of high frequencie?

When I feel Pain I Breath with it .....because Breath moves also energy in my body. It helps.

The course is amazing!" - Beate

MARK classes 3

"With MARK, I had the highest possible Light in the highest possible void space. How can I possibly have 3D stuff with that much Light?" - Jim, USA

MARK classes 2

"Thank you in my heart and soul beyond words I feel reconnected to my lost/forgotten/excluded true self. I am so grateful and at home.

I Will enjoy this for some time as the answers to the unspoken question: how to apply it are pushing it’s way to my practical earthly place 😌

Thank you Thank you Thank you " - Annette

MARK classes 1

"Last Monday’s MARK session was so special again. Every time you think it can’t get better, it does! It felt like I walked out of my limitations into infinite possibilities. And I also have a strong suspicion I found yet another way to completely leave this 3D behind when the time is there. I find that very reassuring." - Berdine, NL

MARK classes 9 – Lene

"So you are a very courageous and brave woman and I admire and respect the years´ work and what you have undertaken.

Thank you for having so much inner knowing and power." - Lene, Denmark

Spiritual Retreats

"I attended The Gathering in 2011 in Sedona, Arizona. It changed my life, improved my life beyond my imagination. I wanted to thank you for putting it together. It was truly remarkable: the insights, people, energies and synchronicities. Hard to believe it has been 13 years. My career changed, personal and family life deepened, and I am in a completely different position in terms of my own consciousness and life path. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I so appreciate all you are doing for the planet and collective consciousness." - L.H.

"Jonette is an incredible spiritual teacher and powerful shaman. Each day of the retreat was a magical immersion into profound discovery, attunement, and spiritual power. Even moments of rest and quiet contemplation held an inner beauty, making the entire experience transformative and deeply integrated on a cellular level." - Naomi, USA

"Jonette’s Woman’s Retreat was just what I needed. We learned and practiced Soul Body Fusion® and had quality time for integration. We hiked the beautiful cliffs and canyons, dipped our feet in icy flowing waters, met other beautiful souls, had sound healing on a cliff, yummy food and so much more. The retreat and all the learnings felt custom-tailored just for me! I am feeling calm and my heart is continuing to open. My sensitivity to “higher” vibration is noticeable. My self is continuing to come into my body. Thank you to Jonette and my fellow retreaters from my heart!" - Laura, USA

"The Soul retreat was for me an amazing opening to the space after the unknown. A week full of insights coming from the creative soul, where symbols, sign and also words just pop up without using the mind. No effort with huge result. Even after the retreat insights appeared what my soul really desires and this desires make so much sense and are so excited that I see my soul path which gives me a true drive to start manifesting with no fear of resistance anymore. Thank you" - Suranda, Belgium

"It was such a profound and magical experience being with everyone. It's amazing what we can do when our hearts and minds join together!! Each person brought something so vital and important." - Susan, USA

"Jonette's Sedona retreat was life-changing. With a small group of women, I was able to resolve deep life issues. Thank you Jonette." - Gloria, USA

"Being on a women's retreat with Jonette is like coming home… Being with a small group in Sedona with Jonette is pure nurturing for your soul." - Helle, Denmark

Jonette is a wise and loving woman. She is generous and kind so you feel safe sharing your deepest thoughts and feelings with her. She has changed my life totally. I now understand myself and others easier. Her Soul Body Fusion technique has brought me the calmness that I’ve always missed. She is a very powerful and skilled shaman.” - Anne, Norway

"Every meditation made me much closer to ME. Today, thanks to you, Home came to me. All the intentions I wrote down came to me during our meditations. I got an important insight into who I really am and what my purpose is.” - Magdalena, UK

"I met a lovely group of heart-centered women, who celebrated with me as my soul sisters. Jonette led us on amazing hikes, and wonderful Soul Body Fusion practices. I had spiritual awakening experiences while feeling nurtured and loved. It was a wonderful experience in magical Sedona. If you feel called to join, I highly recommend jumping on this opportunity for a transformational experience." - Desiree, USA

"Doing the women’s retreat with Jonette is pure joy! Coming from different backgrounds and countries added to our feelings of sisterhood. I loved it! This is what this world needs." - Berdine, Netherlands

Personal Sessions

"After our session I have been just as amazed at the subtle, personal ways I have noticed things shifting as I am the amazing, loud obvious moments that are happening also. 

Patterns and resistance that have lived in me for decades have simply vanished, or feel like far away echos that I don’t have to activate anymore, and I feel led by something other-worldly while fully inhabiting the wholeness of my body. As a person who dealt with disordered eating and general disembodiment for most of my life, to have had such a visceral integration with my FIESTY (ha!) inner being was so, so meaningful. It feels like things I have wondered over or hoped for in myself now just register as FACT. 

No other spiritual experience has brought me this kind of clarity, or this depth of desire to be fully present - IN MY BODY - for the rest of my life. I think I have always been trying to “escape” myself in exchange for reaching to the non-physical part of me, instead of allowing “her” IN to my physical experience. It seems so obvious from where I sit now, but it has been a life-altering shift for me. 

You are a delightful, radiant, wonderful person and I am so thankful my path has led me to cross with yours." - Abby, USA

"Thank you for holding the space for me to transcend my beliefs 🙏🏻 My heart as a wide open gate, and is grounded in my physical body 😍 …and it is not that I haven't tried- I just couldn't get it to work. But now I can ❤️ I feel a freedom I have never felt. I don't have to hold anything back. I can just open my heart, be me, and let it flow. And in the flowing a sweet joy is generated ❤️" - Anne, Denmark

Thank so much for our last session and your wonderful and strong healing power!
I am amazed by the results.

