by Jonette Crowley
This is the first in a series of Blogs about our cosmic experiences in Israel last month.

Channeled by Jonette earlier this year:
Israel temple“Israel and the region are at a tipping point that can go either way. Either tipping toward peace and forgiveness, or continuing in the same way. The Light that you and other groups who are called there ensures that the region tips toward the Light.”

“In Israel this Light takes root once again in the area known as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The golden Goddess and the golden God energies are both part of the Temple. Ancient memories and gifts are activated and remembered. Your group will receive energy support from many beings.”

“2015 is a time for the Crucible of the area—where things are changed by fire, becomes the Grail. The journey will be lighter than you imagine given the density of the region.”

Channeled by Jonette from “The Speakers” immediately prior to the trip this May:
“Jerusalem is a Stargate used by the Annunaki — who have influenced so much on Earth, both good and bad.“

GolanThe message was a surprising one because I have never channeled anything about the Annunaki. Zecharia Sitchin, who translated the knowledge from ancient Mesopotamian records, wrote extensively about these beings from the outlying planet Nibiru, who tampered with our DNA and also brought much learning to humankind. These books put forth a fascinating theory that bears considering. Using my intuition, I immediately downloaded one of Sitchin’s books: “The Cosmic Code.” The very first chapter was about ‘Rugum or Rujm Hiri’ a 150-meter stone circle in the Golan Heights that is thought to be older than Stonehenge. Biblical legends say it was built by giants. It features in the epic tale of Gilgamesh. A place unknown to most, but we had it on our itinerary! We had to hike through the desert heat on a trail cleared through mine-fields to get there. At the stone circle, whose name means ‘pile of rocks,’ we did a ceremony to connect with the inner earth beings and the guardians of this portal. The energy felt welcoming.

JC at seaI was told in an earlier channeling that in Jerusalem we would find a ‘treasure’, not a physical one. So we asked about that.

“The treasure is the golden Codes of Life accessed through this Stargate. These Golden Codes impart much power. Power has been taken away from people in the past for good reason, for protection. The power must be claimed again by humans and taken out of the hands of greed. This is done by pure hearts, powerfully standing together. The process of this is to access the Stargate and through it send love. The love moves through earth dimensions and shakes up powerful greed. It is therefore a clearing in all dimensions and times that impact human welfare.”The Codes of Life are golden fire symbols….This will not be a battle but more a clearing…There is money in war but there is power in peace.”

Golden roomAs I channeled this message I ‘saw’ a seismic wave of bright light moving throughout earth. I was imprinted and rebalanced with a complex geometrical shape based on triangles. I knew that it was an important upgrade and we asked about it.

“The geometric overlay is a universal template of energy—continual energy source. The group is supported. The time is now! Do not be surprised to see artificial structures supporting greed collapsing. Compassion and that which is righteous replaces the false stories.”

What is the Ark of the Covenant? We asked this because it is known that Solomon’s Temple, now the location of the Dome of the Rock was built to house the Ark of the Covenant in the ‘Holy of Holies.’

Israel1“The Ark of the Covenant is advanced technology from the stars that can reverse gravity and can create wormholes in time/space. Your science has duplicated this ability, not always for good. Advanced humans using the Codes of Life can embody the properties that this technology holds. Jesus was such a being. The Ark of the Covenant has been taken apart. The pieces and the knowledge are in safe hands.”

Israel godlen templeThat morning as I meditated on the golden energies beneath the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem I kept feeling interfering energies from the Vatican. So we asked about that:

“The current structure is greed and not love and compassion. This work of Light will reverberate through the Vatican, resulting in massive changes, and leaks about the secrets. The interference you feel is protecting wealth.

Harp player“You do this by holding innocent, powerful, pure Light. The cosmos will take that light and amplify it. Light always lights darkness. You cannot be afraid. Darkness attaches through fear. Be truth, harmony and good.”

“You are all protected by the winged serpents. The highest angels. You are ready.”

“We are The Speakers.”


Next Israel Journey Blog — The Goddess and the Magdalene in the Holy Land.

CopyRight 2015

Jonette is a spiritual adventurer, and modern-day shaman who leads spiritual tours to power places around the globe. She is a gifted channel, oracle, and author of the internationally best-selling books “The Eagle and the Condor” and “Soul Body Fusion®.” She is founder of the Soul Body Fusion® method for healing and beyond. With her guide “Mark” she teaches people to reach multi-dimensional and quantum states of consciousness.,  

2 thoughts on “Israel Sacred Journey: Annunaki, Stone Circle, and Codes of Life”

  1. Thanks! This is fabulous to connect with the recent events, upgrades and new perspectives. Blessings 🙂

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