The 10th Dimension
Beyond Destiny Part I: Beyond Self
The theme for MARK's newest series Beyond Destiny is breaking out from human-based limitation, living from the infinite nature of our Spirit. This course repatterns a ‘seed’ within us that has been genetically modified to trap us into the comfort of limitation and prevent us from easily grasping the impossible. MARK’s goal is to have this genetically-modified gene reconfigured back into your DNA as Spirit intended, and that this ‘upgrade’ can be expanded to the collective.
8 classes including on-demand replays of video live-stream as well as edited audio downloads. Option to add on transcripts for only $25.
Learn more: About Jonette’s Cosmic Guide MARK Listen to a sample of a MARK class
Art Credit: The Birth of Adam by Herb Wiedergut at
Maximum of 10 downloads per file.
Downloads expire in 270 days.
You are responsible for downloading the media to your computer. As a courtesy, we provide a password-protected webpage to access your recordings however, we cannot guarantee indefinite access to this page.
The video and audio recordings are subject to many technical issues beyond our control, we utilize redundant audio recording systems however, the availability and quality of the recording may vary.
Due to Apple restrictions, audios cannot be downloaded directly to an IOS device. For best results, download to your computer and sync to your mobile device or utilize a cloud service such as dropbox, google or icloud.
lukas –
Loved listening these Monday night classes, feeling a greater oneness with and gratitude for Gaia.