"I was on as spiritual development trip to Assisi on my own and had a personal session with Jonette on the first night there.
We did some really powerfull energy work, it felt amazing. I saw Jesus and Mother Mary in my room and Mary stepped into my body. I am sure that I integrated my Maria energy. It was so beautiful and incomprehensibly. I am very grateful for the work I do with Jonette, I feel it takes me to a higher level of consciousness. Thank you Jonette and MARK. God bless you ❤️" - Christina, Denmark

"After years of circling around the website and the practitioner course, I was intuitively guided to book a session with Jonette. And I'm glad I listened! It was an amazing, liberating, and purifying experience. It's the day after and I feel that things have shifted and come alive inside of me. There's more movement and clarity. I'm so thankful for Jonette's loving guidance. And because I want to be able to offer others this kind of experience, I finally signed up for the Soul Body Fusion course :)" - anonymous, Spain

"My one-to-one session with Jonette left me with a fountain of sparkling energy flowing out of my crown chakra. Comparing it to opening a bottle of champagne where the cork popped open releasing the fizz in the bottle. A massive release and an exhilarating experience! An internal celebration 🎉! Thank you🙏!" - Theresa, UK

"In the session the veil got thinner. I feel more at home with myself, closer to my knowingness. I feel more deeply joyful. The Soul Body Fusion filled me up, close to bursting." - Inger, Denmark

"Jonette is the real deal!" - Stace, USA

"I enjoyed my session with you. I loved feeling my angels. I have released so much of my anger and rage and I am content within myself." - Cynthia, USA

"I really am impressed what all happened in 50 minutes. WOW." - Nathalie, Netherlands

"I feel sooo much lighter, it sparkles all over, and my heart bursts from joy! I feel like partying and celebrating, singing and dancing… so much energy! IT FEELS SO AMAZING!!! I haven't felt so alive for years, wow!"

"Thank you so much for the session yesterday. I have no words to describe it...pure beauty and magic. Pure awareness. Dancing in Grace." - Karin, Sweden

"Thank you again for our session yesterday! I was not sure about booking a session as I only had a few questions. But your guidance will truly make all the difference! I feel so much calmer now. You always understand and know what to say." - Sandra, Norway

"In a personal session on Zoom, the reaction in my body was enormous. I expanded more than ever when I did Soul Body Fusion by myself. She is very quick and clear in finding what is the «problem» /issue. In a gentle way, I am a big fan of Jonette. Have been since I met her in a two-day course maybe 9 years ago. I love all her work, and I always feel the information she channels via MARK or the white eagle or whatever, makes sense in my 3D life and my spirit life. I can recommend a private session with her. She makes a big difference in a human way, with light and with lovely energy.  " - Bente, Norway

"I found Jonette's persona to be especially soothing and calming, her energy work gently powerful, and her insight to my questions about my linear and multidimensional life to be instructive. My session was a very positive and enlightening experience." - Lori, United States

"Dear Jonette
As always the sessions with you give me confirmation and clearance about the way I have chosen to walk. There are always new doors opening up and new possibilities coming into mind. My soul gets filled with joy and happiness." - Kristina, Sweden

"I had my personal session with Jonette who has so much empathy and wisdom. She made me feel very comfortable although it was a difficult theme for me. The 50 minutes felt like just 10 minutes, she gave me a lot of information that fit. Thank you very much Jonette🙏" - Marijke, Netherlands

"I love Jonette's humility, kindness and ability make me feel at ease. She has a powerful gift to allow spirit to flow through her and that feels incredible to me. The session its self was enlightening and she answered all my questions, I continued to gain more awareness and healing in the days to follow. I have since signed up for the masters class as I know in my heart it will be a transformative experience with her as a guide." - Janet, UK

Thank you so much, blessings to you, your guides and mine !!! 💗🧡💛💚💙💜
I feel sooo much lighter, it sparkles all over and my heart bursts from joy Joehoe, I feel like partying and celebrating, singing and dancing hihi, so much energy, drinking a well deserved cup of cappucino, bumber everyone is asleep at home. My sweet little 3 year old is SOOO happy!! Finally!, she says.
Beautiful... I had the young one in me draw, I am not a drawer, but nevertheless the colors reflect the radiance, they shine.
And I feel my sweet dear grandmother behind me with a big silent smile. Her hands on her lap. Did you know she turned a 100 before she went? She was so strong. A sunshine.
Big thank you and blessings to you dear Jonette for all the help and guidance, wow, I really am impressed what all happened in 50 minutes time. WOW.
And now I understand how you do so many sessions a day ... I really thought, where do you get all this energy from. With this kind of energy that I feel right now, wow, so much is possible ... Truly hope it will stay 🙂
Thanks so much again!!

“You see me! This is the first time I’ve met someone who can put words to what I’m experiencing. I always thought something was wrong with me. It is such a relief to be recognized.” - Susse, Greece

"From my heart thank you SO much for the last session (and the others). It was so incredible to sit in my own light - and feel and sense it (know-see) - and let it heal what needed to heal. I was so full of bliss and peace afterward and some of the next day.
I have heard it several times since - and yesterday evening with the recording, I could sit there in my own light. That was incredible. I was so calm afterward, blissful, peaceful and at a higher frequency. Just sensed that everything was just okay. Doing a difference." - Helle Sofie

"When it comes to the private sessions with Jonette, the big benefit is of course that it is really suited to what you need most at that given moment. Among other things, Jonette has helped me clear fears and patterns that kept me stuck in certain situations. During the personal sessions, I always have very strong physical sensations when we work with the energies. Jonette is highly intuitive; several times I had an image or an insight, and when she describes what she is seeing, it is actually what I just saw/was thinking. As a person, Jonette is very warm and genuine. I'm very happy I found her!" - Sonja, Belgium

"I opened a door in myself, something I can only do with Jonette." - Jeannette, Netherlands

"The session we had gave me so much. I had the possibility to talk about my visions and experiences with someone who totaly understand me.
I got to meet again with the great White brother and sisterhood to receive from them an aknowledgement through the torch and the cloak over my shoulders. We are working together to raise the energies on earth.
I got an amazing download into my body of universal knowledge and cosmic codes.
The session gave me an uplifting feeling and a heart full of love." - Kristina, Sweden

"A beautiful session of healing, filled with compassion, understanding and many breakthroughs.
These breakthroughs allowed me to be filled with peace and hope in my day to day life.
Thank you." - Lynda

"My Soul Body fusion session with Jonette was wonderful in many ways.
From the beginning, I immediately felt at ease meeting Jonette. Sitting to receive my fusion was a powerful experience because I could feel that the energies expanding within me had a new energetic signature. As the energies unfolded in the session, I could sense Jonette attuned to my experience and her intuitive care further assisted me to continue to relax and expand into more receptivity with the Fusion. It was incredible to experience the inner embrace of a truly new frequency from my I AM light presence.
A few days later I am feeling more balanced and calmly centred in my body. I am so grateful for this sense now of a soft inner strength, that amazingly has already rippled out into my relationship with my partner. Thank you Universe for this extraordinary experience!" - Onyx, Canada

"To have a session with Jonette can change your life instantly.
It changed mine. Instantly.
Something which is mostly held for impossible to happen. But I can assure you that it is possible!
Her presence and guidance are filled with love, joy and deep insight.
I am deeply grateful." - Susse Marianna, Denmark

