10 Ways to Know When A Breakthrough Is On Its Way!

Guest Blog By Randy Ferguson

The notion of enlightenment, conjures images of an old sage perched upon a mountain top.  In flowing robes he or she preaches life altering wisdom to the masses.

I’d like to share a more practical perception.  Consider the possibility that an enlightened individual doesn’t have to be old, perched or preaching.  They’re just ordinary folks like you and me who have had a particular experience; an awakening of sorts that has impacted every dimension of life.


So here’s what I’m discovering in having done this work for a while.  Something wonderful is happening.  You may not read about it yet in Google News but it is a vitally important social phenomena.  There is an awakening taking place in our culture, an awareness coming forward that there is more to life than the physical.  When I ask audiences, “How many of you believe that what we create on the outside begins with what is taking place on the inside?” – I notice more and more hands are raised.

When people realize and apply certain fundamental life-principles, they enter into a process of becoming free from emotional burdens.  They get unstuck.  Their relationships improve.  They become less stressful, more creative, more prosperous.  They live more congruently with their nature, more peaceful, more in the flow.

I once heard a great definition for enlightenment.  It was described as an inner awareness that manifests in one’s ability to simply “lighten up.”

Sometimes the way this enlightenment begins is through the resolution of a major challenge.  I recently counseled a client who had harbored a resentment for her daughter for decades.  When I asked her where she felt the resentment in her body, her eyes opened wide, an expression of shock on her face.  As the tears began to flow, she said, “Randy, that’s the exact location where they just removed my cancer!” In her realization, she was more than ready to release her resentment.  The result?  She went through the steps and lightened up in a big way!

So how do you know if you are on the path of enlightenment?  Here are 10 questions to try on:

  1. Have you noticed a series of coincidences that are so blatant, there’s no way they are coincidental?
  2. Are you noticing that many of the rules that worked for you in the past, are no longer working?
  3. Do you suspect there may be a common denominator in the challenges you face that is trying to send you a meaningful message?
  4. Do you find yourself being deeply moved emotionally more so than in the past?
  5. Have you noticed that what used to motivate you doesn’t fuel your passion like it used to?
  6. Have you experienced a traumatic loss or two that has shaken your world?
  7. Have you been collecting realizations but are unable to bring them together in a way that makes sense?
  8. Do you feel a yearning to connect with yourself and others in authentic loving way?
  9. Do you suspect there is untapped talent in you, the expression of which will move you into a fulfilled life purpose?
  10. Do you suspect there is a very real power in the Universe beyond your 5 senses?

If your answers to these questions touch something inside of you, perhaps you’re ready for the greatest transformation of your life.  Here’s my counsel; reach out!  Follow your intuition.  Look for sources of wisdom that speak to your heart.  When the power of your yearning becomes greater than your fear, your quest begins in earnest.  Then get ready for good you can hardly imagine.

I love this quote from the Bible.  “Ask and it shall be given unto you.  Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.”

Please visit Randy Ferguson’s website at www.LCAProject.com, the Love, Courage and Achievement Project

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