Recordings now available

(Note: This was recorded in Denver, Colorado on March 20th, 21st & 22nd, During the Energies of the Equinox and Solar Eclipse.)

Making the Most of Your Life NOW!

I now know how magnificent the Universe and we all are. 

Betina1This is a time of Mastery. The energies of 2015 support creation and true personal transformation. We are supported by the cosmos to move into our power as Creators — designing our life free from the limitations of the collective and our own past. You will experience an Initiation that opens the newest Solar Codes within your DNA. From this your own Spiritual Illumination will be heightened. A Soul Body Fusion® will align you with your full power and destiny as you journey to understand your Soul's priorities for you. To purchase the audio download of Making the Most of Your Life NOW, click here.

In the Making the Most of Your Life Now course you will:

  • Experience a Soul Body Fusion®
  • Discover the Map of Awakening
  • Experience a Shamanic Journey to your soul

Here is what a few people said about the workshop:

Was a great experience to answer the questions and discover the difference between myself and my soul's answers. I experienced my development and then I can travel more easily in the higher dimensions.

Be ready to expand, find more love and peace within and all around!

Very uplifting and expanding courses with high-energy. It set me free in so many ways. Thank you.

The Space Beyond…

‘MARK’ channelled by Jonette

The meditations and channelings from Mark are so clarifying. I feel that I'm back on the right road! 

This weekend workshop recording easily takes you to experience Quantum Consciousness — the zero point of all unmanifest potential. From here your awareness is beyond duality and all choices become possible— irrespective of the past. Non-sequential quantum leaps in your skills, abilities and vision spring into reality from these higher spaces. You become integrated with the vast field of quantum potential which then guides your growth through intuition and synchronicity. Alt_image

You will play with changing time lines, ‘quantum jumping,’ enter the ‘Dreamtime’ world and experience the incredible world of multiple simultaneous realities. Grow faster by beginning from where you want to be, not starting from where you are now. Dream big and know that the Universe supports your Mastery. MARK takes you to the edge of structured consciousness and beyond. To purchase the audio download of the Space Beyond, click here.

In the Space Beyond course you will:

  • Experience Quantum Reality and Divine Neutrality
  • Learn more about the Multidimensional You
  • Connect to Venus through a guided mediation

Here are a few more testimonials:

You and Mark truly know how to open the right “doors” and together, it feels safe to go through. The last few years I have had the same visions over and over in meditations and travels, showing me that I stand in the front and inspire others to find their path. And I have ignored it. But never has it been as clear to me as it was this weekend. It overwhelmed me!  To find out that "My planet / My home" is a holy place even to Venus. Can that really be true?  It feels too big and at the same time a blessing. Thank You.  

I received tools to connect to the higher dimensions, to use and access through my heart. I felt changes in my thinking, feelings and body. I received confirmation of me as a Master!

Three days in heaven! I found my way now. My tinnitus has been with me for more than 20 years and now I have experienced during the workshop that it has left my body. Thanks for three wonderful days in your light.

The Mark course has lifted my energy level in a way that makes me more confident and trusting to work spiritually in my life I am very grateful.

It has been another fantastic weekend! Working with higher dimensions gives me an inner freedom. I feel more alive and in tune with myself and my life purpose. I have let go of fears and belief systems that I haven't been able to reach with other techniques. I'm so joyful!

This workshop allowed me to step into the space that you create with Mark, which really helps me to stay on track in my life and gradually lifts me up. What a power!

Simply amazing how much you can grow and heal in just one weekend!

To purchase audio download of the whole weekend, click here. To purchase the audio download of Making the Most of Your Life NOW, click here.  To purchase the audio download of the Space Beyond, click here.  If you are interested in the CD set, please visit the store at for more information.

(CopyRight 2015

Jonette in PolandJonette is a spiritual adventurer, and modern-day shaman who leads spiritual tours to power places around the globe. She is a gifted channel, oracle, and author of the internationally best-selling books “The Eagle and the Condor” and “Soul Body Fusion®.” She is founder of the Soul Body Fusion® method for healing and beyond. With her guide “Mark” she teaches people to reach multi-dimensional and quantum states of consciousness.,

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Soul Alignment Trilogy #1

Attune to the powerful spiritual gateway of rare 7-planet alignment and experience the beneficial powers of all the planets.

#1 Gifts from the Stars

"Gifts from the Stars"

Friday, February 28 on Zoom

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