"I really feel that something deep was changed. Like a big step into a totally new way of facing the world, living in love and beauty. I always feel that you see me and that we connect on the same wavelength. So thank you for being you and meeting me. It helps me to meet myself in new ways." - Karin, Sweden

"These sessions over many years have been such an immense support in my life. I can't imagine my life without your wisdom." - Cheryl, USA

"My session with Jonette was brilliant. She had great answers to my questions and at the end of the session, she and my guides did some energetic cleansing of my body, especially where I have been stuck. Even days later, I still feel very light - like I can breathe easier.  My energy has been renewed." - Helle, Denmark

"I recognized the answers to my questions and felt at peace. Jonette's loving presence was palpable. I had some transitory nausea following some healing during the session and the rest of the day was full of Grace. Well worth it as I am in an even better place." - Rose, Australia

"A session with Jonette is an enriching experience.  Her clarity and guidance are always spot-on and most appreciated is the love that flows through her." - Louise, USA

"Working with Jonette helped me to let go of the boulders in the stream of life that my higher self wanted me to go down.  What I was labeling as possible tide pools to gain momentum for the river ride was then recognized while in her space for the true boulders that they were. Thank you Jonette! I am now enjoying the ride hands-free barreling happily in the flow of life which I now see has the means to support my joy fully!! Woohoo!!" - Kate, USA

"During the session, I got what I've been working on my whole life... Now I can finally feel my heart! I’ve been yearning for this connection… and now I have it in myself. I trust Jonette completely." - Angela, Germany

“The session has touched my soul on so many levels. To begin with, the sense of overwhelm and anxiety has shifted completely and the heavy feeling of carrying a huge responsibility has totally lifted. The joy in the journey has returned. My heart is wide open, a peace at the core of my Being is experienced and I am enjoying a stillness within each present moment. I am incredibly grateful that Jonette has walked her path, preparing the way for so many of us.” - Rosemary, Australia

"Jonette was a beacon of light during my session. I felt a significant shift in terms of energy and healing.  The best part was the laugh attack I got at the end of our session.  So much joy after working through deep grief.“ - Cindy, USA

"Jonette was magnificent and I was immediately taken by her presence. I was in great hands and the wisdom she passed on to me in our session was momentous in my life, something I had always been needing and searching for most of my life. A weight had been lifted.” - Joe, USA

"I came back to myself again...remembering who I am...feeling deep gratitude to be recognized… being seen for the struggles I have been through. It all just landed in the right place in me and resonated deeply. I am deeply thankful for this blissful, loving session." - Mette, Denmark

"I had a personal session with Jonette and I have never sat with someone who is filled with so much joy and her light shines ever so brightly. Jonette answered my questions with clarity and helped me understand many of my spiritual experiences on a very high level. Jonette’s guidance gave me the confidence to allow my spiritual growth to unfold in a way that I know will be magical.

Being in her presence is truly joyful, peaceful and soul-knowing." - Lynda, Australia

"It was a blessing to have a private session with Jonette. I've been working on myself a lot. Jonette moved a stone that no one could help me with. She is unusually empathetic and charming. Thank you for my severe sore throat and for releasing these toxic emotions. Grateful forever." - Marlena, Poland

"Today after my session with Jonette I am at peace and rest with joy within my life,

thrilled every day with what I´ll experience.

My curiosity has awakened, I want to explore arts, and get to meet new acquaintances, knowing that life is full of magic." - Lene, DK

"I was very grateful after my session yesterday. Your radiant energy, your wise words help me to clarity and understanding. I felt heard, seen and met with great love from Jonette.  Thank you so very much.  Love and light." - Birgitte

"Wow, what a session it was.

The physical healing that occurred was and is palpable. I feel balanced and so connected to Mother and Father Earth in a natural way like never before.

Having a soul-body fusion with Jonette allowed my soul to integrate in an even more illumined way. The healing and forgiveness for the father, masculine energy was so powerful it was cosmic, creating a wave of healing energy that moved through time and space.

Thank you for holding space to allow my Soul to truly merge with my physical essence more deeply. I feel honored and blessed to have been part of this process." - Lynda, Australia

"My session with Jonette was filled with inspiration, hope and support.

I have been meeting with Jonette for over a decade. We have met in person for Soul-Body Fusions and also now virtually for personal readings.

She is a pure channel who supports so many. I feel the same energy virtually as I did when we met in person.

She is a gift to my life and has given me incredible healing in countless ways. She is positive, loving and always filled with lightness.

Each time we meet, I grow in her presence. She is a true joy whom I trust with my full heart. Thank you, Jonette, for your gift of yourself.

You have helped me, my family and also all those I meet. I treasure you." - Cheryl, USA

"I have no words to describe how amazing my session was. I was able to heal and release trauma from my childhood that was causing certain problems in my life. I’ve never felt more grounded and connected with my self. The amount of peace and love that I felt after the session was unbelievable. I am extremely great full!" - Yovana, USA

"For me it was a big release of old emotions which blocked different parts of my body. After the session I felt like recovering from a long illness. I am still recovering now, and from time to time, old emotions are again coming up, but it is much easier to release them and to go in a helpful connections with my angels and my guides. I also feel my body in a different way and can accept it much more. It is an ongoing process.  I very much appreciate your help and your clear guidance." - Ursula, Switzerland.

"Work with Jonette is a unique journey across the past, now and future. This multidimensional experience is healing, what needs to be healed, calling our parts from the past and creating the possible version of ourselves. I will remember this session with Jonette as the entrance of Light and warmth, which assisted us during it and which are with me until now. The session gave me balance and the possibility of a reduction of old programs, which were blocking me before becoming my true self. Jonette has a unique talent for connecting to the source, which then united with me - and gave me the possibility to open the channel of healing high source of energy and light. I feel more Alive and in flow. Thank you." -  Monika, Poland

"It was unique meeting, where I was able to connect to higher source, get the energy, light and leading. With your help I stabilized the levels of energy, try to reduce old patterns and programs from the past. During our meeting I felt that these programs are going to the ground. When I was reflecting that session yesterday, I had the feeling that one of the strongest  feelings I got rid off, was guilt and the feeling that I am not like typical human in my society (that smth is wrong with me), that program was connected with being excluded. Nevertheless- I felt that all of that is being grounded and a lot of energy and light is taking their place, where acceptance, harmonization and being included is replaced.

