MARK - Essence of Shamballa Series

The 11th Dimension Essence of Shamballa

Catch up on MARK's previous series

Explore the 11th Dimension: Shamballa Consciousness

After 30 years of continuous channeled teachings through Jonette, the world is ready for MARK to take us to The 11th Dimension—Shamballa Consciousness.  Unattainable and even unimaginable until now, Shamballa is another world that had been connected to Earth but has moved into the etheric plane.

The 11th dimension can’t be experienced as a subset. It is infinity without barriers. What is shifting now is that your self is being uploaded into the cosmos in its entirety.

The point is for us to move to a place of ascended materiality so that we can bring higher gifts, greater wisdom, and more into this physical dimension, uplifting our life and enabling us to exit out of horizontal karma. It is available to you who are awakening outside of the linear world.

Essence of Shamballa Series

As we continue to play in the 11th Dimension of Shamballa Consciousness, we refine our very essence…becoming unstructured and limitless, opening to the field of miracles. In the fullness of our own Shamballa Essence, there is no concept of separation, no such thing as powerlessness.

In this series, MARK brings us to experiences that fundamentally change who we are—magnificent multi-dimensional beings of peace, presence, and power. Earth is moving through a time-line shift, and we are the co-creators of the outcome.

MARK’s channelings are transmissions that profoundly expand your being and your understanding in the moment. There is nothing that needs to be learned or practiced, simply accepting the Essence of Shamballa into your life.

"We are at a pivot point...from now on it is not you going somewhere, it is you becoming something else.”

~ MARK ~


The Essence of Shamballa must begin with Peace.  Peace gives birth to all else.

Peace opens wide the gates of Shamballa. We on Earth have been at odds with Peace. Until we heal our relationship with All-That-Is, we will remain only seekers of peace. Our goal is to become one with the essence of Peace, letting that transform all our struggles and our unhappiness.


Presence brings a calmness and knowing that invigorate our deepest soul gifts that had been hidden before now

MARK expands your ability to be present in a new way— in the highest dimensions and balanced in your everyday life.  Your identity begins to shift to your highest self. We become more solidly multi-dimensional, increasing our skills as knowers, healers, and magicians.


MARK guides us to the experience that we ARE Power.

We are the Power of creation, of Light, of being… the Power of happiness. This Power lifts our ability to change lives, support our loved ones and assist in the transformation of humanity’s collective consciousness. Power is the expression of awakening into our multi-dimensional self.


Shamballa Consciousness Series

The 11th Dimension which Mark calls "Shamballa Consciousness" has been unattainable and even unimaginable until now, Shamballa is another world that had been connected to Earth but has moved into the etheric plane. The gateway to Shamballa includes the light and the dark, the two pillars of polarity, which you move through in order to experience the breakthrough that is Shamballa Consciousness.

The point is for us to move to a place of ascended materiality so that we can bring higher gifts, greater wisdom, and more into this physical dimension, uplifting our life and enabling us to exit out of horizontal karma. It is available to you who are awakening outside of the linear world.

Part I: Discovery

"Discover the energies and group consciousness pathways that get us to the ‘base camp’ of the 11th Dimension." - MARK

We will move, as part of an expedition, from this reality into Shamballa Consciousness. There, you can expect an opening of higher dimensions into your world. Your inner guidance will be stronger and will seem like it’s coming internally from you. Your inner knowing will come more deeply, bringing you vibrant peacefulness that encompasses everything you were trying to fix.

There is a serenity in Shamballa that has been inaccessible to humanity for many millennia. MARK helps us seed the serenity of Shamballa back into human consciousness and human physicality as it was meant to be.

Part II: Dis-Illusion

“The more you come to truth, the more the bridges you have built to untruth fall away.” -  MARK
From Part I: Discovery to Part II: Dis-Illusion, we peel away the blindfolds; moving out of illusion and limitation. The speed of spiritual evolution quickens as new senses beyond the world of impermanence are awakened. Passing through the gates of Shamballa, we move into the flow of embodied ascension. Together realizing the cosmic dance of Allness, receiving breakthroughs unimaginable.

Part III: Design

The next step in the materialization oembodied high consciousness.”  - MARK

You learn to be designers and template builders of a new reality. As you lift out of density, you will sense a greater life-force energy. You have more trust, more joy, and none of it is caused by the outside world. Your opening up to embody the 11th Dimension is a vital part in the transition and illumination of human consciousness.

You will see greater demarcation between your view and that of people who are addicted to the densification that has become your world. For some, it may feel as if there are two Earths. There will be only one Earth, but the stratification of consciousness will become more apparent as Shamballa Consciousness penetrates into your world through those of you who are way-showers and light-holders.


Experience all 10 dimensions in one day!

Dancing through Dimensions

Travel with MARK from the 1st to the 10th Dimension in this 5 hour video course.

Learn about the different dimensions - how they fit together, how to recognize them.  As you experience these higher planes your consciousness in automatically updated.... giving birth to your multi-dimensionality and all the miracles the Universe now has to offer you!

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#3 of the Transcendence Trilogy 

A Hawaiian Intiation with the Fire Goddess Pele
Friday, June 21
12pm MDT/20 CEST

#3 Solstice Icon Trancendence Trilogy

Fire Goddess Pele

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