"When you celebrate you are seeding Joy" 

- 'MARK', channeled by Jonette

Celebrate Yourself

This comes from a deep well of self-acceptance and self-love. Celebrating yourself is first because you cannot see what to celebrate in anything outside yourself— in nature or in your fellow man— unless you're celebrating yourself first. Think of the word ‘triumphant.’ It lifts you to a place of being victorious without an enemy.

celebrate_yourselfWhen you celebrate you are seeding joy. Celebration is the way of ease in the New Earth. Your current world is one of work and burdens, filled with karma, guilt and sin. It is a very heavy world. The world you are bringing in, celebrating, playing and dancing in, is the world of ease and grace.

In your current world you work first, then celebrate upon accomplishment. In your new world, celebration dances in the accomplishments. So begin to bring in joy first — not only after the hard work. The joy opens the gate for magic! The magical worlds have always been there but they have been relegated to a world of make-believe that only children believe in. The kind of magic we wish for you to believe in begins by celebrating life.

Work is important but accomplishment shouldn’t be the only cause for celebration. Work gives you a way to express yourself in action. That’s why you are here. You sometimes think that work is more difficult than play. The difference between doing your taxes and running a marathon isn’t the amount of difficulty. Running a marathon is probably harder, but you choose to run a marathon because that’s an expression of what you want. The marathon becomes part of your self-expression. The effort to run is fueled by your heart and not by a need.


The Shift in Consciousness

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photo by: vane

This shift is beginning to open consciousness in new ways. You are relearning what humanity has once forgotten. The consciousness you see when you read the newspapers is the cracking up or crashing down of the old consciousness. It is not what you were born to bring in.

What you were born to bring here is what you see when you close your eyes and go into your heart or when you hug each other. That new consciousness is stronger than we've ever seen it. All of us in the higher realms are grateful for how much you are accomplishing in the new consciousness.

So when you look at the world please don't just look at the world of the news. The breaking apart of the old is essential. You have to see darkness, you have to see violence, you have to see hate so that you can actually embrace them again. You understand that a denied or unacknowledged hurt in your body may eventually cause disease. So you must ask the darkness to come up, not to be denied. Bless the violence. Bless these events that show that humanity is not yet One. Feel that your hearts, your souls are one with each other.

Consciousness is the expansion of awareness into love. There is nothing else. The more you are love, come from love, see love, the more your consciousness can expand. This includes loving that which is unlovable. This is the hardest lesson of expanded consciousness, the one Jesus came in to teach— love the unlovable.  When you see the unlovable you say, “Thank you. I'm ready now to see you.“

The others who you share your life— your family and friends, may not be able to love the unlovable and they'll tell you how bad everything is. Love them for that, while in your heart you know the truth of celebration.

Meditation Process: Birth of the Eternal Human

Eternal Human

Please close your eyes and move into the golden place within your heart where celebration lives and magic is your truth…

Like Alice through a looking glass, drop into that rabbit hole where everything is different and wondrous. Drop deeply into yourself…

Before you see anything find a silence there ... moving into that quantum void of stillness now ... There will be a moment in which the stillness pops open to a different kind of stillness. Once you find that, go through to a different sort of place…

It is a different world of stillness. Simply engulf yourself in the shift that has taken place and know that this shift is moving into your consciousness, reconfiguring you to a different base place… Notice that things change about you…. The emptiness is expanding. You celebrate this as you explore…

Allow yourself to lose yourself, losing your frame of reference… Allow yourself to be universal without a specific reference point… Be one with the infinite quietness of the Universe.

Relax even more so that you become atoms spread out throughout the Universe. Nothing to see. Nothing to do. It’s the quietness that rewires your consciousness…

The space or field you are in creates you in its image, not the other way around. The image is one of wholeness. Your individuality falls away and your wholeness is what is present. In this field there is no time… Your sense of time falls away and what is left is your knowingness of eternity… Allow yourself to know infinite eternity.

in this field, there is no giving or receiving. There is only being. Anything that is other than being falls away. That part of you that is this eternal field becomes stronger…

You move past your need to do or to understand…  The parts of you that are eternal are strengthening, becoming more real as you simply be in the field of this eternal silence...

This vast field of quantum awareness brings you open to places that didn't exist as part of you before. Birth of the universal human happens in silence in a deep field of expanded awakening…

We're going to be silent for many minutes now and allow you to expand into this deep field of the universal human ... trying to accomplish or understand nothing ... letting yourself go.

(long pause)

Dearest beings, imagine that you are on the other side, the side that you’ve been searching for, the side that you call awakening. Imagine that it’s done ... the doors are open ... the truth here is too big to be filled by things you think you know, or things you think you want to know.

Awakening is a field of awareness that needs nothing in it, that needs no explanation, no to-do lists. Continue to notice that it is as if your atoms have been atomized throughout the Universe of all time and space. You’re one with silence. If God had a name it would be silence…

Notice there is nothing to search for...  Your wise ones say enlightenment is the end of all searching. It is when you stop searching and fall into the silence here— where it has always been— waiting for you to stop.

In this final phase of the meditation you may feel a cosmic tingling as that which is opening you, begins to be embodied. Notice your body responding to the field, to the space, to this awakening event. Notice that you're feeling softer and fuller. Your mind is blissfully empty…

Notice how your body feels different ... It may feel that you are quantum, that you are non-local.  Although you know you have a body you actually can feel yourself existing universally.

Find that gateway in your heart once again and anchor the universal humanness of you into your heart. Draw yourself back into your body through your heart. Notice the radiance in your cells, in your spirit ... This is a lightness of being that took the place of all of your thinking.

Now breathe your bright beautiful cosmic self, back into the room, back into your body ...You are so magnificent when you let yourself go! We thank you. This is MARK.

JONETTE:  'MARK' isn’t a teacher who pushes knowledge to you. He is more like a cosmic taxi driver. He takes you somewhere and drops you off. There was a moment when he had us be universal. It was as if we were fine crystal and the cosmos took a little hammer and broke us apart. All the pieces fell apart and what was left was an essence that expanded even further into the Universe. You got it! You got it! You were on the other side! You were at awakening, looking back. Wow, what a powerful, universal group!  Thank you!


MARK, Channeled by Jonette in Berlin, Germany 2015

"The Space Beyond...Using Multidimensional Awareness to Claim Your Mastery", A MARK Weekend Workshop


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Jonette is a spiritual adventurer, and modern-day shaman who leads spiritual tours to power places around the globe. She is a gifted channel, oracle, and author of the internationally best-selling books “The Eagle and the Condor” and “Soul Body Fusion®.” She is founder of the Soul Body Fusion® method for healing and beyond. With her guide “Mark” she teaches people to reach multi-dimensional and quantum states of consciousness. www.JonetteCrowley.com, www.SoulBodyFusion.com


 'MARK’ is a cosmic being channeled by Jonette since 1989. His goal is to lift humanity above the structures of our 3-D consciousness. “Your reality is a reflection of your level of consciousness.” He leads weekly recorded courses introducing us experientially to the higher dimensions of awakening. This is exploration at the very edges of human spiritual awareness. There is nothing like these on-going courses for expansion and transformation. To get a taste of ‘MARK’ for free, go to our ‘Listening and Viewing Room at www.JonetteCrowley.com.  

Copyright 2015 Jonette Crowley.

Photo Credit 1) 123rf:maridav 2) Jonette Crowley 3) Pixabay:vane 4) 123rf:rolffimages

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