Until now I feel being loaded/recharging with energy from above (is it ok? :), for last days I feel warm around head, cheeks, ears and chest and back. I feel a lot of energy around that parts, it is vibrating, sometimes even giving the feeling of being dizzy and very warm. The most affected part with that energy is head (top of it). Somehow I feel that more me is coming to me ;). Most of the time I have small headache. Besides that a lot of ideas and opportunities showed up (usually I had a lot but now it is 5 times more ;). So I am re-loading, with clearing/recharging  also chakras- one on the top of head, solar plexus and a bit second chakra. Yesterday I had small issue with stomach but it is gone now.

Apart of that I feel more happy, more me😉, more focus on now and future, more focus in the morning and more alive. I see also a lot of white light around me and whenever I go. I see that higher part of the body is more affected then lower (legs, feets etc). I definitely feel the channel I plugged into, where the energy is coming across me to the ground. Thank you for this healing experience of Light, Jonette." - Monika

"It was great joy, helpful and very encouraging to meet with Jonette Crowley in a personal session on my concerns with spiritual growth." - Lene, Denmark

"Dear Jonette,

your help is more than knowing the answers.  I felt so much appreciated in my experiences and accepted in what is my personal struggle between my questions and sensing in my heart possible answers. I could find my truth during the session as a part of my cosmic truthful being. I could trust myself again by your empathic guidance. Your compassion was clear and I stayed full in my responsibility to find out what and how I can realize my conclusions. Watching the Video again was a good help to get a cosmic understanding from all points of view. (it was also helpful to realize by seeing me, how nervous I actually was and to see that SBF was helping. 🙂 " - Love Beate C, Denmark

"Thank you again for the beautiful gifts of Soul Body Fusion and our session together. I have felt peaceful and free, and can easily let go of fear to live my every day from a place of strength and light - I’m having so much fun dancing around in all of it and sharing it with my family and friends! I feel whole and alive and lighter in a way I have never felt before!!  I have been loving reading your Soul Body Fusion book!!" - Heidi, USA

"My session with Jonette was magical. A great transformation took place within me. Went from a deep wound of darkness from childhood to complete light. A light that healed through all my bodies and out into infinity. My being expanded to become one with all. Can't describe all this in any other way. From the bottom of my heart to you Jonette🙏❤️🙏❤️" - Monika, Sweden

Master Class

"The biggest gift of the Master’s class is that I’m aware of the undercurrent of peace in my life." - Leike, NL

"Having a Session with Jonette is a great blessing. She holds the space and opens the energetic gates for fast, instant, easy and deep deep healings and transformations. She is always exactly on the point of what exactly is going on and it’s truly amazing!" - Martina, Panama

"It was a very gratifying and helpful session on a several deep levels
As for lack of joy
What keeps us out of joy are our own different beliefs/ thoughts of "I must succed with", I need to.." , "I am imperfect ..." etc.
Joy is always there within our being.. Let go and be with joy of life.
Great insight - so relieving.
The work with the 3rd eye was pure revelation, and with healing impact on paining areas in my body.
Sincerely grateful and very joyful" - Lene, Denmark

"I just woke up feeling bliss
Deep connection to another earth and for the first time in 41 years I feel the grounding, love, support all the way from the earth through all my chakras up to the Universe
It's amazing
Kind, nourishing, gentle, warm, strong, light, wise and full of love
All my cells are tingling, happy, joyful
It feels extremely powerful though really present in the now, whole without any disconnection or separation
It's safe, comfortable and keeps expanding, including my aura and energy field
Everything is more clear, my vision, my senses, my direction (though I have no idea what the direction of my Soul is now, but it doesn't matter, because I can trust now, accept, flow)
Never ever have I experienced or sensed anything like this, and it's like home
Finally I arrived home within, in this lifetime on earth, to say YES, this is what my Soul chose and with my physical being I can say YES, no more resistance, doubts, disassociating or fear
The integration is still ongoing and I feel there are many more, even deeper layers, to be revealed
This is so so cool (which are absolutely not the correct words), amazing and indeed something you want to share with not only all around you, but humanity
My gratitude is as well beyond words 🙏" - Martina, Panama

"So much started for me during this program. Inside I am a different person. It really changed how I look at and live my life. There is so much more joy now." - Karin, Sweden

"I've changed so much, especially after the Mentoring program. I now want to choose a new me. I am more visible now and that makes me so happy!" - Liisa, Finland

“I am Wisdom. I am Peace. It took me 70 years for this.” - Wenche, Norway

"The master mentoring program is a deep inner and outer journey - that will awaken you into your inner peace. That peace will shine from your glowing golden heart to the world. The program will let you shine from within." - Lisa, Sweden

"I feel so happy knowing I am exactly where I need to be at this time. Being guided by Jonette and doing all this new creating." - Brian, Germany

“It has been the most overwhelming experience ever. I feel extraordinary power.” - Lacramioara, Romania

"I am so deeply thankful that I joinEd your Master class last year. So much has changed in my life and I do feel a strong awakening." - Karin, Sweden

"No more fighting inside myself. I’m beyond polarity and understand the importance to align my beliefs with intention. The game board has been flipped over into undistorted creation." - Dani, USA

"I now have an expanded openness and willingness. It loosened the lid on my jar so I can question perceptions to allow my inner and outer worlds to reorganize." - Tracey, USA

"More of everything! Stopped blaming others, greater connection to nature, the feeling of being guided in everything, not reacting, moments of grace." - Beth, Sweden

"Another mind-blowing session with you! Your incredible knowledge, clarity, wisdom and spirit are such a great help in my process. Big transformations and opening up to the parts of me that I’ve kept down.
It’s fantastic! Thank you SO much!" - Birgitte, Denmark

"I’ve had tremendous breakthroughs. I see major changes in myself: I have a totally new perspective and appreciate everything that life offers. The unconditional love and support from the whole group helped me to overcome fears and truly connect. This program has definitely been a life-changing experience for me. I finally managed to become me." - Nedelina, Netherlands

"I have changed as a person. What you've done with me is amazing! I’ve worked with many different people but only with you I have an extraordinary flow and feel only good energies and I am stronger." - Marlena, Poland

"I am grateful for the mastery group. Being in a small group developed a lot of intimacy, especially in our group of 6 and in our triad. We are actually still meeting as our group almost every week. What an amazing group of women." - Mary, USA

"Thank you for a wonderful session. I felt so held and seen. So relaxed as though we were two friends talking. The gift you gave me, making my purpose clear was invaluable. I use it daily. The beginning of a new journey!!!!! Much love" - Beth, Sweden

"It was a fantastic session, I had with you yesterday. Your clarity, wisdom and high energy are a big catalyst in any process you can have.

