March Consciousness Update Summary – “You Are Not Crazy! Two opposing worldviews interacting”

2024 March Consciousness Update

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Two opposing worldviews interacting.

Feel like the world is spinning a little faster than usual? You're not alone. This month, let’s address a feeling many of us are experiencing: confusion.

It might seem like everything is changing at once, and you're right – it is. But don't worry, this isn't a sign you've lost your marbles. It's actually a powerful shift in consciousness unfolding before our very eyes.

Two Timelines, One You:

Imagine two timelines existing simultaneously, running parallel to each other. One is the old timeline, based on the victim-redeemer model. We've spent millennia operating from this paradigm, where we see ourselves as either helpless victims or heroic saviors. This timeline feels rocky and bumpy, offering a sense of comfort through familiarity, but ultimately limiting our growth.

The other is the new timeline, characterized by internal power and intuition. Here, we're not defined by external forces but empowered to create our own reality from within. This timeline feels smooth and expansive, like a limitless horizon full of possibilities.

Right now, we're transitioning between these two timelines. It's a confusing but exciting time as we navigate between the comfort of the known and the thrill of the unknown. It's natural to feel pulled back and forth, unsure of where we stand. Remember, this is completely normal!

Embracing the New You:

Here are some helpful tips to navigate this period of change:

  • Acknowledge the "crazy": Don't judge yourself for feeling confused or disoriented. This is simply a side effect of the shift.
  • Tap into your intuition: Instead of relying on external cues, trust your inner knowing to guide your decisions and actions.
  • Carve out quiet time: Dedicate space for meditation or reflection to find peace amidst the chaos.

Letting Go of the Past:

As we move toward the new timeline, it's crucial to let go of baggage from the old one. Here are some things to watch out for:

  • Self-shaming and blaming: These negative thought patterns keep you stuck in the victim-redeemer cycle. Practice self-compassion and acceptance instead.
  • "Me, me, me" mentality: This victim-based approach to the world hinders your ability to connect and co-create. Focus on what you want to experience, not what you don't want.

March: A Month of Action and Growth:

March offers a unique opportunity to embrace the new energies:

  • No Retrogrades: This month provides a clear path for taking action without the usual astrological disruptions.
  • Lunar Eclipse on March 25th: This event invites us to re-evaluate and potentially release certain relationships. Choose connections that support your growth on the new timeline.
  • MARK's channeled "Grace" Course: Explore the concept of Grace as the foundation for navigating the 12th dimension and co-creating the future we desire:

Remember, we are all in this together. As we navigate this transformative period, let's support and encourage each other. Embrace the journey, trust your intuition, and know that you're not alone. We are co-creating a beautiful new world, and March is a month to step into our power and make it happen!

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12pm MDT/20 CEST

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