The Year of Reconnection
My guide MARK has channeled the following for 2025:
Very much the beginning of the Aquarian Age!
Turbo opportunity for healing, knowledge, technological and social breakthroughs that could not get traction before.
3 points of focus or mottos for the year:
- Healing / releasing
- Understanding/ Learning
- Growth / expansion….
The old container that has been our world is a breaking open. It is too small for the acceleration and evolution that is happening. Messy. Unpredictable.
There will be more cracks in the glass bubble that has been our nursery. The new world outside the bubble is powerful because it’s based on interconnected consciousness, rather than our limited viewpoint that is so self-centered.
The streaming of energies from outside our matrix will be disruptive, yet they bring a resurgence of abilities and support from the nonlinear dimensions.
MARK dubbed 2025: “Year of Reconnection”
Step 1: Connect to your Soul—Soul Body Fusion
Step 2: Connect to greater cosmic world:
Year of Reconnection—also means Disconnection!
Nots & Knots
- Not—I CanNOT. Release all the ‘Nots’ in your mind.
- Knot- release all those emotional and mental unsolvable knots you carry.
- ‘Gordian’ knot. Alexander the Great in Asia minor.
Didn’t untie the impossible knot. He just cut through it with his sword. Bold, unexpected action.
Linearity is cracking open into multi-dimensionality. There are huge opportunities for unprecedented growth in consciousness—personally and collectively.
Breakthroughs in:
- environmental balance and clean-up,
- health and healing.
Of course, all of these are much longer-term trends than just 2025.
2025 is a breakthrough year. But remember that breakthroughs often begin with breakdowns.
Financially, (surpisingly) 2025 will be remarkably stable.
Environmentally, you will continue to see global warming and the weather anomalies that come with it.
Politically, Power shifts. There will be pockets of fear and extremism, and those who adopt a bunker mentality of only saving themselves. This is balanced around the world by a strengthening of compassion and positions in the middle.
Self-Responsibility. There is a powerful wake-up call for people to exert self-responsibility and take action to support the greater community.
The world will see less complacency, less following leaders blindly, more activism and service to others.
Spirituality. The opening that the acceleration of human consciousness and the influx of spirituality is bringing will make for faster, smoother shifts in companies, in governments and in societies toward compassion, and away from isolating, self-protection. The energies of the future are anything but isolating. They are communing, connecting, expanding.
Personally, the role of intuition, inspiration, inspired action and focused intentions will continue to bare surprising fruit. Much like the 1960s, there will be a groundswell of people all around the world, caring, sharing and taking action individually. A deep groundedness will be required as people re-ground through their hearts and NOT through their reptilian brains.
Cosmically, there's greater opportunity for interaction between humans, star beings and Light Beings of other dimensions. Humanity is coming into its ascendancy, out of its infancy. In this maturing, much greater cosmic help will be available. More people will be opening to their spiritual gifts and trusting what they get from spirit. All of you who are here during this ‘Transition of the Ages’ absolutely chose this period to incarnate.
Beyond Timelines. This new period gives birth beyond linear and predictive timelines. It is a period of vast multi-dimensional creation. November begins a series of breakthroughs that require a realignment of priorities, nationally, internationally and personally. Clear intentionality as to who you are and how you want to live is essential because it moves you out of victimhood.
Two mottos to guide you: One, is a sense of exploration, always asking “I wonder where this will take me?” Two, to trust yourself. The answers lie in your present experience, not in past revelations or conclusions.
Come back to a grounded state that is not run by fear, panic or self-protection. Grounding through Nature connects you to its co-creative template. Do your own spiritual work. Find quiet time to meditate. Find your heart and your gifts. Make kindness an absolute commandment.
The hallmarks of the change will be when people stop blaming others and once again harness the power to create reality. Reality is more flexible than any of you know. The nimbleness and speed with which reality can change as consciousness opens is spectacular! This Shift of Ages takes people back to connection, and connection takes people back to Love.
All of this reconnects humanity with the greater multi-dimensional omniverse. Humanity has been in a bubble for its own protection. As that bubble bursts, there will be difficulties. But it bursts into a much bigger bubble. This is a time for looking forward!
Happy 2025 and Beyond!
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