The Uncharted Realms Series

We are Portals of



We are Portals of


About the Series

Uncharted Realms

Uncharted Realms opens us up to nonlinear growth...beyond the boundary of space/time and the limitations of our old human perspective.
This begins a massive re-creation on Earth. Personally, you step into synchronicity, extraordinary clarity, insights, and knowing.

Part 1: Preparation

What is truly uncharted is our expansion outside of our avatars, into realms incomprehensible through the filter of time & space.

In our first steps into the 12th Dimension, MARK guides us through the golden door, allowing us to leave our 'small self' and experience our non-linear self,  which is not bound by time, space, or experiences.

8 classes recorded Jun-Aug 2023

Click below to learn more and watch Class 1 for free!

Part 2: Purification

Purification is the next step in moving on —cleansing old patterns, attachments & limitations.

In Part 2, MARK calls upon us to clear the limitations of our personal and collective history. The higher dimensions become more easily accessible to us as we detox the patterns, attachments, and programs that we have hidden behind.

8 classes recorded Oct-Dec 2023

Click below to learn more and watch Class 1 for free!

Part 3: Perception

In Perception, we leave our limited visions behind as we connect with the Oneness.

In Part 3, we experience an entirely new way of seeing/knowing. We see the big picture of what we are completing and the future our envisioning is creating. This unlimited perception intertwines with others, assisting in the ascension of all humankind.

8 classes recorded Jan-Feb 2024

Click below to learn more and watch Class 1 for free!

Watch the first Class for free

Perception: Part 3 of Uncharted Realms
Class 1: "Perception with No Blinders"

Uncharted Realms - Part 3: PERCEPTION (MARK Course, Class 1)

Purification: Part 2 of Uncharted Realms
Class 1: "Enfold Yourself in Living Light"

Uncharted Realms - Part 2: PURIFICATION (MARK Course, Class 1)

Preparation: Part 1 of Uncharted Realms
Class 1: "You Are a Generator for Enlightenment"

Uncharted Realms - Part 1: PREPARATION (MARK Course, Class 1)

Learn More about the 12th Dimension 'Transcendence' and watch "Dancing Through Dimensions", a video series taking your through the first 11 dimensions.

It has taken 34 years of channeling MARK to move through the first 11 dimensions of human consciousness. We are now entering the final level that can be understood from an individual’s perspective...


The last dimension before Enlightenment

The 12th Dimension opens us up to nonlinear growth. Taking us beyond the boundary of space/time and the limitations of our old human perspective.

This begins a massive re-creation on Earth

Personally, you step into synchronicity, extraordinary clarity, insights, and knowing.

You trust that your steps are guided.

The Veils are lifted.

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