Last month Jonette led a group of 40 healers, lightworkers and spiritual adventurers to Bosnia's Valley of the Pyramid.  The group toured the pyramids, tumulus and tunnels experiencing the electromagnetic and healing energies of the ancient pyramids.  On the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, Jonette held a meditation--tapping into the powerful energies of September's eclipse.  She also did a special channeling which the group was able to ask questions of 'MARK's' ancient wisdom.  Please see the October 20th blog  'The Origin of the Bosnian Pyramids' for Part I of MARK's message.  Below is Part II of 'MARK's' extraordinary Q & A session.

"There is nothing that cannot be accomplished when you bring your consciousness together with others of similar vibrations."

 'MARK', channeled by Jonette Crowley


QUESTION 1:  Is there something we can do with the knowledge and the energy that we are feeling to carry it in our surroundings?

'MARK':   No. You did it. You came. It is that simple. You are transformers. You are generators. When you come in contact with a field that’s of high harmony, high frequency, naturally as a biological generator, you begin to generate at that higher field unless you stand in the way by moving back into fear or back into lack or back into what you know doesn’t work.

As you stand in your power and your grace, there’s nothing you have to do but be your presence. Go where your presence commands you to go. Sing the songs your presence commands you to sing, and enjoy your world. Doing becomes less and less important. Showing up is important but doing is less important. Other questions? We will have more answers than you have questions anyway.

QUESTION 2:  Is there more that is helpful now for us to know about the Hopi prophecies?

'MARK':  The Hopi prophecies were written from and for a linear world—a world that was based upon 3-D time. When that thundercloud that Jonette was talking about is distributed into fluffy white clouds, the prophecy is no longer the thundercloud but all the manifestation of each of the fluffy white clouds. So there is no prophecy possible. There is only unlimited manifestation and free will. Humans have not had free will. You have free will with three choices which is not free will because you have had only 3-D free will. As you move into your multidimensional magnificence, you’ll know that free will is you as Creator Gods, Creator Beings.

Prophecy is no longer possible when you move into creation. Many times you go and say, “What’s going to happen?” This is not an important question anymore. The question is, “What do you want to be?” You want a celebration. You have the celebration now. You be it now, and then the Universe creates the causes for your celebration. It creates it backwards from your celebration because the Universe has no clocks.

QUESTION 3:  We are in a group of masters and healers. Can you speak a bit about the other groups and the reason for the blockages and what their purpose is?

bosnia-group-meditation-W'MARK':  You want to know what the purposes of the groups that are not so masterful or masterful in not healing or masterful in blocks? You want to know why are they there?

You do not learn mastery by being hatched from an egg. You learn mastery by moving around blocks. Every block that is here is given fine tuning to mastery, to healing, and to claiming a world without blocks. You are all blockers as well. You have lived lives as poisonous ones and that has given you the ability to be the antidote to poison.

You’ve all lived your life as dark ones in blocks. That gives you the mastery for dark ones in blocks. It’s just you are not blocks and dark ones now. It all is harmony already, and harmony has many manifestations both the freight train and the kitten’s whisker. Thank You

QUESTION 4:  What about the water in the tunnels in the Bosnian Pyramids?

 'MARK':  One of the purposes of the tunnels and one of the reasons they were closed off is the tunnels hold the consciousness and the biological energetic atmosphere that supports high human consciousness. It is a time capsule. When you go there, you feel your high consciousness. The water and the crystals in the rocks hold the high consciousness and hold pristine, high human—well, hold the environment for high human awakening. When you go there, it’s as if you go into the most pristine past that humanity has ever had; and it has stayed pristine and one of the reasons is the water.

That water is important because it will take you back to the energy of this space, and the energy of this space takes you back to humanity’s wonderment. Do you see it had to be closed off to stay unpolluted so that it could be found now, and through your hearts channeled out as you did today to all hearts? You will always be grounded in this place because you are here. It can always find you. You don’t have to come back. You don’t actually have to be the water, have the water, because the water in your body has already transformed. The water you buy in their bottle helps them, and it helps you, and it’s not even needed. You are your water source.

Close your eyes and feel the health of your red blood cells right now. Now you can’t tell because you’ve never checked to see how they are normally, but just ask to feel the resonance of your red blood cells. They are the ones that carry oxygen. Tomorrow when you’re in the tunnel, feel once again the health of your red blood cells. And when you’re feeling generous, see everyone’s red blood cells this way. You are masters. We see it. We feel it.

QUESTION 5:  What about the wars here. What we can do from this place of a relatively recent war to go back into time to heal all war and to go forward into time and heal war -- so much that it is prevented. - Jonette

'MARK':  As light generators—when your heart goes to a place of war and your heart stays open not judging the war, the goodness, the badness, it’s only bad, there are no good guys, there are only victims. So there are not even bad guys. We want you to hear there are good guys and everyone is a victim. Everyone. Those of you who sit in your nice houses in your safe countries are too.

Come to this place where war was enacted and where people temporarily lost their humanity. Feel that golden heart light and put it on the accelerator—the heart light of the accelerator that you felt in the tunnels or on the pyramid because that ray, those rays (it was many), it was a vortex of rays, that’s an accelerator. Put your heart light, your love, your compassion, your truth and trust in the benevolence of the Universe into that generator and feel it go through all time and all space in such a vortex of harmony that war is impossible.

The scars of war are healed going back into time, and the scars of war are healed going forward into time, and traumas begin to dissolve. It is right that you are in this country that was relatively recently embattled, and when those of you who choose to go to the exhibition, see it not through the eyes of a student learning about it but see it rather through the eyes of a master participating in recreating those pictures and that harm and that danger going backward through all wars and forward through all possible conflicts.

There is much to celebrate.
Thank you. This is 'MARK'

About Jonette:  Jonette, known as a ‘Spiritual Indiana Jones’, is a spiritual adventurer, and modern-day shaman who leads spiritual tours to power places around the globe. She has traveled to over 80 countries and has led spiritual tours to almost every continent.  She is an internationally known channel, oracle, spiritual teacher and author of the best-selling books “The Eagle and the Condor” and “Soul Body Fusion®.” She is founder of the Soul Body Fusion® method for healing and beyond. With her guide 'MARK' she teaches people to reach multi-dimensional and quantum states of consciousness.  Please see her websites for more information,

Copyright 2015 Jonette Crowley.

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#3 of the Transcendence Trilogy 

A Hawaiian Intiation with the Fire Goddess Pele
Friday, June 21
12pm MDT/20 CEST

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Fire Goddess Pele

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