Yesterday I was blown away - your big overview was a big help, where not many people would have been able to understand and give advice. Thank you from all my heart. Love and light" - Birgitte

"Just another mindblowing session with you. Your incredible knowledge,
wisdom and spirit are such a great help in my development in my process.
You make things so much easier for your clients. I still feel the impact from the other day - knowing that my body are integrating all the inputs
from our work together. It's fantastic. Thank you SO much. Love and light." - Birgitte

"Dear Jonette

So perfect 🙏 I look at my husband in a new way and feel trustful. Also enjoying an inner peacefulness and stability even though my days are filled with my son and 2 grandchildren and no time for my walks in the woods. I have the image of my pine cone.

Thank you for always seeing beyond the veil." - Beth

The Master Mentor Program came into my life at exactly the right time: When I needed it the most. I don’t know how my life would have developed if I hadn’t participated in this 6-month intensive course. The program isn’t over yet and I already see major changes in myself. I have obtained a totally new perspective, and I very much appreciate everything that life has offered to me. The unconditional love and support I have received from the whole group helped me a lot to overcome fears and learn to truly connect with people. I feel that my heart is really starting to open for all the beauty in the world. It is very touching to be able to see that we are doing all this together. I realized that all the love and support I’ve been looking for in my life so far has actually always been available to me. I just needed to be open to receiving it. This program has definitely been a life-changing experience for me. I finally managed to become me. All my love" - Nedelina

"Dear Jonette, I am very grateful to you for these six months I feel how I have changed as a person it is amazing. I have very toxic people around me.  A lot of frustration, jealousy. what you've done with me is amazing but I want to work with you further.  I don't feel strong enough to be alone.  I have a lot of professional and private challenges ahead of me.  I would like to meet once a month for a session, I need it. I want you to strengthen my white energy.  I wanted to tell you that I have worked with different people but only with you I have an extraordinary flow.  I feel only good energies and I am stronger.  I have suffered many annoyances, but working with you protects my energy." - Marlena

MARK Workshops

"Thank you for three fantastic days, I am still getting reflections and new thoughts – and I slept like a child at night!" - Annette, Denmark

"Thank you for these awesome life-changing days! The biggest insight is to be more grounded and do everything effortlessly! I have never felt so much at ease and I am full of joy and gratitude since then! Your transmissions changed every cell in body profoundly." - Suska, Germany

"Year of Awakening 3 Days in Demver
What a magnificent, life-altering weekend! Thank you, thank you, thank you for one of THE most frequency-shifting experiences of my life." - Angela, USA

"MARK Intensive "Everything and Nothing" for me was the most profound weekend I have experienced!
The magic and wonderful outcome in this weekend was beyond words! It showed me the way that I are really become peace myself and a new promise and believing to belong to Shamballa!
I also recognize a new level in myself for appreciation myself and others, and created a new way of living with more support in life! Now there is a clear feeling and inner sight that shows me how I can be more connected with the higher levels during the day and gave me a completion inside with more balance! Thank you so much 💛 golden heart Jonette, I 💛 am grateful 💫💫💫" - Jeannette, Netherlands

"I have attended All MARK Intensive Classes, and they are all very different. What goes for all of Them is, that I feel very expanded after Each Intensive. With gratitude and Love" - Helle, Denmark

"I've attended 'Mark Intensive' workshops and I absolutely loved every single hour of each day. I can say with confidence that my perception of life has changed and my focus has moved towards myself. It's like something has finally clicked and I've realised on a deeper level that all the answers and guidance I was looking for outside are already within me. I fell light, I trust myself and I listen to myself. I feel love and joy in my heart. I focus on my path without distracting myself with anything else. I know, I just know that I am looked after. I know that I am guided and finally I understood that my role here is just to be me. I gained clarity I so much was looking for. After the workshops I started meditating every morning calling Shamballa Consciousness in. I feel the presence of my guides so deeply that it makes me cry. I want to go outside, shake people and shout at them to wake up. Wake up! Life is magical, you are magical! Open your eyes! We are amazing and magnificent creations of God! (obviously I don't do that as there is a possibility I could be locked in and I don't think I would enjoy that so much).
The workshops were my 'Eureka' moment. The change just happened in my body and in my presence, nothing to do with my head. Finally I understood what it means to be empty, to be nothing and everything at the same time. I know I am eternity and purity in Magdalena's body looking at life through her gorgeous eyes. How not to love myself after this realisation and cellular understanding what it actually mean? Apart from shaking people vigorously I want to share the love, deep, pure, unconditional love to everything and everyone. Every morning I release duality, judgement and separation and I feel like a child opening my eyes to the beauty of the new world I started to see in myself and others. I am excited and intrigued to explore more of who I am and what my powers are. I feel like a child in a sweet shop looking at all the colourful jars with open mouth and big eyes and I love this feeling. It's pure, it's real, it's genuine. All of these happened after the workshops. I am very grateful for this workshops and I am very grateful my path and Jonette's have crossed. Thank you very much!" - Magdalena, United Kingdom

"I joined the Mark Intensive workshop "Everything and Nothing" in September 2021.
It was an expanding weekend for me. I have got more contact with the universe. I more often feel I am the universe, I am in the chain of evolution. And all the cycles that came up in the last meditation seem to pass through my heart.
Sometimes I feel very strong and expanding in my energy, days also come when I lose my energy and get very, very tired. I am very happy, I had the opportunity to participate in this workshop." - Evelin, Sweden

"During the weekend all pieces of my puzzle of the last 4 years fell into place. I made a great transformation!"

"I liked so much turning to my own wisdom and talents."

"It was an amazing weekend! I feel so much joy and gratitude."

"Most important was the raising of our energy. I was love and light!"

"You brought me so much knowing about the Universe and how we are connected. You activated my Quantum brain and connected me to the Earth."

"Thank you Jonette. You give me the trust to be a Light and to let go of the old things. Now I am a joyful person!"

"The spiritual traveling was amazing and guided so well by Jonette."

"I loved to learn how we can raise the world’s vibrations!"

"Thank you so much for the spirit travels, meditations and the experience of peace in my solar heart..and your dedication to spirit!"

"Thank you for creating a safe place where I could travel through dimensions. I learned how easy spirit knowing is and how I can use it to learn and serve."

