Henry had a terrible accident in which he experienced severe trauma, a shattered leg, and was in a coma for 7 days. My friend Lynn knew it was important to go to the hospital daily and do a Soul Body Fusion® for him and talk to his soul while he was unconscious. When he finally came out of the coma the first thing he said was ‘Lynn’, not his wife’s name. When Lynn got to the hospital Henry explained that he had been lost in a terrible and very dark place. He didn’t know how to get back until he heard Lynn’s voice and he followed the light back to his body! Henry will be going home from the hospital tomorrow!

photo 1When I heard this story it touched me so, especially Henry’s description of limbo or the astral plane. What a horrible place to be lost in. So I meditated calling in all the angels, the Masters, the guides, and all of us who hold a powerful light to gather together in the astral plane and use our energy and love to clear it, creating places of light for souls to find their way back home.

This morning with this mission as my intention, I was lifted to an amazing state of grace. My body truly felt like golden plasma. My solar plexus was huge — like a radiating sun. I have touched into this space several times before.  Even as a child I remember it. But I was never able to hold it for longer than a few minutes. It was not a Light Body it was something much more physical. When I asked, the answer came ‘Super Body.’

Now I’m at the airport waiting to fly to Switzerland. I can still feel the pulsing light and the scintillating golden plasma. This feels to me like a major breakthrough in integrating spirit into matter.

The job I suggest to all of us is to get into a clear high space, with the intention of gathering together in service to create places of light and refuge in the astral planes for any souls to use to either return to earth, or to move on to the Light.

When we undertake these cosmic missions we are always given grace and new gifts. Thank you for being of service to the evolution of humanity.

(CopyRight 2014 www.JonetteCrowley.com)

SBFforCCstore2Jonette is a spiritual adventurer, and modern-day shaman who leads spiritual tours to power places around the globe. She is a gifted channel, oracle, and author of the internationally best-selling books “The Eagle and the Condor” and “Soul Body Fusion®.” She is founder of the Soul Body Fusion® method for healing and beyond. With her guide “Mark” she teaches people to reach multi-dimensional and quantum states of consciousness.  www.JonetteCrowley.com, www.SoulBodyFusion.com

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