MARK channeled by Jonette Crowley

From MARK’s new course: The 9th Dimension: Treasures from Beyond – Part I

Note: The focus of this new 8-class course is to upgrade our consciousness to be aware of multi-dimensional self. Treasures from Beyond will bring these 9th Dimensional skills into practical applications in our lives.*

Welcome, historians. This is Mark. Historians—ones who live and search in their history for the answers.

In the activating of the new human, your history will give you many false leads. True leadership reverts back to your spirit— but not your small spirit, your greater multidimensional, multiply-accessed spirit.

Visualization Exercise:
We ask you first to put your energy in your body starting from your feet. Then energetically from the inside out caress your body. Bring grace and appreciation starting from your feet, up your legs, feel appreciation swirling around your knees, through your thighs. Notice that your awareness is waking something up. It’s reconnecting your tissue to your awareness.

You’ve been on automatic pilot a very long time. Feel now your hips, your pelvic area, embracing, acknowledging from inside out, cherishing, polishing. Moving up through your gut, your abdomen, the back of your spine, reconnecting your organs to your awareness. Moving up through your diaphragm, your lungs, your chest, your heart. Waking up from inside out. Your throat, your neck, your shoulders, your collarbone and down through your arms, especially your wrists, especially those fingers. Putting your awareness, again, through your neck, your vertebrae, your skull, your jaw, your mouth and teeth, your eyes and ears and nose. And inside now, acknowledge and touch your brain, your pineal gland, your pituitary. Now from the inside feel your entire body as a responsive whole, connected, no longer just on autopilot. We’ll give you a few minutes to be in this space to let it become richer, fuller, and more detailed awareness.

Close view of a dna strands. 3D rendering with raytraced textures and HDRI lighting.

There is history in your body. Some of the history is useful and some of it has been misleading. From awareness inside your body allow your cells, organs, DNA and the morphic field of your body to begin to release history so that you as a beautiful multidimensional being can be fully present now. Allow an energetic purging of history as it has manifested physically in your body.

As you simply rest here with this intention, notice that your consciousness has shifted. It’s not your normal rational consciousness that’s present here. It’s something different, more complex, softer, higher.

Again, be aware of the shift in your consciousness, the shift of you as an observer. You’re very aware of your body as you observe it; but you aren’t your body, and you aren’t your thinking self. You are something else, a different platform of being.

Notice your consciousness is set free. It may no longer be earthbound even though we began this by being observant and aware of your body from inside out. Notice that your body can still be very connected; and yet, there might be a sense of flight or of greater awareness. Allow yourself to morph into that which is being presented.

Somehow your consciousness has expanded to encompass a wisdom part of you, a knowing part of you, different strands from other lives or other worlds. As you continue to observe your body, something far beyond your normal reasonable self is making itself known— perhaps quite subtlety. It’s not another being. It’s you with access to greater portions of you.

Notice that you’ve lifted beyond a linear world. The landscape is not linear. It probably is very ill-defined but you’re tracking it; and as you track it, your consciousness updates itself with the ability to track multilinear aspects of you. Relax and observe what’s there with a soft sort of expanded focus.

doorwayPerhaps you notice that there are somehow many realities open. Perhaps many doors open at the same time. In the past when you left the 8th dimension of the quantum void, you usually left out from one doorway. But we want you to begin to sense many doorways open from where you are now—not to go through them but know that they’re all equally enticing, all equally available. No choices need to be made. This is all in the process of updating your brain and your consciousness to perceive in an awakened way.

What’s happening now is new channels of awareness are being opened. So often you only look for the data, the pictures, the information that comes through the channels. We don’t want you to do that. We want you to see, to feel, to sense, to expand many channels open for you without needing to have information coming down those channels.

Now at the same time these channels are open—that your consciousness has shifted from something it’s not usually aware of—be aware of your entire body from inside out so that your body is connected to the channels that are opening. There’s no separation between physicality and the doors in your consciousness.

