The 10th Dimension Relativity

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MARK - Your quantum guide to expanding and integrating into the higher dimensions

Join MARK as your cosmic travel guide, training you to understand and experience Quantum Consciousness at a level that is both deeply personal and profound.

As Jonette holds the energetic space, MARK teaches by taking you to extraordinary states of grounded expansion, then explaining where you’ve been. Most journeys are beyond words, re-wiring you to be aware of vast dimensions outside of the ordinary.

These classes are truly on the cutting edge of consciousness. 

Begin with whichever Series you feel drawn to, but listen to the courses and classes in order.

MARK Classes

By the Numbers...

4 Series in the 10th Dimension
3 Courses in a Series
8 Classes in a Course
2.5 Hours per Class

Held Mondays on Zoom
Includes the recordings
Add on Transcripts for $25

Class Format

Part 1
Jonette's Overview and Comments
MARK channeled meditation #1
Group Comments and Q&A

Part 2
MARK channeled meditation #2
Group Comments and Q&A
Jonette Closing Comments & Announcements

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10th Dimension Series #4

The Space Between

The Space Between is MARK's final series in the 10th Dimension preparing us to be able to comprehend the 11th and higher dimensions of consciousness. This course gives us experiences that transform us by getting us used to being the the dimension marked by the relationships or cosmic webwork that exists and influences all objects in the Universe.The times are speeding up and so is the speed of personal spiritual breakthrough. MARK’s intention is for you to have a stronger sense of existence or being in the space between. You have been going to the space between, you have increased your awareness of the space between, but you have yet to increase your beingness in the space between.

Part I: Neutrality - Class 1

This is the last trilogy in the 10th Dimension, we are fairly certain that at the end of this trilogy you will be ready to graduate to something that’s totally different than you have been able to hold so far.

Part I - ‘Neutrality’ – the aim is to neutralize you from all the polarity that has defined you and your world.  You often think as neutral as in between two sides but we wish to show you that neutrality is a whole different plane. It is the realm of the space between.  It is not simply the place between two poles.

Our intention for the learning in the next trilogy is for you to have stronger existence and stronger beingness in the space between.  You have been going to the space between, you have increased your awareness of the space between but you have yet to increase your beingness in the space between.

Neutrality Part I Class 1: The First Doorway

  1. Field of Neutrality
  2. Wheel of Karma

Part II: Harmony - Class 1

Harmony takes the space of Neutrality and builds bridges to create a level of complexity in relationships that strengthen all. Until now human relationships and relationships to the Earth and other species have not been based on neutrality and therefore had no way of being in harmony.  As humans, we have had little experience with the template of harmony.  In the past, the best we could do was the survival of the fittest, which is not necessarily harmonious.

MARK's intention is to help you navigate your world more smoothly, maintaining your glitter and sparkle while supporting the glitter and sparkle of others. We move you out of the world of 'give and take' and into a world where you automatically receive and radiate.

Harmony Part II Class 1: Synchronizing with the Universe

  1. Important Meditation Events
  2. Announcements & Comments
  3. Harmonizing Complex Frequencies
  4. Universal Tour

Part III: Mastery - Class 1

This is a course in the Realization of the innate Mastery of the Universe. 
The focus of Mastery is to build on the expansions created in Neutrality and Harmony to prepare the way for the 11th dimension, which MARK calls Shamballa, by offering unstructured experiences that begin to create new structures of experiencing in yourself. 
In order to move to the next dimensionyou must unstructure the ladder that got you to where you are and be open to a structureless perspective. 

Harmony Part II Class 1: Synchronizing with the Universe

  1. Master's Vision as a Dimensional Shift
  2. Through the Membrane Beyond Cause
  3. Beyond Self Mastery and Healing Conflict
10th Dimension Series #3

Beyond Destiny

The theme for MARK's newest series Beyond Destiny is breaking out from human-based limitation, living from the infinite nature of our Spirit.

Part I: Beyond Self - Class 1

In Beyond Self, Part I of the Beyond Destiny trilogy, Jonette and MARK help you break out from human-based limitation and live from the infinite nature of our Spirit. This course repatterns a ‘seed’ within us that has been genetically modified to trap us into the comfort of limitation and prevent us from easily grasping the impossible. MARK’s goal is to have this genetically-modified gene reconfigured back into your DNA as Spirit intended, and that this ‘upgrade’ can be expanded to the collective.

Beyond Self Part I Class 1: Exploring Beyond Self

  1. Opening Comments
  2. Unsettling Our Identity
  3. Vast Silence

Part II: Beyond Singularity - Class 1

In Part II of Beyond Destiny, Jonette and MARK explore the interface between humanity and nonlinear worlds, connecting you to that which is beyond the singularity of this Universe, bringing structural changes in how you interface with the world. We’ll learn ways to ignore interference patterns, see well-worn patterns being erased and new interactions being opened. This moves you from patterned responses to creative interactions.

