(Note: Jonette channeled this from White Eagle while camping with the Bedouins in the Sinai Peninsula in December 2010, just weeks before the Arab Spring hit Cairo. It especially has relevance for today.)

Lena_E_Egypt_2010-14White Eagle: There are beings here who live in other dimensions in the Earth who hail most recently from Mars.  Because of this Martian influence, this has often been a place of conflict.  It is the time now in these new ages for conflict to be sweetened by the love of the Mother, the love of the Great Feminine.

Aeons ago while the Earth was still creating an environment conducive for the humans and species that are here now, the Earth was an outpost for beings who had already settled on Mars. These Martian colonies were especially found in North Africa, the Middle East and in the Sinai Peninsula.  When the environment changed and became more oxygenated, it was good for your species but bad for the Martians.  The Martians changed their physiology and lived for a time underground.  They now exist in these areas in another dimensional world.  They were able to shift dimensions so they no longer live physically in the Earth.

They were tribal in their outlook, fiercely protective of their kin, their clan.  There was often conflict between clans or tribes.  So the energy of protectionism originally came from good, it’s not that they wanted to come here and have conflict, they just wanted to protect what was core to them. This tribalism created an energy of hostility.  Your military, your martial arts are a direct influence of these times.

These beings, most recently from Mars, are here now only in the etheric.  Acknowledge them – without fear – for they are comrades in the inter-dimensional universe. Invite   them to support a bigger tribe, a tribe that includes all species, all beings. This will show multi-dimensional and other dimensional beings that you walk in love and that you do not walk in fear.  This light and intention will help the vibration of the Martian energy to feel safe in the light and to begin to open up to their solar light loving energy. That loving energy has always been here for them but they had been hunkered down in their multi-dimensional bunkers and couldn’t access it. More inter-Martian, inter-planetary developments will begin to happen now.

Question:  What is the role of Egypt in the enlightenment of the world that is happening now? (Note, this was only weeks before the Arab Spring erupted in Egypt.)

Lena_E_Egypt_2010-76White Eagle: Egypt has always been a stellar anchor place.  It has actually been the first anchoring place for star-beings.  You may think that Atlantis or Lemuria were the first anchor places from the stars, but that is not true.  There were more ancient civilizations, such as the Martians who made this place home.  The Sphinx is older than Atlantis. It was an anchoring from the star brothers and sisters who came to this solar system through the portal of Sirius.  So Egypt is a juncture place of civilizations and times.  Much wisdom has been covered up, and much has been covered over in energy.  Your group and similar ones seek to dig below – not of tombs of pharaohs— but spiritual archaeologists who dig below the overlays of false civilizations that has been implanted over the true roots of humanity’s inception— which is love.

Egypt is an anchor point and therefore it is a trigger point for change.

During these times, it is more important NOW than ever to go the Middle East!  Jonette will be leading a trip to Israel in May 2015. Click here for details of the Israel Tour.

(CopyRight 2014 www.JonetteCrowley.com)

jcinegyptJonette is a spiritual adventurer, and modern-day shaman who leads spiritual tours to power places around the globe. She is a gifted channel, oracle, and author of the internationally best-selling books “The Eagle and the Condor” and “Soul Body Fusion®.” She is founder of the Soul Body Fusion® method for healing and beyond. With her guide “Mark” she teaches people to reach multi-dimensional and quantum states of consciousness.  www.JonetteCrowley.com, www.SoulBodyFusion.com

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