June Consciousness Update – “Big Shifts in Collective Upliftment”

2024 June Consciousness Update

Hear me present the full June Update on my YouTube channel, and subscribe there to get notified of monthly updates and more.

(This is an unedited transcript form the June Consciousness Update)

Becoming better together.

Big Shifts and Collective Upliftment

The theme for this month is big shifts in collective upliftment. We're really, really supported in change for ourselves, but also change for the world. It's been a hard year so far. And it's like finally the wind is blowing through, we can open our sails fully. And we can feel like it's not just us slogging through the mud. So it's a great time to, I guess the word is up level. So uplevel yourself. Socially, be more involved, more active. It's a lot about the collective right now, because we're moving out of our isolation and individuality and it's all about me to broadly seeing the dance that we're all related, everything we do, is connected to all of life. And it really is like the veils are moving aside. And we're supported in having those big pictures. So having that said, so, think big, personally for your own planning for what you expect of yourself, for what you dream of. But then act big. So many times, we think big, and we go back into acting the way we've always done, and those two aren't going to get you what you want. So act bigger. And that translates finally into being bigger, being more multi-dimensional, broader, more across timelines, and not so much encapsulated in our little self, which is also our little cell.

The Year of the Dragon: Embracing Disruption

So this is the Year of the Dragon, we're halfway through the Year of the Dragon. So lots of changes with that. The first is that you can imagine that the dragon is our represents a ley lines, the movements of cosmic energy. So in the cosmos, it's as if the dragon is moving in these cosmic ley lines are opening up. So there's what you might call portals, or wormholes or gateways, and just shifts cosmically that really affect us. There's more access to oneness. There's more opportunity, really, for spiritual wonderment and spiritual breakthroughs, though, then we go back to our own small self. And it's kind of maddening that we cycle between these moments of divine bliss, right? And then we go back to say, Oh, why didn't I do this? Or why didn't he do that. So be kind to yourself, as you cycle through these wonderful, and the mundane. The other thing that's changing in this year of the dragon, so we've got the cosmic ley lines, or portals or timelines moving around, but then we've got the ley lines on the earth moving around, we see that with increasing volcanic activity, with earthquakes with the incredible Aurora that we had a few weeks ago. So energies are coming into our world that are both disruptive and transformative, transformational. So again, we're kind of riding the wave both sides of the disruption that we don't like, but we want the transformation. Weather patterns are changing, they're going to continue to change because the dragon is restless, the dragon is moving, the dragon is the most powerful sign, and it won't come again for 12 years, the Year of the Dragon.

The other thing is that our personal ley lines begin to shift. So we are moving from our linear point of view, which we make safe by having all our belief systems and finding only people who have belief systems like ours. And we're breaking away from that into really our more multi-dimensional self. And no matter how multi-dimensional you think you've been, we haven't seen anything yet. The spiritual growth is the opportunities are off the charts, for breakthroughs for openings for disruptions really how I've seen it in a vision on what the day where the Aurora the Northern Lights were, well, I guess Southern Lights as well, were the strongest, I was with a friend and I was channeling, I went into this the highest trance space I've been in in years and years. And all of a sudden I said, I am the keeper of time. Well, obviously, it wasn't me I was channeling something. And I was shown this crystal and matrix it was beautiful. And this crystal and matrix was the representation of linear time. Beautiful. But then over here, I saw this even more beautiful crystal and matrix. So I was really big whoever the keeper of time was this crystal and matrix that represented multi-dimensionality. So obviously it can't really be represented in a matrix, but it is a matrix beyond space-time. And so these two worlds are coming together. So we are in the cusp of being linear and multi-dimensional. So it's especially strong this month, with the Solstice with a heating up with the dragon movement. So it's a great time for spiritual breakthroughs.

From Me to We: A Shift in Focus

But on the other side, these energies coming in in the shifts to our own multi-dimensionality, will bring fault lines, we have fault lines in the Earth, we have fault lines in how we've represented ourselves to ourselves. So you may find times where you are surprisingly caught off guard, and you blow up or you have a meltdown, or just in a surprising way. So just be kind to yourself and others. Because this might be a month of surprising emotional fluctuations, let's say. But what it's showing you is how to go back to who is truly you, and to pay no attention to that part of you that is blowing up, she's still there. And you need to know, she wants you to know she's still there. But so be kind to yourself as these fluctuations show up. I've shared this in some of my classes. But in my simple way, I've drawn, I have a drawing of how we are moving that kind of how our world looks so that you can see it. So the real thing is WE, this is the truth. But when you put WE and you reflected in this lake, it looks like ME. So we live in this reflection of WE that we think is all about us. Well, one, it's not true, this reflection, we are more the WE than the ME. But now the winds are blowing. So there's a lot of disruption and fluctuation here in this lake, or this representation of what we are as individuals. So again, be kind to yourself, these winds of change, are going to disrupt who you think you are, what path you think you're on, those disruptions are good, because we have to break down the ME ME ME of who we've been, and move into that WE, that divine space where we're all related, we're all brothers and sisters. And that's not just we people, that's the rock people in the bird people in the fish people. So welcome the disruptions.

