Purification: Uncharted Realms Part 2


The next step in moving on… cleansing old patterns, attachments & limitations

8-week MARK Course, recorded Oct – Dec, 2023.
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Transcripts for Purification: Uncharted Realms Part 2
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The 12th Dimension

Uncharted Realms Purification

Part 2

8 Recorded Classes recorded Oct 2 - Dec 4, 2023
Includes downloadable Audio & Video Recordings

About Part 2: Purification:


We are walking through a golden door to a new world. 


Purification Uncharted Realms Part 2

Purification: Part 2

Purification is the next step in moving on... and as in any major initiation, there will need to be a cleansing.

In Part 2 of Uncharted Realms, MARK and our own guides call upon us to clear the limitations of our personal and collective history. The higher dimensions become more easily accessible to us as we detox the patterns, attachments, and programs that we have hidden behind.

In 'Purification,' we are lifted to the golden space of Transcendence, the energy field that is a vehicle between our physical world and the etheric. It is in this golden realm that MARK invites us to rewire the pathways in our brains that keep repeating limitations, fears, and traumas; so we can open to new choices we haven’t even imagined.

As we explore the 12th Dimension, we regain a Self that we did not even know we lost... a great immortal, interconnected, vibrant, and alive sense of Self!

Personally, as your perspective changes, your intuition gets stronger, and your energy field becomes magnetic... attracting the things and people that support you and a new way of being.

Class and Meditation Titles


Class 1: Enfold Yourself in Living Light

MARK: Nervous System Detox

Class 3: Open to the State of Purity and Peace

MARK: Purify the Records Your Body Holds

MARK: The Field of Peace - The Place From Which Creation Creates

Class 5: You Are A Luminous Presence

Jonette: I AM Not Me

MARK: Re-Creation from the Fractals

Enlightenment - Being More Present with What Is

Class 7: Purifying Your Awareness

MARK Meditation: Open New Receptors to the Cosmos

MARK: You Are the Forerunners

No Good or Bad in the Universe, Just Creation

Class 2: OMG, Honor Yourself

MARK - Honor as a Gateway to Wholeness

You are Masters Evolving a Master Plan

Class 4: Just Leap

MARK - The Still Point From Where Light Emanates

Inviting In the Life Force Energy

Class 6: Entering the Blue White Light

MARK Meditation: You Are Catalysts for Resonance


Class 8:  Birthing A New Structure for Earth

MARK: Your Heart... 12 by 12 by 12 by 12

Being a Channel is Transitional

Let Guilt Go

Just Hold Light


What people are saying about Uncharted Realms

"This must be the most unbelievable breakthrough I've had in my life. I must have flown through that golden door. I was only bright, shining light. It's impossible to explain.  I close my eyes, I see only light, and my whole body is vibrating!"

- Kari

About Part 1: Preparation


MARK keeps taking us higher so we can see where humanity is going.

Preparation: Part 1

In 'Preparation,' MARK guided us through the golden door, allowing us to leave our 'small self' Avatar as we explored the 12th Dimension with our non-linear self, which is not bound by time, space, or experiences.

In this high space, there is no hierarchy, everything is connected through a knowingness that we are now part of. We experienced an inner connection with every plant and animal, with every planet and galaxy, and with other multi-dimensional beings. In this golden realm, we felt the essence of interconnectedness without a center, without a starting or ending place.

About the Uncharted Realms Series:


What is truly uncharted is you are expanding outside of your avatar, into realms incomprehensible through the filter of time and space.


Uncharted Realms

The 12th dimension opens us to nonlinear growth...beyond the boundary of space/time and the limitations of our old human perspective. This begins a massive re-creation on Earth.

Personally, you step into synchronicity, extraordinary clarity, insights and knowing. You trust that your steps are guided.

The Veils are lifted.

About the 12th Dimension:


We are at the last dimension before Enlightenment. I invite all of you, whether you are new to MARK, or even new to spiritual growth to join us in this field of Transcendence.

- Grandmother Jonette


It has taken 34 years of channeling MARK to move through the first 11 dimensions of human consciousness. We are now entering the final level that can be understood from an individual’s perspective—the 12th dimension.


The 12th Dimension is a completion of cycles…

♒️  12 signs of the zodiac

🌗 12 hours of night and day

🗓️ 12 months before a new year

🏛️ 12 gates to the Temple of Jerusalem


According to legends, there are 12 Sun Discs hidden energetically in Earth’s power places that when fully activated, awaken our twelve-stranded DNA and open the door for all to live in a higher reality.

About the MARK Classes


These multi-dimensional classes are exploratory and experiential.  Jonette and MARK are venturing into Uncharted Realms, so it is impossible to foretell what will be uncovered and what we will achieve. We can promise that you will always be astounded!


MARK, as channeled by Jonette, is a quantum experience.

You are carried immediately to the same place as the others. You don’t need to understand what the dimensions are or what they mean—because it is about the mystical experiences that are offered in every MARK class.


No experience necessary!

The international group of explorers who have been ‘doing MARK’ for decades… or only the past few months… have all helped create an energetic platform that fully supports newcomers. This teaching is certainly not the old way where a beginner starts at the bottom. Or the novice must prove herself.


You don’t ever see or feel anything? It doesn’t matter.

We are getting to spaces where there is often little to see or mentally comprehend. Because the true space of breakthrough is a dynamic field of creation that you relax into. Your inner knowing just KNOWS.


Has it been awhile since you’ve taken a MARK class or workshop?

Jump right back in! We’ve been holding the space for you. This is a time for rapid re-creation with no need to catch up.

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