MARK Intensive 2021


Everything and Nothing

A Boundless Exploration of All-That-Is and Is Not

3-day recorded Zoom workshop


Everything and Nothing A Boundless Exploration of All-That-Is and Is Not

2021 MARK Intensive
Channeled by Jonette Crowley

3-day recorded Zoom workshop

Price: $444



"This time is a major passage for Earth"


About the MARK Intensive

Jonette channels MARK in 3 days of deep exploration of the true nature of our reality; taking us from feeling we are pawns in life’s game to Masters. These channeled experiences expand you into multi-dimensional existence; exploding you out of the limits of the past. In this ‘Year of Transition’ everything is in flux— to be re-imagined in ways inconceivable before.

The MARK Intensive is always a life-changing event. It is traditionally held every 2 years in The Netherlands but now we gather from around the globe on Zoom. If you cannot join us live, the entire event will be recorded and available to watch at any time.

As we spiral upward, the view seems the same, but the viewer has changed.

The course is totally unscripted. MARK uses the gifts of the group to take us to new breakthroughs in our awareness. Through meditations, activations, initiations, and small group exercises we explore the 11th-dimension of Shamballa—the intersection of form and the formless; Everything and No-thing!

The 8/8 Lion’s Gate Activation, the first of our Ascension Activation Trilogy, introduced us to the Rainbow Light Body. A week later Jonette used this to transcend permanently into the Buddhic field of Light. In our time together we will use this and other tools of embodied ascension to push the limits of our physical/spiritual abilities.


In addition, there is a massing of stellar support to assist us in lifting out from the wheel of karma. In a recent vision quest, Jonette witnessed a gathering of Elders of every tribe and clan welcoming leaders of all the star races who have nurtured our existence here. The support for change is immense now!


YOU chose to be on Earth now to give birth to an unprecedented Age. The world needs your presence as a spiritual being in a physical body to serve as a living portal of Everything and No-thing. 

YOU are more than you can imagine. WE are more than has ever been created!

What People Are Saying About MARK's Work:

I’m crying tears of joy. I didn’t know there could be more relationship to my soul, my inner wisdom, and the universe than I had! Now it became bigger than I ever thought possible!”

-  Heike, Germany


“It was such an incredible, powerful weekend. I went through SO much!!!  I have reunited with this State that I truly Am. Here I am in Love and Joy for no reason at all!  It is SO incredible what is happening with us now! I am in awe.”

-  Berit, Sweden


"I received a major upgrade today!  My energy field completely changed.. becoming a beautiful rainbow bridge between our reality and Shamballa. Now I understand that we are the ones who bridge heaven and earth!”

-  Emily, USA


Couple Pricing: Full price for the first person, half price of $222 for the second person. For joint viewing only. Please contact us for a coupon code

Scholarships: Some partial scholarships are available from the Creative Consciousness Academy. If you would like to donate to our not-for-profit, your support will be most appreciated!  Learn more about the Creative Consciousness Education Academy

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