Guest Blog By Betina Ekman

Merlin the Mystic Magician holds his golden staff of light casting out doubt, fear and confusion clearing the way for clarity and alchemical transformation from heavy physical matter energy into the golden energy of Higher-Consciousness and light of expanding awareness.

The first time I met Jonette Crowley, I knew something special was going to happen.

I became her agent and followed her on her Soul Body Fusion® path. I tended her Modern Shamanism class as well. That journey led me to the Woodman Merlin.

(Jonette is coming back to Denmark in April and she will be doing completely new stuff.*)

I must admit, at first I was a little disappointed because I wanted to meet a wolf or the great condor or eagle during my guided journey, but Merlin came up. He looked like an old man, with his walking stick dressed in worn, kind of brownish green clothes. At first I didn’t realize who the Guide was – so My Ego took a guess on a lot of different fear stuff and I kind of ignored old Merlin.

Nevertheless he hung around, he wanted my attention. A few weeks passed and suddenly I saw Merlin everywhere, books in the bookstore and Merlin stuff on the Internet would pop up and my kids would tell me about Merlin, and when picking my angel cards, he would always sneak his way in.

Finally I got it! Its Merlin….that Merlin!

I started to pay attention.

I started listening and followed his whispers.

And my abundance journey started. My manifests started to happen as I spoke and the impossible for the doubtful ego became obvious.

I have so many beautiful examples on manifesting and my Ego sill doesn’t comprehend how I got to where I am today. My soul knows its all good and that I deserve everything that’s coming to me. Merlin is still with me and if in doubt I tune in and Merlin’s loving advice is absolutely stunning. I am happy that I did do a lot of Ego work so it has been very easy for me to have faith in Merlin and one of his gifts, which have been very helpful and powerful are these words.

“Forgive and let go and receive these that were destined for you.”

Betina1When I use these words I get directed into my manifesting area and I have so much fun there. I feel like Alice in Wonderland.

For some it feels like being in transit and we need more than ever to hold hands and work together.  We suffer when trying to do it all by ourselves. At the same time we have to be able to claim and receive what is our birthright.

Sharing and loving are the key words. But the claming comes first. We need to feel that we deserve it!

I allowed to receive my summerhouse in a miraculous way? The price was so unreal to me, but I forgave and let go allowed to receive what was already my destiny. Merlin is laughing. You got it!

I could mention many other things as well. Very soon I will be tested because I just invested A LOT of money because I listened to Merlins Whisper. I can only say I forgive and I let go and I receive that – which is destined for me. Thank you.

If you want to hear more of Jonette’s visit sign up for Betina’s newsletter with more details on Jonette´s magical Journey coming to you very soon.

Merlin 2

It’s lonely to be more powerful than any man you know
and have to live like a shadow…
to be special… and have to pretend being a fool.

I wish you a magical day and I hope you forgive and let go.

Many loving thoughts and whispers from Betina

*Jonette will be teaching her new workshops: 2015 The Year of Manifestation: Making the Most of Your Life NOW; and her new MARK Weekend: The Space Beyond —Using Multi-Dimensional Awareness to Claim Your Mastery in Denver, Denmark, Norway and Germany this spring.

Check out for more information Betina Ekman and her events.

(CopyRight 2015

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Attune to the powerful spiritual gateway of rare 7-planet alignment and experience the beneficial powers of all the planets.

#1 Gifts from the Stars

"Gifts from the Stars"

Friday, February 28 on Zoom

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