Beyond Singularity Part II Class 1: Beyond Magnetism

  1. Opening Comments & The Space of Ascending
  2. Comments & Questions with MARK
  3. Nothingness Journey & Dialogue

Part III: Beyond Knowing - Class 1

It is a new world…beyond everything we’ve known until now. This series continues to restructure our consciousness to bring us beyond the limitation of a singular perspective. It sets the groundwork for knowing the universe—by being one with it— rather than receiving it through any filters. We usually enter a program because we have an outcome in mind. Here MARK invites us to let both the outcome and the mind go. This becomes absolutely transformative beyond even the possibility of expectations!

Beyond Knowing Part III Class 1: Habits Prevent Growth

  1. Releasing Burdens
  2. Holographic Restructuring
10th Dimension Series #2

Embodied Universality

The 10th dimension is growth beyond structures. There are no hiding places. If you can imagine how much comes out when there’s no place to hide. We expect that breakthroughs will show themselves in your world. What you learn will move out into the unified field so that others can begin to move beyond what has been possible, even beyond what can be fathomed. This experiment is to encompass consciousness that’s not limited by itself. Humans have never done this before.

When you realize that your being is not just yours, you have transcended into the Universal. It happens when you give up your addiction to your small identity.  It is the realm of elders, of saints where you operate at a much more universal flow. We relate, not as an individual but as a Universal Being.

Part I: The Universal Human - Class 1

Universality is the experience of interconnected, interwoven non-locality. This course gives you a greater playing field and a greater sense of support. You gain abilities and the shields and the shades come off. You know much more than could have been comprehended just a short time ago.

It is a time of emancipation. You must walk out of your protections, because that’s where life really begins. Humanity is in a cycle of survival, now moving to a cycle of aliveness. Can you imagine how life can be when survival isn’t the goal?

The Universal Human Part I Class 1: Universal Future, Grounding & Assimilation, Q&A - Shifting Thought Forms

  1. Opening Comments - Birthing Joy!
  2. Universal Future
  3. Group Comments
  4. MARK - Grounding and Assimilation
  5. Questions & Answer's - Shifting Thought Forms

Part II: Gaia - Class 1

We’ll explore our relationship with all of nature, Mother Earth, and our solar system. What if you could connect with Gaia is such a way that you are more than you? More than Gaia? The focus will be transformation through interconnection that is Earth-spirit or Gaia based. The presence of you as a part of nature will be expanded, leaving you feeling more embodied and at home here than ever before possible.

Gaia Part II Class 1: Heart & Mind Synchronized, Group Comments, Continuous Rebalancing, Q&A

  1. Heart & Mind Sychronized
  2. Group Comments & Questions
  3. Continuous Rebalancing
  4. Q&A with MARK

Part III: The Stars - Class 1

MARK continues the theme of you as a universal citizen. We embody star consciousness, play with non-linear time and stargates. We open up the doorways between our normal experiences and the influence of the stars to us on Earth, giving us a whole new realm of complexity to our beingness.

Gaia Part II Class 1: Heart & Mind Synchronized, Group Comments, Continuous Rebalancing, Q&A

  1. Opening Comments
  2. Your Heart is A Star
  3. Constellation of Destiny
10th Dimension Series #1


Part I: From Identity to Relationship - Class 1

As you move multi-dimensionally, you will find that, as Einstein said, everything is relative. Nothing actually exists unless is in relationship to something else. It’s the relationships that are the fabric of reality, the oneness, the all-ness. Everything in the first nine dimensions has its base in reality. Reality has its base in experiencing or perception. From the 10th dimension on there is no experience necessary, no perception possible.

From Identity to Relationship Part 1 Class 1: One With All That Is & Humans Evolving Consciousness

Part II: Universal Relativity - Class 1

When you realize that your being is not just yours, you have transcended into the Universal. It happens when you give up your addiction to your small identity.  It is the realm of elders, of saints where you operate at a much more universal flow. You relate, not as an individual but as a Universal Being.

Universal Relativity Part II Class 1: Universal Codes of Awakening & Solar Goddess Transmission

Part III: Changing Your Context of Reality - Class 1

More than ever before the future is unwritten. You are not who you thought you were. With MARK’s help, we continue to span dimensions, holding levels of empowerment that are unprecedented. The change is that you know yourself as a holographic portal that is no longer time/space-based. You are free.

Changing Your Context of Reality Part III Class 1: Ricocheting into a Dream like Reality & Q&A Emotional Attachment and Liberation

  1. Ricocheting to a Dreamlike Reality
  2. Group Comments
  3. Emotional Attachment - Q&A
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