2015 is ‘The Year of Manifestation.’ It has been more than 70 years since the potential for physical manifestation has been as strong as it is this year. We are ready and supported by the cosmos to move into our power as Creators — designing our life free from the limitations of the collective and our own past. We are asked to make the most of our life NOW!

This spring has an important energetic gateway — the equinox on March 20th is also a total solar eclipse. It is rare indeed to have these two celestial events coincide. The last time there was something similar was on December 21, 2010 when a total lunar eclipse occurred on the solstice. At that time I was guided to take a group into the Great Pyramid to meditate at dawn and dusk. The integration between heaven and earth that day opened up an immense diamond matrix, bringing unheard of Light and potential to Earth. Note the flower of life pattern and the diamond matrix of the tube torus or toric field. It was interesting that the Arab Spring started in Egypt just 10 days after our huge work in the Great Pyramid.

Why now? Humanity has reached a ‘tipping point’ where there are enough of us with well developed Light Bodies / Merkabahs / Toric Fields that we are literally becoming powerful cosmic portals ourselves. We connect through our prayers and intention to others around the world with similar vibrations. Together the grid of Lightworkers strengthens, sucking in the higher dimensions, greater gifts, possibilities, and also bringing in more great Beings into our 3-D reality. I can literally feel my atoms vibrating in a way I’ve seldom experienced before, and it’s happening almost daily in my meditations. (This is the reason our Oracle sessions and personal Soul Body Fusions® are vastly more vibrationally transformative than ever before.)

To support the quest in all of us to make the most of ourselves and these powerful times I have two new workshops for 2015. These courses will also be taught in Europe this year.  The launch will be in Denver beginning on the equinox - Friday, March 20 - Sunday, March 22. Friday will be: The Year of Manifestation: Making the Most of Your Life NOW! Click here for details about this course.

This is followed by a brand new weekend MARK course:  The Space Beyond…. Using Multi-Dimensional Awareness to Claim Your Mastery.  Click here for details about this course.

I haven’t taught a major workshop in Colorado for years so I invite you all to come!

(CopyRight 2015 www.JonetteCrowley.com)

jcinegyptJonette is a spiritual adventurer, and modern-day shaman who leads spiritual tours to power places around the globe. She is a gifted channel, oracle, and author of the internationally best-selling books “The Eagle and the Condor” and “Soul Body Fusion®.” She is founder of the Soul Body Fusion® method for healing and beyond. With her guide “Mark” she teaches people to reach multi-dimensional and quantum states of consciousness.  www.JonetteCrowley.com , www.SoulBodyFusion.com 

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Soul Alignment Trilogy #1

Attune to the powerful spiritual gateway of rare 7-planet alignment and experience the beneficial powers of all the planets.

#1 Gifts from the Stars

"Gifts from the Stars"

Friday, February 28 on Zoom

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