I'm ‘Grandmother’ Jonette Crowley, coming to you from Denver, Colorado with our March Consciousness Update. I'm a channel, a shaman, a mystic and a world traveler.
The Winds of Change are Upon Us
March is a turbulent month. The winds of change are upon us. With the wind, we can either fight it or go with it. March is going to have us doing a little bit of both but paying attention to always ‘steer clear of fear.’ The turbulence this month comes from a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse. Bringing balance is the spring equinox on March 20-- balancing the light and the dark.
Later in the month is the beginning of the new Zodiac with Aries—a fresh start. On March 30 is when Aries moves into Neptune for the 14 years. That’s really about a new journey… a hero's journey. On a hero's journey, you're met with challenges where you're tested and you're strengthened. You're tested again. You gain more skills and strengths. At the end of this hero's journey you have learned your lessons and have incorporated your strengths.
We're really at a time of transition. It is a call for a ‘hero's journey’-- a collective wake-up call. We can go to fear, or we can become self-reflective. Be more like the steadfast mast of a sailboat, rather than the flapping sails.
Reconnect with the Stars
My call to you for this March is to reconnect with your inner, strong, divine self. You might want to look at my recent Activation Trilogy: Soul Alignment—Gifts from the Stars. It opens you into a portal using the energies of the recent rare Great Planetary Alignment. You feel physically aligned and awakened. Now is the time to be aligned in your power, aligned with your stars, and on YOUR hero's journey.
Connect with the self. Say ‘NO’ to scattered, frenetic, frantic energies, and the news clips that take you off your center. Keep coming back to your mast, to your inner strength, your inner principles, your inner light. That's where the cosmic help is. That's where the flow is.
Ask yourself, “When did I decide to give my happiness over to the outside world?” The outside world is not in charge of keeping you happy. This month, with all its frenetic energy and all its turbulence, you are reminded to be self-reflective and come back to your inner core.
This month is also Ramadan. Ramadan is about turning away from all the external things that pull you in every direction. It's about getting closer to God, closer to self, letting go of desires, practicing self-discipline, being more God centered and pious. You might want to take a page out of the book of Ramadan and see if, especially this month, you can find your deeper spiritual center. Life isn’t only about our needs and desires.
The River of ‘Superconsciousness’ meets the River of Ordinary Consciousness
These turbulent times it's as if two rivers are coming together. One is the infinite river of ‘super consciousness.’ It has always been there. But we've been floating down in a rocky, turbulent side channel. When these two bodies of water meet, it creates the strong disturbance that you're feeling now.
Please keep moving your intention and attention to the river of higher light, higher consciousness. This is the flow you've dedicated your life to. Yet this other river, as it comes in, creates a lot of crashing waves, and it could up-end your little kayak. So stay focused.
Needs, Desires and Super-consciousness
MARK channeled to a client this month that the very basic level of our consciousness are the survival needs of our ego. This is our immature baby self that needs to be taken care of. At this level of immaturity, the person has no will of its own, no real choice; only unconscious, sometimes desperate or helpless survival. Much of humanity is stuck here right now in this helpless, needy, dependent stage.
The next level of development is where we have wants and desires. We have intentions. We have goals. We are purpose driven. Needs have matured into choice, and that's a much healthier place to be. Yet we can still get stuck in desires.
The next level I call ‘super-consciousness.’ Here we emerge out of being driven by our wants, our desires, our needs, me, me, me… to a place of ‘we.’ This super-consciousness is beyond needs and desires. It is a ‘being’ space. If you can step into that space during these transitional times, instead of turbulence, you might find what I call the ‘transitional void.’ This is a still place where nothing's happening; yet there's a centeredness, a consciousness that's interconnected and getting stronger.
#2 Soul Alignment Activation: Equinox, March 20
I’ll be doing the second of our Trilogy of Activation on March 20. Some mystics say that this Equinox marks the end of the ‘Kali Yuga,’ which means the age of darkness. We understand that we're at a time where this gathering light is supporting us; even as it disrupts what we've come to know.
So be kind to yourself. We're all on a hero's journey; and there's no shortcutting the lessons and the strengthening that the journey gives us. Remember to ‘Steer Clear of Fear,’ especially because it's churned up everywhere. It's only out of ignorance that we keep our happiness tied to the outside world. Come back to your mast, your center, and we can fly together through these turbulent times.
2025 is the Year of Reconnection
Reconnect to your higher self and your purpose. Stay aligned, stay kind, stay out of the crap that's churning everywhere. March will be an evocative month… a month of many openings, especially with the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The last day of March is when Aries moves into Neptune, that initiates a collective shift that will last 14 years. This is an amazing month. Steer clear of fear and center on your happiness and it can be extraordinary! See yourself through clearer, stronger lenses, and then you’ll see the world through those same lenses.
We'll be starting our new MARK channeled course on March 17: Keys to Ascension Part 2, Physical Integration. We always make this first class available for free on our website. We have a Trilogy Activation on the equinox, March 20: Balancing Light and Dark. Thank you and have a marvelous March!
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