MARK, channeled by Jonette
Your quantum guide to help you expand and integrate into the higher dimensions.

We are building the major circuitry of multidimensional perception"
-MARK, channeled by Jonette
About MARK - Your Guide to the Higher Dimensions
Join MARK as your cosmic travel guide, training you to understand and experience Quantum Consciousness at a level that is both deeply personal and profound. Since 1989 Jonette has channeled MARK, an extraordinary non-physical teacher who leads you to easily experience the vastness of which you are capable.
Jonette and MARK are truly on the cutting edge of consciousness exploration. MARK teaches by taking you to extraordinary states of grounded expansion, then explaining where you’ve been. Most journeys are beyond words, re-wiring you to be aware of vast dimensions outside of the ordinary. You can find and maintain these higher states of awareness enabling you to break free of the limitations of your past programs and habits. The states of expanded consciousness are fully grounded in your experience. Your personal energetic field gets continually updated so that these potentials are sustainably integrated into your very being. You know a shift has taken place because you experience it!
After such experiences, you are not the same person and cannot be.
Courses for the Advanced Soul
MARK sets up a complex energy formation encompassing each person - this allows all of us to travel together no matter when or how they listen. Jonette holds the energy to stabilize the group and create the space for a multi-dimensional experience.
"We feel that the best thing for you to know right now is the unlimited nature of your spirit or soul; that you are not limited by physical existence, personalities or your history. You can each as individuals operate in very multi-faceted dimensions beyond understanding. We want you to begin to believe in miracles, magic, the impossible, the unbelievable, the not-understandable, the improbable. We want mankind as much as possible to break through any barriers of thought." ~ MARK
Experience 'MARK'
We have several classes in video and audio format that you can watch or listen to for free!
MARK Monday Classes
Each "Course" is 8 classes and a "Series" is 3 Courses on the same theme of multi-dimensional consciousness. Begin with whichever series you feel drawn to, but listen to the courses and classes in order.
Activating the Keys:
Part 1 of Keys to Ascension
"Ascension has a different sort of lock, and each of you must make yourself into a different sort of key."
Part 1 is about upgrading your mindset and your brain structures to hold new algorithms of expanded consciousness.
You have access to breakthroughs that are non-linear, giving you the possibilities of a more ascended path. These keys help you shift from wanting something, to believing it can happen, to creating the changes in your life.
8 Zoom classes on Mondays Dec 16, 2024 - Mar 3, 2025
Includes audio and video recordings.
MARK Workshops
This year's MARK intensive is being held over the Equinox, a time of exquisite balance when the veils are thin. It opens your perceptions beyond your normal world to lift you out of survival into realization beyond the self.
2023 MARK International Intensive
“Open fully to the flow of grace in your life."
Clarifying energies coming to Earth bring massive acceleration and opportunities for ascension. Allowing us to choose our destiny; not from what has come before, but from our own heightened state of consciousness.
The new flow is showing us the limits of our old fears, our passivity, and our tendency to blame. MARK upgrades us and pushes us into higher levels of self-awareness, honesty, responsibility, and action. Unveil your greater knowing and be supported in BIG breakthroughs in your journey.
Recorded on the Equinox Weekend in the Netherlands, Sept 23 & 24, 2023
What People Are Saying
These multi-dimensional classes are exploratory and experiential. Jonette and MARK are venturing into Uncharted Realms, so it is impossible to foretell what will be uncovered and what we will be achieved. We can promise that you will always be astounded!
The 8-week course is held on Mondays on Zoom. The cost is $280, which includes downloadable Audio & Video recordings. Transcripts are also available for an additional $35 when purchased with the course.
MARK, as channeled by Jonette, is a quantum experience.
You are carried immediately to the same place as the others. You don’t need to understand what the dimensions are or what they mean—because it is about the mystical experiences that are offered in every MARK class.
No experience necessary!
The international group of explorers who have been ‘doing MARK’ for decades…or only the past few months… have all helped create an energetic platform that fully supports newcomers. This teaching is certainly not the old way where a beginner starts at the bottom. Or the novice must prove herself.
You don’t ever see or feel anything? It doesn’t matter.
We are getting to spaces where there is often little to see, or mentally comprehend. Because the true space of breakthrough is a dynamic field of creation that you relax into. Your inner knowing just KNOWS.
Been awhile since you’ve taken a MARK class or workshop?
Jump right back in! We’ve been holding the space for you. This is a time for rapid re-creation with no need to catch up.