October Consciousness Update – “Clean Up Your Act”

2024 October Consciousness Update
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Welcome from the Medicine Wheel

Welcome. I'm Grandmother Jonette Crowley, coming to you from the ‘Medicine Hoop of Life’ in New Hampshire. We gather twice a year with other Grandmothers to do ceremony-- a healing circle for the world. I'm broadcasting this Update from Grandmother SaSa’s office. The energies around this wheel are sacred.

The topic for the month of October is: ‘Clean up Your Act.’ A new world requires a new you… and there's no doubt we're moving into a new world.

I invite you to feel as if you're in this Medicine Hoop of Life, that I see as I look out the window here.

Take a deep breath and find yourself in a holy, sacred circle with elders of all worlds and all beliefs. The theme of this wheel is healing. So open yourself to healing.

Healing the Imbalances

October is about healing the imbalances that we've come to take for granted. I'm saying that we need to ‘clean up our act,’ because our ‘act’ has been based on separation, on protection, on feeling lost. As consciousness changes and the intensity of the frequencies magnify, so much will show up in your face.

For October especially, look at your coping mechanisms. Where do you retreat when the world isn't working? Do you retreat into sadness, into anger, into helplessness, into blame? Where do you retreat when the world is hard? What is it that triggers you? Because everything that triggers you in the outside world is not in the outside world. It's in here…inside you.
How do you know where your imbalances are? Look at is what's in your face? What's disturbing you now? What's making you angry or frustrated? That's exactly your starting place for healing.

Age of Aquarius

As we move to the Age of Aquarius we need to have a new self. We are moving from being ME centered, where we want to be protected and safe, to being WE centered, which is much more interconnected.

You might imagine that for thousands of years we’ve been in a cosmic out-breath. Life has expanded out from unity consciousness and oneness, into exploring separation and individuality. We’ve been creating color, diversity, possibilities and the expansion into individuality with this cosmic out-breath. This has given us our diverse and amazing world.

Now, it's as if we're beginning to experience a cosmic in-breath. We’re taking all that color, all that individuality, all that we've learned over thousands of years, and bringing it back into unity consciousness, creating a new sense of interconnection.

This time of healing and cleaning up your act gets us more in line with the consciousness of interconnection and oneness. We move out of needing to protect, needing to fight, to finding kindness everywhere.

My invitation is to notice where you're trying to cope and it isn't working, and then imagine holding these healing, interconnected energies.

King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid

Three days ago I was with a small group in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid in Giza. I ‘saw’ and felt an amazing pillar of light with no separation between above and below. Then in my vision, the column of light became a tube torus, with energy coming up and flowing in all directions. The entire vision then became a living Sun Disc, creating a momentous energy field of magnification.

Please take a moment to imagine yourself in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Feel that you are connected to all the light and the power of Mother Earth, and all the light and power of the cosmos. Feel the electrification and the healing. Feel revitalized, energized with a new vibration. Notice how your aura has expanded. Move from protection to connection.

7 Gates and 7 Keys

While we were in Egypt, we also visited the Temple of Luxor. Way back, where most tourists don't go, there's a small sanctuary with several chambers. The first chamber has seven doors or gates carved inside each other. You can see the gates, but you don't yet have the keys. Then further into this sanctuary there is another room, that has seven ankhs or keys carved into the stone walls. What this said to me is that we're going to see our next gateway before we have the key to open it.

I invite you is look for the seven biggest breakthroughs that are next for you. Then imagine that you can go into your inner sanctum and meditate to bring in the seven keys that will open those doors for you. I suggest that you actually write down what you think those next doors represent. There's no right answer, because once you get through those seven doors, there are seven more and seven more, like the seven chakras and then seven higher chakras. There are always seven doors, and there are always keys for them.

In that temple, on the wall above the seven ankhs was carved a sun disc. That's what we're looking for: enlightenment, light, oneness, fullness, holiness and brilliance.


October is a time to face yourself, to see how you've been coping, and to clean up your act. Pay attention to healing your imbalances, and cleaning up your old coping mechanisms that haven’t worked. We don't want to drag those old ways of being into our new world.

Next Lunar Healing Activation: November 1

I remind you that we have our next Trilogy Activation on November 1st, which is a new moon, and All Saints Day. It is called: Healing Outside the Timelines. In this new space we're going, we’re moving outside of linear time. There's so much healing that can take place, so much spiritual growth outside the timelines. https://centerforcreativeconsciousness.com/shop/healing-trilogy-2-outside-the-timelines/

Thank you for being part of this consciousness update. We are each updating consciousness in our own way. Thank you and blessings from the Grandmother's Medicine Hoop of Life.

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