February Consciousness Update Summary – “Incoming Transformational Light”

2024 February Consciousness Update

Hear me present the full February Update on my YouTube channel, and subscribe there to get notified of monthly updates and more.

Hello and welcome to February! I am Grandmother Jonette Crowley, and I’m excited to share our monthly Consciousness Update, where the theme for the transformative year ahead is the “Year of Transcendence.”

Embracing the Year of Transcendence: A New Foundation

In January, we laid the foundation for change, and now, in February, we find ourselves immersed in the theme of “Incoming Transformational Light.” This month is a call to action, a time to leave behind the waiting and reflecting phase. The planets are all direct, propelling us forward, urging us to embrace boldness and change. It’s time to move from the old shack in the forest to the newly created mansion of our spiritual journey.

The Wave of Transformation: Leaving the Shack Behind

This wave of transformation, often associated with the Aquarian Age, brings intensity. The pace is fast, and we are supported in making significant changes. The old ways of protection, control, and needing to mentally understand must give way to living deeply from our authentic selves. The key question to ask repeatedly is, “Is this action coming from my authentic self, or is it rooted in the need to control, understand, or protect?”

Authenticity in Action: A Key Question for Change

Authenticity is the beacon guiding us through this period of deep transformation. As we navigate this wave of change, it’s crucial to listen to our intuition, surrender our controlling tendencies, and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. Reflecting on my personal journey, I recall a pivotal moment 11 years ago when I heard my inner voice urging me to let go of a long-term marriage that no longer served me. It was incredibly difficult, but I finally had to surrender to the knowing of that inner voice.

Riding the Wave: Lessons from the Ocean

Drawing inspiration from a recent scuba diving trip in the Cayman Islands, I liken the incoming transformational light to waves in the ocean. Just as surfers swim out through the waves to catch and ride them in, we must embrace this incoming Light, surrender control, and allow ourselves to be carried by the upliftment this Light is causing. It is time to be lifted in our ascension, navigating the multidimensional aspects of our existence.

Year of the Dragon: Growing Like Wood Dragons

The Lunar New Year adds another layer to this transformative month. The Year of the Dragon, particularly the Wood Dragon, symbolizes growth and flexibility. We are encouraged to be like the dragon—sinuous, at home in all elements, and connected from earth to heaven. It’s a time for rebirth and regeneration, requiring us to be awake to all levels. Give yourself time in meditative self-reflection to tap into insights beyond what’s happening in this physical realm.

MARK’s Revelations: Shifting Perspectives in a Transcendent Space

In a recent channeling session with MARK, a significant shift in consciousness was revealed. The teachings have evolved to reflect a greater collective consciousness, inviting you to shift your perspectives and embrace a transcendent space beyond old belief systems.

Upcoming Initiations and Opportunities: Embracing Change Together

We urge you to ride the wave of transformation, make February a breakthrough month, and embrace the Incoming Transformational Light that is here to stay. Thank you for joining me in navigating these waves of change. May this be a month of profound growth, authenticity, and embracing the transformative energies that lie ahead.

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#3 of the Transcendence Trilogy 

A Hawaiian Intiation with the Fire Goddess Pele
Friday, June 21
12pm MDT/20 CEST

#3 Solstice Icon Trancendence Trilogy

Fire Goddess Pele

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