‘MARK’ channeled by Jonette Crowley

Welcome Freedom Lovers. Welcome to the beginning of an understanding of what freedom really is. You think freedom is the right to gather, to practice your religious beliefs, freedom to eat what you want, drive where you want but you do not understand freedom. As you break the bonds of duality, which you are doing, freedom is sweet. It is non-negotiable which means once you move into that state of freedom, there is no going backwards. There is no reverse setting in freedom.

The dimensional work we are doing with you is breaking the bonds of duality, is moving you to at least entertain the idea of multiple dimensions simultaneously which by its very nature busts you out of polarity. The world of duality, the world of polarity is, in fact, critical in a good way for the 3-D world. However, you are discovering that you are so much more than 3-D, and you are so much more than that which can be imprisoned by duality. We don’t wish for you to fight against duality because that is simply a different duality. We wish you to love duality as an aspect of the 3-D world. Love polarity. Love the contrast without making both sides of the pendulum wrong. How would a clock keep time if the pendulum stayed only in the center?

wpid-day-night-jpgLove all light and shadow of the duality and by doing that, you are propelled through that acceptance and that vibrational pathway to an openness that defines freedom. Hmm, that’s an oxymoron defining freedom that enables freedom.

In order to have a sense of the impossible you must have an impossible sense of yourself. The “you” with all its limits and impossibilities cannot have a sense of the impossible. So first transform yourself to a magician, a magi—one without hindrances or limits, a magi with endless curiosity, a magi who has never heard the word ‘doubt’ or ‘no’.

Your emotional buttons are very much connected and wired to duality. As you move beyond duality you need to be okay that your buttons are not pushed, and you need to look at this because so much of your life is action and reaction. Are you ready not to react as you’ve habituated? Are you ready to step beyond your buttons? And don’t answer lightly because your reactions have defined you. You have rationalized every reaction you’ve ever had, and you are righteous about it. When you let go of these, you let go of a lot of your safety of how you are supposed to act when someone acts a certain way toward you. Please move within yourself and decide to what level you are ready to let go of your reactions.

Go deep. There’s deep clearing out. There’s cellular clearing out that needs to happen here for those triggers have been imprinted deeply within you. When you no longer want those buttons, all those triggers begin to dissolve, and you become conscious rather than reactive. You become awake rather than reactionary. This is a big step.

What you give up your buttons and your triggers you give up the safety they give you—the safety that you know how you’re going to act. Now you will have to decide how to act from all the possibilities of freedom. You may find this uncomfortable, deeply uncomfortable. Another aspect of this kind of freedom beyond polarity is that you will no longer be able to need to get others to agree with you. You will no longer need confirmation that what you did was right or correct. Notice how much of your psychic energy is spent seeking confirmation and see how much you’re willing to let go of that now. We’re talking about freedom, multidimensional freedom….

For more please order the audios, CDs or transcripts of our recent course channeled from MARK: 9th Dimension – Part II – Exploring Dreamtime. Click here to order Part II.

(CopyRight 2015 www.JonetteCrowley.com)

9th dimension2 CD cover‘Mark’ is a cosmic being channeled by Jonette since 1989. His goal is to lift humanity above the structures of our 3-D consciousness. “Your reality is a reflection of your level of consciousness.” He leads weekly recorded courses introducing us experientially to the higher dimensions of awakening. This is exploration at the very edges of human spiritual awareness. There is nothing like these on-going courses for expansion and transformation. To get a taste of ‘Mark’ for free, go to our ‘Listening and Viewing Room.’ Click here to order current or past Mark courses as audio links, CD’s, or simply get the transcripts.

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