And I would say this month and this summer, encourage them, go on a vacation somewhere you wouldn't do, go by yourself to a concert, take a class, get out of your comfort zone, because your comfort zone is the comfort zone for ME. And we are moving into WE, we are moving into this bigger plane. So really, the veils are off this month. It's not just about you. It's about the collective as we change. And you're going to be tested to see where you're stuck. Yeah, we love that, don't you. But on the other side, you're gonna get amazing glimpses of divinity, just huge breakthroughs of a peace and bliss. And then you'll go back to your ordinary consciousness. But know that we are we are all moving forward.

A Collective Cleansing: Embracing the Cracks

And I want to share the visions I had this last weekend, three days ago, when I was in, I take part twice a year in a medicine hoop of life with the other grandmothers. And it's an ancient ritual. We do it twice a year. And this time is I was outside the medicine wheel as a grandmother, I go inside the wheel with the other grandmothers. And as I was outside the wheel, had my hands on the earth and was praying. I saw like this glass globe, kind of like my crystal ball, but it's glass. And it was all cracked. And my heart fell. I'm thinking oh my gosh, what does this mean? And then I hear the words from Leonard Cohen's song Anthem. 'The cracks are where the light gets in'. And that helped a little bit and it hadn't fallen apart. It was just everything was cracked. And I do believe that's what's happening now and the cracks are where the light comes in. But as we walked into the Medicine Wheel into this Hoop of Life, the first thing I saw was so many high beings of the, of the white brotherhood, whatever you want to call them, beautiful high beings in the other dimensions. And then just outside the medicine wheel. I saw these Kachinas, and these are God's Spirit representations that the Hopi people have, but they are ETs, basically, they are protector ETs, they were all around, I have never seen them before. And then as we were in the wheel, and I share this so that you can maybe close your eyes and feel this too. I heard the words: 'this sacred space is a drain'. And as we stood in that circle, and as you stand on Mother Earth, imagine everything that isn't you draining out through your feet, through Mother Earth into the cosmos to be transmuted. It works because you have to be grounded on Earth. So many of us on a spiritual path have not been grounded. We've been we've had our body on Earth and our spiritual growth up here. It's so important, Soul Body Fusion, whatever you can do, to make sure you are grounded, then you can clear through Mother Earth. And after I felt a little guilty having all my stuff going into Mother Earth, but afterwards, this the whole Medicine Hoop of Life was like a beautiful still blue Conde, and there were blue butterflies on the top of it, everything was clear and clean. There were white doves here, and up above, there was a White Eagle. So this is a time collectively for cleansing for transformation, for accessing new potentials.

Support on Your Journey, Tools for Transformation

So to support you, I have a couple of things, one that's free and one that's only $46. On Monday, we started Grace 2. And Grace is a channel class from MARK. I've been channeling MARK since 1989 every Monday that I'm in town, and this class is called 'Opening the flows of Grace', the first class, I offer for free on our website. And please take it and this is the first class of Part 2 of Grace. You can also see on my website for free Class 1 of Grace 1, and that was called Transcendence. These courses now that are channeled are beyond what I've ever imagined we could get to, and they are absolutely contagious. You don't have to believe this. You don't have to know any of this. You can just feel it. So I invite you in the next week or so, to go watch Grace 1, Class 1 for free, watch Grace 2, Class 1 for free. You can purchase the eight classes of Grace 1, please purchase the eight classes of Grace 2 because we're doing class to Grace 2 on Monday, and you can just join us. It's phenomenal. I have received more feedback from these classes from people than I've ever received in the past. And it's always astonishing.

The other thing we did last month, a three-hour 'Walking your Soul's Path' seminar. It blew me away. It was so surprising is so amazing. That's $46 You can watch the recording. It is extremely powerful.
And the last thing this month is the solstice and I will be with a group at the Kilauea volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. The Kilauea Volcano started erupting again yesterday. Interesting about disruptions and eruptions. I'll be there on the 20th which is the Solstice the 21st. The next day I'm doing an initiation. That's also a full moon. It's called 'Initiation with Pele, the Fire Goddess'. So please join us with that. You can buy all three Initiations that we've done the first two already, or just buy this one. So please join us and if you can't, it'll be recorded, but it will be live from Hawaii in the energies of the full moon, the solstice and the volcano in the power of Pele.

Embrace the Unknown

So I want to end by reading a poem that as I was preparing for this White Eagle came in, and he said: Where am I now? So I found this poem I wrote in 1988. And it fits really where we all are now. So thank you.

Where am I now?

I went to sit down and someone moved the chair.
I only blinked and I found where I was, wasn't there.
The room with the answers seemed so neatly arranged.
But the questions are different.
So everything's changed.
I must be in the wrong place.
But how did I get here?
And where did it go?
What am I doing? And why don't I know?
Why can't I listen to the voices inside?
Why is it I know that I could if I tried.
What is it?
They're saying that challenges me?
So, where is it I'm going?
That I don't want to go? Where am I now?
If I'm in the wrong place, am I on the right track?
If I keep on going, can I ever get back?
In if I get to a place that is right.
Will it feel familiar?
Will I know it on site?
What am I doing and why don't I know?

So welcome to having lots of questions. No answers, but lots of support. Lots of opportunities and so much power. Thank you for being with me, this June. Have a mighty transformational month!

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