Purification: Part 2
Purification is the next step in moving on... and as in any major initiation, there will need to be a cleansing.
In Part 2 of Uncharted Realms, MARK and our own guides call upon us to clear the limitations of our personal and collective history. The higher dimensions become more easily accessible to us as we detox the patterns, attachments, and programs that we have hidden behind.
In 'Purification,' we are lifted to the golden space of Transcendence, the energy field that is a vehicle between our physical world and the etheric. It is in this golden realm that MARK invites us to rewire the pathways in our brains that keep repeating limitations, fears, and traumas; so we can open to new choices we haven’t even imagined.
As we explore the 12th Dimension, we regain a Self that we did not even know we lost... a great immortal, interconnected, vibrant, and alive sense of Self!
Personally, as your perspective changes, your intuition gets stronger, and your energy field becomes magnetic... attracting the things and people that support you and a new way of being.
Join us in exploring the Uncharted Realms
Part 2: Purification
A series of 8 classes, recorded Oct - Dec, 2023.
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