"Every step we took was so in the right moment for me. It really activated how I can share my our golden heart now without fear."

"After all these years you never fail to amaze me! The workshops are always filled with exquisite, awesome energies and insights."

“The MARK intensive was an enormous experience for me. I needed to find the 'main switch' within me to change my life and not have to find 'solutions' for the different areas in my life. For me the MARK Intensive did this. I am deeply in the feeling of 'all is well’ now.”

"Feels like home, reconnecting with a big family coming together as One to change the world with light and love.”

The weekend workshop was lightening and uplifting.  The echoes are still working through me and I am slowly repeating the meditations so that they can deepen their magic within me."

Monthly Meditations

"This monthly meditation was so powerful. With the Arcturians, I cried the entire time, even though I didn’t ‘see’ anything." - Marieke, Netherlands.

"What you are sharing with us this year is perfect for me. I am thankful from my heart ❤️ for this gift! I’ll be able to connect with all planets, the Milky Way, the Star Beings and be able to share this wisdom." - Anne Mette, Denmark

"Thank you for your monthly meditations! The first Star Traveler meditation was incredible, outstanding. It took me out into the Cosmos, and I felt happy and changed in many ways. I feel whole and calm. I long for next month’s Star Journey!" - Britt, Sweden

"The Andromeda meditation is really the next level! It was a wonderful, amazing journey!" - Jeannette, Netherlands

"What you are sharing with this Star Traveler series is perfect for me. I am thankful from my heart ❤️ for this gift! I’ll be able to connect with all planets, the Milky Way, the Star Beings and be able to share this wisdom." -  Anne Mette, Denmark

"This monthly meditation is really the next level! It was a wonderful, amazing journey!" - Jeannette, Netherlands

Thank you for your monthly meditations! The first Star Traveler meditation was incredible, outstanding. It took me out into the Cosmos, and I felt happy and changed in many ways. I feel whole and calm. I long for next month’s Star Journey!

"Jonette's meditations, MARK classes and tours are my main source for upliftment and contribution to the Ascension of Humanity and Planet Earth. I have known Jonette for 35 years. She steadily, confidently and with humility dedicates herself to the greatest purpose and mission of our time. Join us in shifting the planet from war, poverty and disease to one of peace and reverence for all life. This is the Time; We are the Ones!" - Jarla, USA

“Moved to tears by this meditation. I felt big, important and grounded. I really landed in my space of Truth!  I looking forward to every monthly meditation that will come this year.” - Asa, Sweden

"Last week I listened to the Activation Abundance and Flow. It is amazing what has happened since then!!!! Yesterday I had tears in my eyes because I felt so much Joy and Gratitude. Thank you!
I love so much the Activations." - Beate

"What a meditation!

I  am glad you waited until this date to do the monthly meditation.
As you know I am very much into astrology and this full moon was important for me in many astrological ways. One of them was concerning my motherhood. I have my natal moon (which stands for emotions, security and 'the mother') right on the Sun (which always opposes the moon, at full moon) and there is also Chiron, the healing planet.
To become a mother at an early age was kind of a trauma, but she was also born with acute cesarean. Big shock for a little girl and I also felt how they cut me and I tried my hardest to move a finger to let them know that I was awake, but I couldn't. The medicine cuts off the ability to move before the second takes away pain and consciousness.
Today in your meditation, when focusing on the first and second chakra, my scar from the c-section started to hurt with a burning feeling as I remembered it from Lisa's birth. And further, it kind of moved about inside of me. After a while, I heard that I was as good as new and tears started to fall.
I have been preparing for it, but this was a very important wound that healed today. Hopefully, the very last one, when it comes to our relationship.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. As so many times before the timing is excellent and the energy wise and accurate. " - Asa

"I have had so many years of heavy pains and a lot of suffering. I didn't want to survive anymore.

And then comes you. And all that you said, was not unknown. At the moment I have days with more ups and downs, but in the end, it goes forward with great steps and my lovely smile.

While I write you I hear the new meditation from my friend Raphael. It's great. It pushes me and I feel good.

My world.

I'm curious what will come. No more blockers.

The only thing I know is I'm ready for the job of my soul and you help me to open the door.

What a great chance. I'm so happy. For me, it is really great to meet people, who understand me.

How do you do it?

And I have the feeling to live again - Youth research." - Gisela

You really saved my life for the better!
Just received the 5th dimension initiation. Wonderful!
Flashing light beams all in my imagination, tons of thousands of spirals all in my imagination.
BUT Pegasus en Hercules they were so much present as me in the visualisations!
If I will ever be totally back here on earth on this beautiful ship of love I hope to be back soon!
The initiation today activated a lot of childhood memories (especially cartoons, 1001 Dalmatiërs, The Smurfs, ...)
I've been through A LOT, BUT with your development of Soulbodyfusion on my side, I am able to turn the tides!
Thank you so much Jonette, If you were now physically with me, I would embrace you with all the sweetness in my body and soul vehicle!" - Lode

Spiritual Tours

Cyprus 3 – Kristina

"After our journey to Cyprus my meditations are stronger and it is easier to see." - Kristina, Sweden

Cyprus 1 – Marlena

"Lighting, love, connection with ancestors, connection with your soul, all this will happen to you on your trip with Jonette, the only thing I can say is that you will never forget this extraordinary trip." - Marlena, Poland

Cambodia 1

“The journey to Cambodia was phenomenal! Beyond expectations… I loved it all! The harmony in the group  and the support that ensued was beyond anything ever encountered, causing shifts I can hardly fathom.” - Daphne, Netherlands

Location 2

"This was a most spectacular tour, full of breathtaking sights, inner experiences and group meditations. The MARK-channels were so strong.  I was able to connect to past lives and integrate lost aspects.

