Channeled by Jonette Crowley

Kryon Mega-Channeling Event

Sedona, June 2015

Behold, I am Ashtatara, a keeper of the Golden Codes, bringing with you a remembrance from your future where priests and priestesses no longer have jobs, because the gods and goddesses know themselves – as you.

Kryon eventAll the star beings hold their breath to watch as you awaken in more amazing levels than could ever have been predicted. You have so many gifts because first of all, humanity was seeded with love, you were seeded with independence. Sometimes those seeds fought each other, especially within yourself. Of all the star-born in all the galaxies – very few have love and independence. 

You are creating galactic waves. You are making the Earth keepers, the masters humbled. You are claiming the divinity of the God and Goddess within each of you. And you are claiming it in a different way than the Gods and Goddesses of old. You claim it in an extraordinary way, in extraordinary lives that look to others as ordinary. 

Now is the birth, for the first time, of the Divine Feminine. The Goddess is giving birth to herself now. The Divine Masculine is there as supporter and creator.

When the Divine Feminine dared not show her face, the Divine Masculine turned from his divinity. Instead of support and creation he went into survival and competition. The Divine Feminine must raise her head first. The Divine Masculine stands in full partnership. Survival and competition are crushed like grapes beneath the feet of those who stand as Gods and Goddesses, and the sweet wine has never before been tasted. 

Mother Earth is awakening and supports the God and Goddess in each of you. There are incipient codes in your DNA, there are incipient codes in the power places of your Earth that are waiting to be claimed. But you must hold yourselves as worthy! You must not look always over your shoulder, or worse, over someone else’s shoulder!

PastedGraphic-2But go inside to that star heart of yours and say: “What is my right action now? What are the right words? What should I do?”

You ask those questions so rarely. You ask everyone else what you should do. 

Let your heart be your main communication device to the cosmos. The cosmos is waking up. Waves upon waves of fulfillment are manifesting on this Earth. And yes, at first they will manifest as difficulty. Difficulty is only that which is wrong breaking down. 

You are the greatest lights in the cosmos. You are children of God and children of the stars who didn’t realize that you grow up to be Gods and stars yourselves. You’ve been in a side stream for a while. 

All the guardians of the Earth and all the golden code keepers wait until you knock on the golden gates and say: “I have the key!” 

Simply by claiming “I have the key!”, even if you don’t know where it is, even if you don’t know how it works, the doors are opened.

The twelve solar discs that were planted before the time of Lemuria, are awakening now. They are vibrating so intensely. It has never happened before. The twelve become one.

The enlightenment is not a solo journey, but happens to seven billion people on this Earth simultaneously. We know you can’t even comprehend that, but it is so.

We remind you that the darkness can never deny the dawn.


Blue Moon Transmission as Audio Download

Blue moonTo learn more about the Blue Moon Transmission that includes Initiation of the Golden Codes, the Activation of Deborah, and a Baptism, and to purchase the audio transmission click here. 

“The initiations were answers to my deepest desires for soul growth.”  Manuela,  Germany

“I felt the Light from the beginning and was immediately in another state of energy.”   Andrea, Germany

“After the Blue Moon Activation I feel different in a positive way. I am calmer, happier and more alive.”   Ellen

“I felt expanded way beyond my physical body and now I own my true Self in a much more conscious and physical way.”    Sofia, USA

We had such HUGE response to our July 31 transmission of the Activation of Deborah, the Golden Codes of Life Initiation, and a Baptism that we are offering it as an audio for those who missed it. The activation was beyond anything we expected! Click here for details.

To listen to the original audio recording from the Kryon conference go to: . Jonette’s channel is from 23:12 to 30:35.

(CopyRight 2015

JC with turbanJonette is a spiritual adventurer, and modern-day shaman who leads spiritual tours to power places around the globe. She is a gifted channel, oracle, and author of the internationally best-selling books “The Eagle and the Condor” and “Soul Body Fusion®.” She is founder of the Soul Body Fusion® method for healing and beyond. With her guide “Mark” she teaches people to reach multi-dimensional and quantum states of consciousness.,  

3 thoughts on “Ashtatara—the Goddess of Atlantis—and the Golden Codes”

  1. Ahh, the activations are received by all! Maybe you can’t listen to the transmission, but the activation isn’t in the words or the recording. The energies are forever free and out there! All of us can have anything we want by intention and tuning in! Keep tuning!!

  2. Godelieve Leenaerts

    What about those who can’t aford all these activations? I must be doing something wrong…..that i cant afford these activations? I still have hope and I just have to take the long road…… in the end I wil get there!

    Message for all who just dont have the money.. WE WILL GET THERE, we will just have to do it ourself. May you all be blessed.

    1. Ahh, the activations are received by all! Maybe you can’t listen to the transmission, but the activation isn’t in the words or the recording. The energies are forever free and out there! All of us can have anything we want by intention and tuning in! Keep tuning!!

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