The 10th Dimension

Beyond Destiny Part III: Beyond Knowing

The Beyond Destiny Series

Jonette and her guide MARK, continue to explore the 10th Dimension in the newest course Beyond Destiny. MARK’s work now moves us outside predetermination, regulation, and limitation, enhancing our scope beyond previously programmed possibilities. This is where our vision is guided by the power of imagination and creation. 

Part III: Beyond Knowing

It is a new world…beyond everything we’ve known until now. This series continues to restructure our consciousness to bring us beyond the limitation of a singular perspective. It sets the groundwork for knowing the universe—by being one with it— rather than receiving it through any filters. We usually enter a program because we have an outcome in mind. Here MARK invites us to let both the outcome and the mind go. This becomes absolutely transformative beyond even the possibility of expectations!

Part II: Beyond Singularity

In Part II of Beyond Destiny, Jonette and MARK explore the interface between humanity and nonlinear worlds, connecting you to that which is beyond the singularity of this Universe, bringing structural changes in how you interface with the world. We’ll learn ways to ignore interference patterns, see well-worn patterns being erased and new interactions being opened. This moves you from patterned responses to creative interactions.

Part I: Beyond Self

The theme is breaking out from human-based limitation, living from the infinite nature of our Spirit. This course repatterns a ‘seed’ within us that has been genetically modified to trap us into the comfort of limitation, and prevent us from easily grasping the impossible. MARK’s goal is to have this genetically-modified gene reconfigured back into your DNA as Spirit intended, and that this ‘upgrade’ can it be expanded to the collective

About the 10th Dimension

The 10th dimension is growth beyond structures. There are no hiding places. If you can imagine how much comes out when there’s no place to hide. We expect that breakthroughs will show themselves in your world. What you learn will move out into the unified field so that others can begin to move beyond what has been possible, even beyond what can be fathomed. This experiment is to encompass consciousness that’s not limited by itself. Humans have never done this before.

When you realize that your being is not just yours, you have transcended into the Universal. It happens when you give up your addiction to your small identity.  It is the realm of elders, of saints where you operate at a much more universal flow. We relate, not as an individual but as a Universal Being.

Catch up on MARK's previous series:

Click on the photo below to more about Embodied Universality and listen to the first class for free.

Experience all 10 dimensions in one day!

Dancing through Dimensions

Travel with MARK from the 1st to the 10th Dimension in this 5 hour video course.

Learn about the different dimensions - how they fit together, how to recognize them.  As you experience these higher planes your consciousness in automatically updated.... giving birth to your multi-dimensionality and all the miracles the Universe now has to offer you!

Beyond Singularity: Beyond Destiny Part II

Part II of this three-part series is Beyond Singularity which explores the interface between humanity and nonlinear worlds, connecting you to that which is beyond the singularity of this Universe, bringing structural changes in how you interface with the world.

We'll learn ways to ignore interference patterns, see well-worn patterns being erased and new interactions being opened. This moves you from patterned responses to creative interactions.

About the 10th Dimension

The 10th dimension is growth beyond structures. There are no hiding places. If you can imagine how much comes out when there’s no place to hide. We expect that breakthroughs will show themselves in your world. What you learn will move out into the unified field so that others can begin to move beyond what has been possible, even beyond what can be fathomed. This experiment is to encompass consciousness that’s not limited by itself. Humans have never done this before.

When you realize that your being is not just yours, you have transcended into the Universal. It happens when you give up your addiction to your small identity.  It is the realm of elders, of saints where you operate at a much more universal flow. We relate, not as an individual but as a Universal Being.

Catch up on MARK's previous series:

Learn More about Embodied Universality and listen to the first class for free.

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#3 of the Transcendence Trilogy 

A Hawaiian Intiation with the Fire Goddess Pele
Friday, June 21
12pm MDT/20 CEST

#3 Solstice Icon Trancendence Trilogy

Fire Goddess Pele

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