2024 Monthly Meditation Membership Start May

$25.00 now, and $25.00 on the 6th of each month

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First payment: March 6, 2025

About this Month's Meditation

Divine Surrender

In times of major change, control must give way to surrender.

We trust in the freedom to be supported by that which is unseen. This meditation guides you to the still point in the center if your essence, where you release your thinking, your planning and your worries. From here you lift off beyond space/time surrendering into your own divinity. This becomes the gateway out of blame, confusion, anger and insecurity, into the Divine Light that waits for your surrender. You are left in a state of bliss.

About this 2024 Monthly Meditation Series

Strengthening Your Spiritual Foundation


A New Foundation

We’ve entered through a new door, where the spiritual light is here to stay.


You’ve been anchoring these higher energies in your body with the intent of creating a new foundation for your life and our world. 2024 is about building this creational light into your consciousness in a way that transforms your everyday living. The birth is over, yet the growing pains, as old inner and outer structures recreate themselves, is real.

We are the ones consciously creating a new foundation and inspiring others to do the same.

As this transition time continues, you must anchor new energies into every facet of your being. The skills you’ve used to create your life up till now must be updated. You are called to strengthen the core of who you are, develop new tools, perspectives and attitudes; and lovingly bury patterns that have become outdated. You must live from a deeper understanding of yourself: navigating relationships, manifesting, looking at issues of trust, self-sabotage, blame and guilt. We build this new foundation by strengthening intuition, clarity of direction, bravery, stamina, self-empowerment and balance.

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