To be with Jonette was so delightful and the group became a family within just a few days. I will never forget this wonderful tour and look forward to my next experiences with our "spiritual Indiana Jones"." - Asar, Switzerland

Location 1

“Jonette's trips are always an incredibly rich blend of fascinating new places, power sites, beautiful nature, potent meditations and wonderful people.  If you feel drawn to participate in one, be assured that you will find it deeply fulfilling and treasure the experiences for the rest of your life.” - Brenda, United Kingdom

Tibet 1

"The journey to Tibet was a wonderful adventure in an awesome sacred land. I loved the teachings and the sharing of beautiful gifts among ourselves, with the land and its people. It was intense on all levels, with profound spiritual insights – and I know, this journey has changed me forever." - DanaGita, Austria

Cyprus 2 – Kristina

"Big things always happens during Jonettes spiritual tours. During our time in Cyprus, Portals were opened, both to Light and to Darkness. We experienced Initiations, miracles and magic together. To spend time with so many loving, devoted lightworkers is a blessing." - Kristina, Sweden

Bali 4

"To be on a spiritual ADVENTURE with Jonette brings one word:i “exceptional.” It is like home and being with my family…. soul family.  I always go home with great memories and feel more alive and in love with life, and definitely with more love to myself. My awareness shifts. I LOVE to travel with JONETTE - she is unique 🥰" - Helle, Denmark

Bali 3

"Bali was everything I could have hoped for in a spiritual adventure…and more! The group connection, the itinerary and the spiritual magic were all unforgettable. Thank you, Jonette." - Lorna, USA

Bali 2

"Traveling with Jonette never ceases to be less than an exceptional, mind-transcending, multi-dimensional journey. The unique mixture of ‘spiritual' and ’touristy’ parts and plain fun and joy being with ’soul family’ and Jonette's ability to find the exact right travel guides to help take the trip to a higher level, enable this. We all go home enriched; with a broader outlook, more loving and appreciative and overall changed for the better." - Berdine, Netherlands

Bali 1

"An adventure with Jonette is similar to taking an adventurous path up a mountain —complete with wildflowers, divine mother and holy father, and a deeper connection with myself and my brothers and sisters here and from the stars.

Always a journey of love with Jonette." - Michelle, USA

Soul Body Fusion

"Dear Jonette,
I had a one on one session Soul Body Fusion with you, I believe two years ago.
I still get very loving feelings when I tune into that moment and just wanted to say thank you!
It was a joyful, calming and grounding session.
You told me other asian souls were watching because I was choosing something completely new!
Breaking ancient patterns hahaha.
Thank you and thank you for your humble and very powerful Soul Body Fusion session!
I pray to one day be able to follow a teacher training so that when I do soul body fusion I do it for the surroundings too!" - Dja, Netherlands

"It’s Amazing, A very helpful easy tool. Too easy to be true(!) 😉 for us 3D hardworking people 🤗😊 I have used it for a while. Now, just thinking about SBF if I don’t have time to sit down or 5 min helps me to come back. It’s helpful to get new insights and to integrate new insights. A strong recommendation! to give SBF a chance from me🤗😊🤗" - Norway

"Dear Jonette!
I was able to learn Soul Body Fusion from you a long time ago when you were in Nuremberg.
It has enriched my life infinitely since then.
At my last individual session, you gave me an SBF to reconnect my spiritual mind and spiritual body.
We laughed so hard because it felt like a spiritual rocking chair.
Now in the days since, I feel safe and relaxed like I've never felt before. I am carried in a sea of love. It is strong and beautiful, buried talents and ideas emerge.
Thank you for moving forward so courageously and, above all, sharing your knowledge so generously." - Sandra Malia, Austria

"I just woke up feeling bliss
Deep connection to another earth and for the first time in 41 years I feel the grounding, love, support all the way from the earth through all my chakras up to the Universe
It's amazing
Kind, nourishing, gentle, warm, strong, light, wise and full of love
All my cells are tingling, happy, joyful
It feels extremely powerful though really present in the now, whole without any disconnection or separation
It's safe, comfortable and keeps expanding, including my aura and energy field
Everything is more clear, my vision, my senses, my direction (though I have no idea what the direction of my Soul is now, but it doesn't matter, because I can trust now, accept, flow)
Never ever have I experienced or sensed anything like this, and it's like home
Finally I arrived home within, in this lifetime on earth, to say YES, this is what my Soul chose and with my physical being I can say YES, no more resistance, doubts, disassociating or fear
The integration is still ongoing and I feel there are many more, even deeper layers, to be revealed
This is so so cool (which are absolutely not the correct words), amazing and indeed something you want to share with not only all around you, but humanity
My gratitude is as well beyond words 🙏" - Martina, Panama

“I feel closer to myself, more me than I’ve ever felt. I have goosebumps all over as I am meeting the fullness of myself for the first time. I feel safe. I feel so much power! Weeks later I can still come back to this feeling, every time I do Soul Body Fusion.” - Lieke, Netherlands

"I was depressed, jealous, angry, and isolated. I didn’t trust myself or anyone else. Once my soul was grounded...All the energy changed! I had a 180-degree shift immediately! I finally broke out of the box and am free to be the real me!"

"Not only did I experience physical healing in my lower back, but my intuitive and channeling skills have further developed. Like my soul knows this to be a birthright and not a special skill. I have experienced some moments of profound healing of my true self."

"The Soul Body Fusion process has changed my life. I felt my body responding and supporting my intuitive soul nature. It felt different to be able to feel, hear, and experience harmony. Having the body and soul work together to guide me is so powerful. It adds confidence to each step."

"This is one of the best healing modalities I have come across so far! I read the book several years ago and I have practiced on myself. After the Practitioner's Class, I do Fusions for others both in-person and remotely. It is so fulfilling to help others!"

"Soul Body Fusion has opened new doors for me... doors I never even knew existed. It has allowed me to see that I already am heaven (my soul) on earth (my body). My self-image has shifted from weak human to amazingly empowered divine messenger... just an astounding experience!"

"It was absolutely beautiful and amazing! I’ve been doing a lot of work on my own consciousness, and I now realize - and it seems so obvious - that I was not living my divinity from inside my own physical body! "

"I have had amazing results in just a couple of days of doing your Soul Body Fusion program. My step feels lighter, and I feel so much joy coming from within. I have not felt this happy in a very long time.  A shift has occurred in me, and I feel I will continue to expand into this beautiful butterfly that has been waiting to shed its cocoon.  Thank you so much Jonette for this beautiful gift you are sharing with humanity." - Alice

"For me, Soul Body Fusion is a miracle! I was diagnosed with cancer and went through two surgeries and I felt as if I lost some of myself. Happily for me, I found a local Soul Body Fusion practitioner -- and an amazing transformation is starting to take place.

My clairvoyance is quickly improving, and I have now found divine happiness and I feel at home on earth now. My life is back on track and I have become a super strong manifester so for me Soul Body Fusion is an ongoing miracle." - Monica Krista, Denmark

Jonette (other)

"I listened to your beautiful interview with Kevin Moore recently on “They Call Us Channelers.” I thought you did an eloquent job of explaining to a general audience, any audience really, what is important about your work." - Leslee USA

"I’m always impressed at how you consistently radiate unconditional love, acceptance, and complete equanimity.

