September Consciousness Update – “From Domination to Self-Determination”

2024 September Consciousness Update
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We’re experiencing a cultural shift!

“A golden doorway to a new world is open. Are you willing to give up your smallness to walk through?” MARK

We’re in a Shift of Ages from and ego-driven reality that has led to domination, to a spirit-guided reality. Moving from the external ‘command and in control’ world that we've been in for thousands of years, to personal empowerment and self-determination. It's not from ego, it's self-determination from your higher self.

The Age of Aquarius

In March 2023, Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and transcendence moved into Aquarius, after having been in Capricorn for decades. For last year and a half, we’ve been enjoying the light and fresh perspectives of Aquarius. But on September 1 Pluto went retrograde back into the old energies of Capricorn. Until early November we have the opportunity to take the Aquarian possibilities we've tasted, back into the old structures of domination, shaking up the old systems. The breakthroughs you’ve had in the last year and a half have not been easy. But you are different than you were two years ago in many important ways.

Question Your ‘Hamster Wheel’

We’re in a cultural shift. Our old small but secure bubbles are cracking open. To make the most of these accelerating energies, look at where you've been in Domination; where you've allowed yourself to be in ‘command and control? First question your hamster wheel. Where have you been on a hamster wheel? You're used to it, so you might not even question it. This time supports you in jumping off, getting out of your comfort zone. The hamster wheel needs to be questioned, and it’s easier to jump off yourself than being pushed off.

Blame Nothing

The second thing that gets you out of the world of domination, which is the ego-based society we've been in for 20,000 years, is to blame nothing. Let your mantra be: ‘Blame nothing.’ Not your past, not your parents, not your ex-husband. Really be conscious of vanquishing the victim mentality that crawls up in your brain and makes its nest there. How do you know you have a victim mentality? Two ways: One is feeling helpless. The other is anger. When you are angry you are somehow a victim. So look at this in yourself. It's really a choice now of saying ‘no more excuses!’

The Healing Trilogy #1 Stripping the Stories

I found this channeled Activation was very helpful. It was on a full, blue moon lunar portal. The next morning, I felt powerful energies of green light that went into me, stripping the energies of domination out of my body. It was an electric lightning bolt that changed my structure and gave me physical healing…and added to my ability to heal others. These activations do get stronger. No need to have listened to it on the day it was channeled. Please do the Activation of ‘Stripping the Stories.’ It gets you out of our excuses, out of domination, back into self-determination.

Get Back to Your Presence

Remind yourself to be back into your presence. Have silent time. Practice emptiness. It is from that space that you can move from your small self to your greater spiritual power, potential and grace. From here you are determining your life, creating your life, irrespective of what happens outside you

MARK’s Grace 3 Class

This month we begin a new channeled MARK 8-week course: Grace part 3: The Medium of Creation. Grace is the energy of this Aquarian Age. It is the flow that we are moving into, that we're creating ourselves for. Please consider joining our MARK class on Grace. We put the first class out for free on YouTube and our website (

The Door is Open, MARK Channeling

This is a powerful time. We are moving from the old structures that have kept us controlled to self-determination. It's not just a greater space. It is a cultural shift from an old age to a new golden age. The door is open. and I want to read what Mark just channeled. I was invited to give a prediction for 2025 a channeled prediction for the Sedona Journal, The Sedona Journal of emergence. So it will be out in November, online. And it's interesting. I haven't they haven't contacted me for probably 15 years. So yesterday, I channeled mark for what he says about the end of 2024, and 2025 and I'm not going to read the whole thing, because that's going to be part of the article. But this is how he ended,

MARK Channeling

“The hallmarks of the change will be when people stop blaming others and once again harness the power to create reality. Reality is more flexible than you know. The nimbleness and speed with which reality can change as consciousness opens is spectacular. This shift of ages takes people back to connection, and connection takes people back to love. All of this reconnects humanity with the greater, multi-dimensional omniverse. Humanity has been in a bubble for its own protection. As this bubble bursts, there will be difficulties. But it bursts into a much bigger bubble. This is a time for looking forward.”

September 22, Equinox

This is a time when the world stands still, where everything is in balance. Please make your own ritual on September 22 for balance, for self-determination, and for self-empowerment.

Our next Consciousness Update will be Sunday, October 6, when I'll be at the medicine wheel with the Grandmothers in New Hampshire. Before we meet again please note that October 2 is Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the Jewish New Year. It is also a ring of fire solar eclipse…a vital energy portal. I’ll be with a small group of people at the Great Pyramid and at the Sphinx on that eclipse day.

A special thank you to Morgan McKenna of She gives me the backbone of what's happening in the stars.
Be blessed this month. This time is about self-determination from your higher self, moving out of victimhood, moving into your power and holding this golden gate open-- all while we change the world! Thank you.

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