Now feel yourself filling up—that somehow something, not data, not pictures, but something, some essence is coming from all these channels that are open directly into your body replacing the history, the linear history that your body held. It is as if you are infusing your body with its multidimensionality. It might be very subtle. Try not to get your mind in the way.

Channels from AboveEvery cell in your body is connecting to all the channels that are opened into you and are pouring essence and openness into your body. The ability of your body to sense multidimensionally is growing. It’s as if you are a satellite dish woken up, following a myriad of satellites all at the same time, and your body’s tracking it. Your body’s absolutely able to hold this greater reality but your mind can’t be the governor. Your mind cannot be the intermediary. Just your body in this space.

Now just let loose and let happen whatever needs to happen for you. You don’t direct it. You simply allow and observe.

Notice that your body is online. It’s really alive. Your body, your physicality was meant to be a supercomputer. It was meant to feel impulses from the Earth, from your loved ones, from faraway galaxies but that has been shut down for tens of thousands of years of not using your body as a sensing organ. It has forgotten, and it has come to the dead end of linear sensing where everything goes through your brain, your mind, your rational self. So now give permission to your body once again to be awakened as a supercomputer to all the dimensions, all the aspects of knowing. Let your body be awakened again.

You might notice that as your body moves back into this supercomputer space, this multidimensional sense organ that it should be, notice that you’re grounded yet you may feel holographic. You may feel that you are present in many realities at the same time; and yet, it feels perfectly normal—maybe a little strange but it feels good.

You might feel as if your body is a bud that’s opening in 360 degrees. It’s connecting in all dimensions not just in a linear history but in worlds you can’t fathom. Your body is touching in. It was always meant to remember.

Once again put your intention inside your body—caressing it, cherishing it from inside out and notice how it feels different. It no longer feels like physical tissue, something empty. You can feel its intelligence and its interconnection to the galaxy. You can feel its wisdom and its knowing.

Remember enlightenment is not simply a spiritual state. It encompasses all of who you are.

Feel the life force energy within you, the vast intelligence within your body. Your body’s intelligence has been subsumed by the dominance of your reasoning mind. Now you’re going back to the kind of wisdom that makes the birds know what to do, the plants know how to produce. You’re going back to that multidimensional knowing—physical, endless and yours.

As a side note, notice how undefended your body is right now. It no longer needs the protection and the armor that linear history has given to you. Notice the abundance of openness, no defenses, no fences—simply unfiltered access. It’s back to direct access to the cosmos—as a supercomputer.

Feel that you can trust yourself. You can trust the sensing of your body. Let anything that gets in the way of you being your physical supercomputer dissolve now.

Once again pay attention to the state of consciousness that this has taken you too. Notice that you feel different from your normal linear self. Something has shifted and opened, has become fine-tuned or more true. As you sit here, your newly-opened, physical supercomputer consciousness is being fine-tuned and polished.

As we build this course Treasures From Beyond, the treasure is always you. The treasures are always yours, and the changes will be permanent. They may be hard to grasp and catalog. They do not live in the world of grasping or cataloging.the changes will solidify you and your beautiful awakening as a universal being. So begin to come back. Well, not really… begin to bring this reality to where the new you is. Lift your normal self to the space you have created without losing the universality, without losing that awakened physicality that’s been happening.

We thank you, new fledglings! This is Mark.

* To purchase the CD’s, audio downloads, or transcripts of The 9th Dimension: Treasures from Beyond Part I Click here.

(CopyRight 2015

Treasures 1 CD cover‘Mark’ is a cosmic being channeled by Jonette since 1989. His goal is to lift humanity above the structures of our 3-D consciousness. “Your reality is a reflection of your level of consciousness.” He leads weekly recorded courses introducing us experientially to the higher dimensions of awakening. This is exploration at the very edges of human spiritual awareness. There is nothing like these on-going courses for expansion and transformation. To get a taste of ‘Mark’ for free, go to our ‘Listening and Viewing Room.’ Click here to order current or past Mark courses as audio links, CD’s, or simply get the transcripts.

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