As I was observing this again during Class 6, I ‘heard' the following:


- “You can stand me up at the gates of Hell and I won’t back down”. (Tom Petty)


”Jonette is my mentor and soul sister, only few can hold the door open for others to enter the unknown like she can! Thanks to her I’m more fully embracing the truth that I have the same kind of gift…

To have someone like Jonette guiding us in Nothingness & Allness is a huge service.” - Auli, Finland

"Last night I watched your hypnosis with Laura.

I was sobbing through most of it!!! Can't even tell you how strongly it resonated with me and how deeply that insight struck chords in my heart.

I was having such a heavy emotional reaction crying so hard listening to it, so I think yes absolutely, although I don't 'know' many details yet, but I felt the resonance through every inch of my body!" - Breanna

"From all the work I'm doing with Jonette – MARK, Soul Body Fusion, the monthly meditations, the readings – I'm getting a PhD value! I feel all the wonderful effects and how life-changing your work has been. I use the listening room over and over again. Your work is such a current in my everyday life." - Cheryl, Canada

"Dear Jonette,
Thank you for all the work you do together with us, you/MARK are my life line.
It has taken me some time to write my testimonial from what has happened since the MARK Intencive, and it has been on purpose, as I wanted to let the energies work for me. I also follow the weekly Mark sessions and other "things" you make - so what is what!
I don't know! The result is that I have strengthen myself, I feel confident and can really feel my inner strength, my life has been so much more valuable, and I feel other people "wants something from me". I have for a long time wanted to do some seminars hier in DK, but not had the courage, about the energies which is "over" us and what people can do to strengthen themselves, and of course you/MARK are my source of inspiration, and I refer to your meditations, web etc. Two weeks ago I had the first seminar with success and the participants would like more, so hopefully more people will join you/MARK. Thank you!" - Nickie, Denmark

"I was attending a workshop with Jonette Crowley, and we did a meditation on the whole brain or Omega Brain. This is how I experienced it:

As I sat on the chair in a beautiful room my attention was on the sights and sounds of the 70-some people surrounding me, the kitchen staff preparing lunch, the pounding hooves of horses on the race track beneath us, and the voice of Jonette preparing for the meditation. But then it all fell away.

I closed my eyes, and not waiting for Jonette's guidance, I went into an altered state. My eyes suddenly followed a movement of an infinity sign going from the left to the right side of the brain over and over again. All sounds had ceased. There was only this one motion. And with it an emotion. And as it expanded to include my aura, my head was now moving with it. And then my entire body began to swing as the motion grew to encompass the entire earth. Round and round we went. Until it suddenly became a spiral and I moved up through it. Not around following the neverending turns but straight up through it. My brain felt tingling, my every cell pulsating softly. And then everything was still. And in that still point, I knew God's Love. A love like I have never experienced in this life. I won't even try to put it into words. It was beyond. I sobbed. Not that I was sad, but because I felt connected. At home. Authentic. Seen. Loved.

It's been five weeks and I have felt more at ease ever since. There are pauses between my thoughts. My mind is uncluttered. It feels like it only produces the thoughts I need to speak or write. I have been filled with serenity, peace, a softer inner voice, a heart full of love, appreciation and acceptance. It is like there is more room inside me.

And, I have to add, the first time I went to Jonette's Mark workshop the experiences and changes were dramatic, big, full of aha's and emotions. This was... softer. More subtle. Refined. And the need of my ego to share in order to convince people around me that there is something else out there to search for, or to even notice, is gone. I'm perfectly fine with them being who and where they are. And at peace with who and where I am. My brain truly feels different now." - Cecilia

"I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart… The work you do is highly advanced and I am getting so much out of it." - Grace, Australia

"Thank you with all my heart.💕💕💕

Today's activation was beyond special for me.. I had tears in my eyes from gratitude that this time we made it.

We have come so many times trying to enable this,  in many different ways.

This time we made it -  a new foundation for peace and harmony here on Earth.

Thank you for your work, your dedication. Much love." - Lene

"I have to message you about the activation, although I do not know how to convey in words what happened.
What I know is that it feels exactly like you said beforehand. It was like going through the portal and then actually becoming the portal. These are simple words, but the experience…. Oh my lord.
I cried through the whole first part, things got calm and serene in the second part and then at the celebration of birth tears flowed again, from so much love and the feeling of purpose. The innate feeling that this is why I came on earth in this lifetime. This is it. It is complete.
And if earthly life ends today, it is complete. Everything that comes after this is just the greatest gift, to be a portal of Light for others.
I give you and the Divine all my gratitude.
In Love and Light" - Lieke

"Hi Jonnete
Wow, thank you (and Mark) for such a powerful initiation.
I was having a lot of physical sensations throughout the activation but when the laser-like beam went up through our body and stopped at the base of our skull it became really intense. I then saw an image of a tube and the top of the tube was pierced open and a liquid gel poured out. I then saw a white/blue light. I’m still very much in the energy of this initiation and will have a very peaceful day.
Again thank you for being the physical presence of this work it is so powerful and as a collective, I know we are helping humanity and beyond." - Lynda Ezzy

"Jonette's meditations, MARK classes and tours are my main source for upliftment and contribution to the Ascension of Humanity and Planet Earth. I have known Jonette for 35 years. She steadily, confidently and with humility dedicates herself to the greatest purpose and mission of our time. Join us in shifting the planet from war, poverty and disease to one of peace and reverence for all life. This is the Time; We are the Ones!" - Jarla, USA

"Jonette created a magnificent meditation for me that I absolutely LOVE! Jonette's voice is so peaceful and soothing and the words feel so personal and in alignment with me! I used to find it difficult to meditate but now using my personal meditation twice daily is amazing." - Eilis, USA

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this incredible initiation. These wonderful energies are so palpable in my body, simply incredible! No words can express my gratitude!" - Claudia, Austria

"‘A Star is Born’ Initiation was an amazing experience! I became a clear crystal and the spark of light in my heart became brighter… a strong beacon to the Universe. I rarely experience anything so this was wonderful!" - Carole, USA

"I did the Soul Alignment Trilogy Part 1: This is so wonderfull!!! I listened to it three times and am doing the 21 days Soul Body Fusion.😊 I feel calm.. more ease and grace... and surrender. Thank you!" - Beate, Austria

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